sii~able0; 0, llurr.11
sterlLl County
bberllrq Olty, Tom8
Bnd cwoftily con,1
from your requert
county, I vi11
oplnlon on the
le 8, 8ection 9
l, 88 amended by
p ItI0
lB folloYrl
ided futrhet, that be-
onet8 Court uy make
churgem in r&M oounty
eaepe ahall be eubmltted to the
tty tax gylw voter8 of ruch
ner81 or r p eo l8lllectlon, and
ved br I ujorlty of the dual-
if184 property tax 9aylng votor8, Votlag ti
ruch electloa;. . .I
“under the above Quoted pottlon of
raid Conetltutlonal Amendment and the 18rt
parkgrbph of Arrlole 29d2, Vernon’8 Civil
soa. 0. 0. mtt*ll - r8go 2
8tatUt.8, BhOUld thr Osiris h&iOt 8wOlfr
th8 tOt.8 t0 b. l8t b. lb.b ~,t&tUtfOM&
lua d,l8 tot lo, '0oA.tJ FunA-lra @V
to sot co ucoed
-5 I mad & Widgb Irud-mm
154 bo not to UO8 3 9011 a-7 f-A-Pta ey
t0 AOt CO 0X00& I. 1 ?OMU&t ZlrproWUlkt
mA8'?toa o f
to A0 to u8e.d AW, l?
8hould tin Py
0 ?lOiti ml108 ap.oiQ &Jus tie
CO8d88~OSkOt8 COWt Ibrll k Wkh6ri8.d t0
---inot Ot dOtWU@ th8 Pat08 M th0
COA8titUtiOnil ?UA48 With m DrOV181OA -t
Lh8 tOtd Oi
881d nt0 8hti AOt @XeOti tb.
Con8tltutlonal ilmlt of so/?
'bfOb&dl Bl.lOt 8Uti 80 a tOl’lOV-
lng met the toquirol8eAt8Of the lurt
"AuthoPlrlng th8 Coanl88lo~8?8
COUtt t0 XW-tilOC&tOth8 Mt,8 Of tU48
8Aw th8 COA8titUtiOAd f’UAd8 b7 tithe?
iJU3tWL8iZ.Q Ot dOWO68w th@ 8-1 DtO-
rlde4 that ln ~0 event rhall the total
Of 8ti4 t8t4 UC88d the COa8titUtiQl%ti
‘liait Of Bi@t7 804) cOAt8, UOhI8itO Of
the DiftOeA (1q I OOAt $&Wdti $ti tU
(8W 48 ebove). . . .'
TlAa portion of Airtlol* 8902, T. A, c. 8..
refrrred to iA 7our lettrr ter d8l8 fO11OV8l
lTh8 fol'm1~ vhloh an7 pl’O&bO8ithlh Or
qU88uOA to bo V0t.d OA by th. people Of w CitJ,
count7 or other 8ub4lrl~fon of the 8-50 1hal1 bo
ruhalttocl, dull be pterurlbed b7 Lho locti or
SluniO~9tb1&UthO?iti88 8UbdtLm it:
H. J. II. 18, ACtr I%), 18th tigi818tW, P.
1143, propo8Uag the UrnboAt of Attlo18.8, 8eatlon 9,
‘feX8l Conrtltutlon Va8 rubricted co cho people of mx88 on
governbet 7, 1938, and toc8lvd b fworabla vote, Article
8, 8eaLlon 9, TaXa CoA8tltUtiOA, a8 UUbd, A01 tO8d8 l8
ZOA. 0, 0. I)JWOll - ?yO >
‘Th. 6tat@ tU 011 D?Omttr, UOh81VO
Of t&8 CU AOO888U’7 t0 w t&O BbUo debt,
BAd Of th8 tUO8 DtOVibWi fOt the brAdit Of tha
PdiO ftW 8OhOOl8. 8&l]. AeVW lXOr.d ShittJ-
five (35 aent8 M t& one humIre dollar8 val~a-
tlolal aad A0 &SUllt7, Ctit7 Ot tOrm 8al 18V7
lOn t& A tWOAt7-ffV0 ( 25)Q-t8 fOtOft7 Ot
OOUAt7 DUto O888, Uhd AOt 8%0886tA& tifteOA 15)
cent8 for md8 and brl&gor, ud Aot lxaoe6 L
fiftMA 15 Uelbt8 t0 987 jUrOC8, 00 the OIU
h~nAmQd d 011a?8 v8luatlon, except for the p87-
&wit of dobtr lnourted prior to tho adoption of
-qthe &aendmeat 8rptambet 25, 16831 8nd for th8
ereotlon of publle bUildlng8, 8treetm, 8ewor8,
Vbtemork8 and other pcrmment hptov8HAt8, not
to exceed tventr-five S5) cent8 on tha on0
hUmSred 6011-8 VdU8t 1011,iA 8lI7 000 7e'ru,
-8ZAd UO89t 48 18 in th18 OWl8t~tUt~OIi othervlre
prorltled~ provided, hovevlr, t&t thr Cow
Ri88iOMt8 COUtt ill w 8OWtT W ?e-•llOCet0
t& fOMf&Oi~ COUIlt7 tU.8 b7 ehU&ag the Mt88
provided fat UIJ Of th8 fOt.gOing ~t~O8.8 bf
either laorebrlng or deolveli~q the 88me, but in
A0 event da11 the totti of said foregoing oounty
tue8 lxoosd llght7 (80) cent8 on tbo one hundred
dO118P8 VtiU4ttOA, in &Ii7 OAO 78-J &WOVibOd
further, thet befOr the 881d Colri88iOAOt8 COUrt
My rake Xuch M-tilOO&tiOI¶8 UJb Oh8D&e8 In B818
count7 tU88 that the 8-I Udl br 8ubrrJCted to
UIO quellfled pro$ett~ tu p lng Totot of ruah
cowit at l gener81 or 8peclrY 818ctlo~, ud
8hti.l b, 8&$woVed br 8 ujOrit7 Of the ~Uallfled
proport tu p&+&g votezw, vollng in ruch
electlonl &ml, provldad furtheb, that if and vhen
8Uotl ro-tiloOGiion8 us4 oh-08 in the 8forersld
cOtmy ~&XII hrvr boon rpproved b7 the QU8lifl8d
p?OpWty t6X p&y* YOtOP8 Of w COWlt;I, ,I hrroln
provided, ruch re-6lloorLloar aul uhhani(errhe.ll
remain la force 8n6 oftect for l p er 1 04of XLX (6)
year8 from the date of rho llectlon at rhlch the
w8e rhall be 899mvml, urilrl8 the ma8 rg8la
shall hew been ehaqed by 8 uajorlty vote of
the quellfled property tu peying totem of w~ch
Couth, VOtiX& OD th8 &U'O~O8itiOll,rite? 8UbiiX8lOa
by the CommloXloner8 Court 8t a geaorrl or Xpecl8.k
lloctlon for thet purporej ukd the Leglrlrture
my 81X0 8ULhO?lXe 8n 8dd1LiOxY1tiumuel 8d 7tiOr01X
tu to be levlod end oollseted for the further
malnterunce of the public rod88 provided, thet 8
~j0titr or th4 gutiiritipt0wrtp tu vdb~b,g
vo to tl) ooullty
o f t& lo vo tinglt a n llo o tio A
t0 k wd r0r tat ~~00 8hd~ tot0 ruoh
tu, sot to uor.6 rfft0.A (13) oaate on tha
000 auadroddoll.ur valwtloaoI thr ptoporty
or loo&l lava, ThIr moetloa ball not bo
oonrt~ co l lmtrtl~ .of at. aelrg~kd
to 0ouAti00, oltlor ot @vna IFr uy othet ieotlon
or t.otioAr of thir coAititutia0.’
The etmro constituriorai vrovlrion ruthorirrr
the Coamlrrlonorr’ Court to n-tiloceto and @h&q. the rate)
provided for the prrpo~er thonla sot out by r~thsr lncro~blng
or decnariw them vlthln tho lkltrtlonr thrroia mot out
&worldrd that baron suoh ro-tilocotlonr urd ahuqrr cm be
ud8 lme muot bo rublttrd to urd bh &vvrovrd br a uJorltr;
0r the qaui0d pt0par tu vying voter8 or BUOY count7
at a gumrbl ot ,peobl IlwstiOn, The urrdrront alao ptov1d.r
-that ritrr
It i8 OUP OpmOA' t&t fh ?O&IW rOtW Or
QUOBtlOA rhOUl$ BUbdt th0 8pOifiO N-il P OOAti0AB @Ad ObhurgOr
1A th0 Ntc)B t0 t!U pbOpi0 AD iAdiOW6 IA thr rirSt pOrtiOA
0r th0 third pvqnoh or your htt*P.
It Ir our furthrr OpinlOA that tkw ballot fozw
COAtaII86 III the fourth p~?w~Oph Of YOUP httOr glVlng the
Coulrrlo~err~ Court mow or lrrr blurkrt authority to ln-
CrOlle OF IhCtM8@ th. V4FiOUB tU XWtO& IBBWQ the COA8ti-
tutloarl funtlr 18 aot l ptopot foam to rub&t to the voter8
iA the Mtto? blQUiP& dWUt.
,' YOU28 very truly
_.-~~- L
i--- \.' c- ~