OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Primi&ml R8&8 to~wo4for tlon bill might to Ita 199 for no6 inah8ptw a99, of the k(i8lMtIr8, r.848 88 a l& h* y u r afo rg r dw*e p r o ~~~81 o l ml tua lN r l& - prord lo lle go.8r unlr o r 8lt1o uk .8 ide o fTOXU) 8Oh o Ol8 ma llula ntr to k loloetoa br l 00mAit8.0 OOcppO886Or th@ Audi Of th8 ~8h8tO 80h0018 0s A. Md k, oOiiOg0, UniVW8itY Of TOf&8, UId th0 DW Of YIplIioWton Bt8te T88OhW8 f2011.&8. Th. Dlrootor Of th0 bi~i8iOIbof NOgro ~bUO8tiOO Of th0 atdO DO- pu-tiunt or mi08tion 8h8u 8orvo 88 lixooutiro;iooro- tary or 8814 comdtte.. 314 %lS Honorable Oibb Ollobrl8t, Pa80 8 OOWtFUO~iOn Oi th. 8kVO 8UbHOtiOII h8 bO- rUd0 in 8OtW1 gwriOtl8 OpmOll8 Oi thlo 4oputolont. Honorable Oibb Oilohri8t, i-ago 4 ArqlO8 4ml ana 48ula (Rcs lq8, ula &?tiOlO III, aaotion 40 or th8 COMtitUtion. Tha Hoaorablo 0010 Y~OU of thl8 doputmont, la &A- l&on lo. O-UN, ouotull~ ona4%d'tho lboro-modtlon~d m d 8t8tUtOt~ 8llCOtWt8, ltata th0 iOl&UiipJ -8 uhl?h m bol$wVo to k 8&bDliO8blO to th@ quutljont -%iO 4-0 Oho $0~~ 88 a 18@ -0 U f- SO (OVOPZI t&O iUUMO0 Or &fiOiUU~ -s8e WhB th8 L4b&tWO h8 r y d8 ,l& WOifiO a Jb p Ojd8- tia fo? a -080 Md theeaStor th8r0 U1.08 l lA8lUl on b 8h m lr or th ost8te, ma y 8p p r o vo a ll8lar o r 8 4 8. r101al0y -ttOOXt~dtOtkaut8~tonOftb -8btW OT t0 tb bqlMlJu or*ho nut r1888l Y-r* iieaor8bl~OlbbOllohrie8~P~o 8