. OFCICR OF ‘niI MTORNLY QLNERAL OF TEXAS AUCTIN Id oomlraioMr8.’ I iail to tlna My law that ruthorLo8al8 oxpon(llturo out or tho 8o a &a B r llp ,01M y lth o r r tmd fo r l o o ua t~ Co a d88la no ra nd th e F um r M 5088ln*1 0~OIl llC.” pndor tho iaotr 8tato6 in your lottor, tha ark" wu to bo urplo7.dbr l County Corn-- riulonu and the Oount &ont togothor, ana tho *otanogrephor- l10*- wa8 to work r0r i0th of tho rboro untlonod offioialr. Bootlon S, Art1010 8 of tho Ton8 OO#l8titutiOn pro- roribo8 the BR&UR tat0 Of tUO8 iOr BOWER JW 808, iU road8 ~4 briG@S, G provoaeultr, T h- O0l 7 iOr j~riO8 ad iOr pU5MMt ro8 lotl?o4. i& irU -X08 1 OVi.d lAd 001 . loo0od for oaoh ot 8ho &boro lmMr8t.6 pqO8e8 UO OoMti- tutiOM1 fUBd8. . Tho Qomml8olonor8~Court bar no authorlty to tramrer moaoy frw oao to udthor oon8tltutlorul hand, or to oxpond n18od taxmollor 0000M1b1~ror anothor pur- iat0 VP080 oitho mT181Ol.l i8 to lbit tho aunt of tax08 tht?tany bo raisd for thee. 90Veral pUl’~OSe8, mo ~llonl road uld brlQo edad 18 a 00fwituti0aai iund ud tho -nOr Of 8Uti OO!l8titUtiOnd fund n\ut b QpliOd to that ptr%ioular purporo for rhloh it war nirod and no other. Thuoforo, It lr our opinion tht no part of tha ralary of tho a~t~o@apiio~olork'k" can logally be plb out OS tho road and brluo fund for '8orrloor poriormd ior tho County Agat. I/ 8OTOrt 6.~ fOpk0 m 8/ hl’dOl1 rilliU8 Aotiw Al’TOR8XT UB?fERAL OF TiCUS &sirtant AiTROVltD0i';HIOBCOUMI'I'TBI: BY COC CKAIWAH