OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN OROVLRSLLLms *TTo”I4cY OPIRAL Eonorrblo Uill H. Radtord County At tommy trn*r county tmdLfaxar Dear bira-7 ODiniOll HO. o-7292 _ L’sare in rocalpt 0 quertlng the opinion of thlr de ter. ,Yo quota rm your 16ttor a ounty, (a 6lUllp1e ty In vhich the , VII-2OmItted, 6 been queatloned tr ror R~prera.ltatlve. bwntor ballotm bavr voted, and VI vould vhethsr or not ve h the ballot8 aa prlntrdl or should do at this tlmo. , v. A. c. s., provide8 in part: all general prlmarles #ball be by t, vhlch shall have printed nt the head or the party, and under such head the nams or all candidates, thee for each mlnatlon bolng ar- n@ged in the order drtmslnad by the varlour conmlt- tree’ aa horoln provldrd for, bwwath tha title of the 0rrh for vhlch the naolnatlon 1s Bought. The voter 367 &moamblo Will E. Radford - Rg6 2 8hall lm80 or urk out all name8 he doe8 aot virh to rot0 for. rho 0rri0m hilot rhll b0 prlntod b blink ink upon vhita paper, and bmuth the It hr born held tht 8tatutorJ provlrlons rlth rerweaca t0poC+zrti0a 0r the kmt mu6t k 6teioti~ r0ii0vrd. (mm v, Jo~or, 76 8 U. (2d) 219). Al60 V* Call your lttontlon to Artielo 3142, Y. A. C. B., vhl6h provideat “Aax lxooutlro amltta* or oaaltt66mm or priarry oriioo), or other porroa herein chargod Vlth uy duty nlatlvr to the holding of the prlaary 616c- tion, or the euw18alag, drtrminatlon or daclaratlem 0t th0 nrult thanof, may b0 ccqmlled by ssndamur to periom tho,8uo in lcoorduwm vlth th.6pr0vl8lona , of thir title. fn the QLIO of Skelton v. Yates, 131 Tu. 620, 119 S. V. (24) 91, th0 %pr0616 Court doniod an lppll0atlon for 16ave to file vrlt or mandnau6 ~cmmandlng a oouaty 6xecutlro oomultt66 to derlrt fma printing the n66166or certain p6w6onr on th6 offlclal hallot for the D6mocratlc run-orf prlmarp and to cortlfy another p6roon Ln8tord, Qhem lbaentoo ballotFag had begun, on the ground that upon the oo666oacwnt of lhaoatra hlloting, the elootlaa va6 in progre8s aad the cam had beccu6 moot. We quote rrm th0 Court6 opinion a6 romv6s %ndor the rarlou8 rtstutrr of thlm 6kto, lt 1,~ ovidoat that thl8 6a88 Is root. Vader thr lav abmntoe balloting bar bogus. R. 8. art. 2956, Y.omom*r Annoktod ClvU Btatut.8 art. 2956. Th* liea tm 1 8 alrudy a P ~w-**~ lnd a mo M *rQhlc h thir oowt might eater could be lrrectlve at thl8 lam datr to gown3 6uch rl~otlori. The lppllcatlon to iti0 th6 petitlon ror manduur 16 racordlngly onrrulrd. Btorllng v. Forgunon et al. 122 9.x. 122, 53 8. u. (2d) 753.” in VI*V 0r th0 abovo knd romgoing, It 16 0u opinion th a tl oouatf 6xrcutir6 oanlttro UT k oazmllod by mandew Sonolrble Will It. rbdr0rd - Peg8 3 otatutory - _. &at?-vith ?OS~Ot to primtlry On the benoath the umao of aaadl- dater Sor ltate and dlotrlot oIZloe8, provided tho proorodlug lr tlmoly broqht. Hwovor, irr tho oltuatian laqulnd about, uador tbo lav absent00 votlw h6 bogus, In rlw 0r WI. holding ln tho abow oitod -60, It 16 our opirrion that th8 quostloa a6 to vhothm naauuo vi11 lie td compel tbo o o wttylxaontivo ocm-. mlttoo to print the couuty of tho rooldonoo benutb the aam. of 0umdat00 ior di6triot 0rri000 0p0a Lb0 blioto ror th0 rim prlmary to ba hold July ?7, 1946, has nw boo-0 moot. tiitbmr a nno e to th eprOpOOltlw l6 to vhethor the raiium of the ovutitf lxeoutlve ofmlttoo to print upon the hl- tot6 tha ootuaty 61 th. noldeaco benorth the lIu.6 Or OUldidAtOS ror distriot OrmOB vould lnralldat. tho lloCtlOn, Ye 0al1 rour attratloa to thm follovlog goners1 ~16 6trt.d la p9 Corpuo Jurir beouadu, Beotloa 173, pe 248: gTochlrical orron wi the wrt of orfioom aharged vlth the pnprntlon of offlclal klloto ~111 not dO6tPOf tho lffla aof c y the hlbt6 aor lnvalldat~ th mllectioti~nlO66 the 6-tUt6 6Xpro661~ BBk.6 a SpOCiriC lrrogulotlr7 fbkl, un1060 it rppmaro thbt the 6Il6t&kO6 in:faot-have operated to pnV.nt l ftvQ a a honrrt d lloctlon,’ In the -60 Of t&SOY 5. Y. 2d, 757 (vrlt roiIuod) it ._ _ :a: .absrot a - ovidonco __ of imud, unf'alm6rr in tno no uuugor or Ca mp er lawith a a lia o t~o n, g the ballot6 Or POtumS, th 0OQU?tS Of th i0 Stat* b a ta unlfoml~ h6ld that klloto O0ot by lo@11 qu811- Hoaomblo Will il. FmdZord - Page t I of Il060661t~ tb@ holdlag Or Such llaa- tlw ;?i iad lwt k iatrurtod to thO60 not llvarr ranwnbnt vlth tho mmorow provlolonr or the lev FOgUutitliJ SW. AS a mOUit, ail Of Such pr~lOl~6 a n leldfu oapllod vlth in ova pmtloular. But it 16 lqWlly tN0 th t lWh fal ‘I UFO6 Qo tho prt Of llWtiOSO A r r iC%& 661d0m iS dOrUt b fab lXp P 6 6OlOa or the popular ~111. Ybore they do not, tho COUrtS Mvo km likrrl ia ouo~lnln& tho nrult. Tumor Y. Teller (Tu. Cl*. App.) 275 8. lf. 115. l&err OUOh d~?OiiOtl~6 Of th0 liOOtiOU OfflCi@iS h8Ve in- t*rrond vlth or prevontod 6Uoh a fair lXp~601Orr, or vhero three 16 aar rwooaable indlutlon that such va6 the lWSUlt, th. COlJttShAV0 6.t tha l6ldo.m .In'the C&66 0r tiVi6 v. Stab, 75 Tex. 420, 12 s. Y. 957, it WI6 polakd out tbt tha failtIm Of the C~iSSl~~rS' Court to PSrfOm its duty vlth rospoat to rtiing voting prealnatr vould aot lavalldato an llootlon vhon it h&d not beqn rhwn that the Cam- mlsrlonor6~ Court had acted ulth a fraudulent DWDOS~. In this care the Court raidt 'ThO Will dOsign Or 011 6lOCtiOa till6 16, Ol' should be, to S~CW'O a fair l~pre66lOn Of the popu- lar ~111, In the SpMdieSt and most convsnloat man- nerj ard ve think l failure to oomply vlth provlsloar not l66Mti~l to attain that objrct should sot avoid the lleotion, la the absence of a olsarly rkiou- lmplied that such I188 the inLoatloa. a It my be raid that tho w@ of the crrtlol; ir’not p6m~rlvr loroly, but i8p0606 upon the court M lmerstlvo duty. tit It be concoded. It d066 not r0ii0w --I_-- that a ridlure to mrrorm the &I& maker && action --. roxd. I) It WL~ b# uld that tho US6 Or tho VOrd ‘Sh811’ ;hbrr t-t th. pW3ViSiOSl 16 MBdstO~. That it 16 lemuad t0 the COUi66iOnO~6' OOU.?tU)' k grantedj but it 40.6 not rOiiW th4t It 16 BMdatory &norrbl* Ml11 8. Mford - Pegv 5 in the rondo that it wk.8 a aompll~cv vlth thr pro- Vi8iORl 888Onttil t0 th. lO@litr Of th 0 lleCtiOll.” ( u ndw8o o or ur ing81 tfe POitbt OUt hW0 thAt than l8 DO prOV181V8 in htiCl8 )I09 vblah ZVquiFO8 thRt hllOt8 not promred ln confomity vlth the pX'OV18iO?48t?W'Wf 8hdl not k oountrd QP the vlwction avoided. fn ViOV Of the above W&d tOngoin& JOU an rdvl8ad that in the rb8WIce of imud, the hilun of the aouatT oxooutlve CQ- mlttee to have prlntrd upan tbo kllOt8 the oountr of the nrldence beneath the IWO of uch candidate for dlrtrlet of?imr vould not dlrfrWAOhi8. the voter8 or nullIQ thm electloo, unlq88 ruch der- lllctiOn b88, inr’fact, interfered vlth Or pP0vent.d * fair lXpr+8- ai Of the Vi11 of the VOtOP8. x.. We tPU8.t that the above md foregoing vi11 be of 8M •88ilt8&C~ in COlUl+ZtbUl Vith the 8itUktiOli mentioned in JOUr ht- tar. Your8 wry truly JAB-bv .