Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

. . ‘ . 83* .f OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eononbl* Irod V. Yul~ith Criminal Dirtriot Attorney Kaufman County Kaufman, Tozar Dew Sirf oplnlon no. o-6758 Rot Whothor a lountr att welro hlo “dutf’ to tex wit81 it not, 0 what ralulo You hare in lifo of Oplalon Wo. o-6650, l& dr of rhethor l o o untg lttorno or not riling 8uit8 t0 0011 t Kaurman County 18 f 401lnquent taxoo t and other help e tho lomponretion l Bill Ho. 123, AOt8 of thr l88i8tant OOUKbtr att0TS.r and StOllOg- & fI r0r tho pWQO80 or lollootlng drllnqueQt 8hoWn in Opinion Bo.. o-6650 bf oitLn( 8tatilt*8 and 00Urt 6~.181OM, it 18 the right and dutr of the lOUaty attornof to ii10 rult8 for tha loll.rotlonof dolimquont tare8. When odlod upon br the oommlmlonorm lourt,to porfo?m &hi8 duty, tho oolmty attorney ha8 no othrr lltomatiro but to tile 8Uoh 8Uit8; if he tefU8.8 t0 d0 80r then the 008d8- 8iOnU8 OofUt &8, thirty da78 a fto r making 8uOh l rOqUO8t “714 Bonorablo Prod V. Yorldltb, paa0 2 or the rouatt lttoaaot, tho *optiona or lontradlng with a oompotant attornor to onioroo or arrirt la tho Wonoront Of the @OllOOtiOn Of th0 dOllnqUOllt tUO8, 01, $0 ill8i8t that tho ooamtf lttwnor porton hir duty in tiling ruoh 8Uit8, TbO 0nlT “O~tioD” rO8t8 with tho l0~8OiOflU8 oourt in hiring anothrr lttOr nOy to ~olloot thoro talol, and then odor if the oountl attorney ntu808 to rilr thoro 8Uit8, In othor WOrd8, tho OOUatT attOrPOf 18 tho ottlolrl Who80 duty Mb ri&ht it 18 to tllo thoro 8Uit8. If ha i&118 to tllo thorn,, tho 8Oti88iOliOr8 OaUrt @an raqu88t that ruoh bo dono, and it ho 8tl11 rOrU808 attor thlrtr dyr mm tho tlmo tho rOqUO8t 18 &iTOa, thr OOUd88iOflOr8 OOUt OUb, if lt clooau it nooorrar7 end lxpobiont, hlro mothor puron to ottoot tho ooUootion. IiOWotU, if tho lOUlLtJ lttornet lnformo tho oomml88lon~r8 oourt ho door not intond to ii10 thO8, 8Uit#, the 00Wt do08 not hare to Wait thirtr dy8 aftor a rrauort 18 xado botoro rntoring into a iontraot with anothor attOMoT, but oan 8ooUro a WaiTera from the oounty attornoy of hi8 right to ii10 thorn ruitr and thon pro0004 to rontraot with a oomprtont lttornoT, Slim f. Who CouatT, 96.S. W. (2d) 537. Thir 18 8ll tho 5ra PTerm the oountT attornog haoi that 18, to w8iro hi8 right to fil0 OUOh 8UitlS 80 the OOU15ii8810~0~~ OOUh Om OiShtrrOt with a third puron lrsnodlatoly thoroartor and not wait UIItilthirtr day8 aftOr the rSqUO8t 18 ~iT.Ii. Thuorora wo roattlrm our oonolu8lon roaohed ln Opinion Ho. O-6450. x r pOU a r 0 loapollod bT tho lOd88iOIk Or 8 oourt to ii10 Ohoar ruit8 to oolloot dolinquont tue8, and it booome8 IMOO88u7 t0OQp lOT l#818tat8 Urd @lOrk8, JOU will bo duidrd by Artiolo 3902 a8 to tho projmr rrthod of leourlng ruoh holp, and their oompenratlonwill bo ~ovwaod bT .%OOtion ) of Art1010 3902, 8inOo Kautman COUIltT hal, aooordlng 80 the 1940 001uu8, a QOpUlatlOn Of 38,308. Sonat Bill 123, 49th Logl8laturo would br appllrablo to the80 ralarlr8. Your attention ir dirootod to tho taot that any additional raluior would bo rubjoot to thr budget law, (Artiolo 689a-9, 689a-ll) and tho ooun8~ budgot would haro to bo amondod aOOO?di~J. ‘715 Honorable frod V. Morldlth, page 3 ThorOe18~n0 rtatyto pro?idlng for tho omplo*ng OfUI l881 88M MA888OnOg r a t p0h8nO W COUntT Att0rIl.T bf Kautman COUUtT to 8olloot drllnquont taxo8, a8 18 80 prorldod for 8omo largor oountlo8. ArUolo 331, R. C. S., pZDddO8, among Ot&Or things, th a l t8818taIht lOU8tT lttOM0~ rhall take tho ottlolal oath of ottloo botora latorla6 upon tho dutiqa oi tholr ottloo8, and rhall ham tha 8amo powara, rUthoritT and qUd1tlOatl~8 L8 tholr priW1pa.b. at Who80 Will thor rhall hold OffiOO. Thontorr, rhllo thoro 18 a0 8tatUtO rpoo1fioa1l7 authorizing tho OOUIitTattornoy8 of ooua- tier, ruoh as ~our8, to appoint an l8818taUt for tho oolo pArpor0 of filing 8Uit8 for tho oollootlon 0r dollnquant taXO8, 8uOh dUtT mf bo a88i@Od to aU a8818tat bT hi8 grlnolpal. Tho oommlr81onorr oourt q luthorlm tho OOUIltT attorney to lmplo~ a olork who 18 a typi8t or a 8tOU@ aphor. 900 opinion NO. O-1874, a 00~~ Of rhloh 18 UiOlO8Od. ?h. oompenration ot.thoro lore08 will, a8 hontofom rtatod, be goromod by hrtlolo Sootlon 3. Wo am lno lo 8ing, by IOU, out a8 roquo8tod oplnianr doallng with tho typo of porron tho 008ld88iOflOr8 00~1% oan omplor to oolloot &olinquOnt taxo8, ard their relation to tho oa8o or Sllmp f. 'Nllo,rupra. WO trU8t the fOngOiILg UllWOr8 TOUT inqUiri68. Your8 very truly ATl'0RN-E-f GENERAL CP TEXAS ROKrAML