norable H, D. Dodgen, ?heOUtite %OrOtWr
nab a oyster Commlsslon
Dea~ Sir: Opinion No. C-7262
Rel ~Palidlty of propoawl leasa oon-
traot whereby
Optor Comba
8ite fat t&e e on oi e Mar in0
Thl8 will roknonlmd~e reoript of your
Wherein you requert the opinion oi thla de
Qt a oertela propoerb hare 00
;$oW 18tt.r. lubdtted br the
One to the Teres Oama, Fish t
and ia further
oh to oonstruot the sold bullbing,
and Oyster Fund.
the land upon whioh the ml11 was loosted.
aon. R. D. GoOgea - Page $2
Aleo, pr4rfou8 opinion No. O-3100 of thi8 d*partmnAt held #at
ltetuten nuthorllring the DnpartmeAt oi Pub110 Sat&y of Tore8 to lnatall
on& aperat 8 poll08 redi brOebOe6tIAg 6tetiOA W4T6 bsOe6 8AOugh to
mthoriza the urohe64 at lenb upon WhIoh to lstabllnh the atetion.
That OQiAiOA qU0EthT'-0 rom t-se of Terre11 t, Sc*r'ks,104 Tar. 191,
1)s 3.W. s19, in VhIOh th4 Supr4me CoiiFGTdr
“Yhenovot 8 powor I8 glvon br statute, everything
neoonnary to make it *tt*otuel orrequinite to attain t&4
end I8 implied. It 16 a woll-e6tablIeh4d prlnolpln t&et
stntutns oonteining granta of powar ‘arm to be 04n6tru06
60 66 to Inolude the cruthorltrto do 411 thIAg6 nnoeeaary
to rooomplleh the objoot of the gr4At. The grant of la
expreen powor oerrlee rith It by Aeo46eary ImplIoetIoA
lv*ry other power A800666rlAd ~ proper to t&o 4X4OUtIOA
of the power lx~r4eely grantd. %4r4 thn lew oo6tm4~de
naything to b4 iloA4,it authorIe48 thr paHoraa~o4 of
rshntevnrm*y bn A604aBaFr ror lx*outIng It8 OOlml6nd8.~
Since the aoquIeItloA of lend In A448884ry In order to oerry
out the lxeoutisn of the pmnr grQnt8d to the fhml.86lan to b~lld l
Yerlne laborstory GulldIng, thoAth4 only r4meIAlng qu4etIoA 18 how
luoh 4oquI6itlon any b4 mad.. wOenaraUy epe&lng, the State he4
the sam right8 end powers In mepeot o? proparty 88 an IndIvIdual.
It may 6oouirr real or pornoaal propertf by oontnyanoa, wIl1 or
Otherwfnn, aAd hold or diBp060 of t&4 QFOp4rtf hT eppSj,It.,tO8Af
Purpo64 68 the ntstn e666 fit.4 (38 Ter.Sur.836)
IA our oplnioh, the~wfore, the Con6&8i;fOG,I'?th4 4besAoe of
oonntitutional or lt*tutory r*strIotIoAe, would hev4 the name right
to aoquire land for t&o herstoiolu m4ntione4 purpose bf 14a64
oontmot an by purehaea, boaatioa, 64rieo. or other m4nn8, proVi64d
that t&n Co~~&nnior has found that the aoqulnitlon OS partloular
lend by a leasr oontraot Ir reanonablr neorre6rp to the 4rroution
Of the power granted luoh Com~IeeIon to OOA6trUOt 4 EarIn Laboratory
IA re&rd to 14aa4 ooAtraot6, howor*r, th4 Stat4 Couetibutlon
ProhIbItn the oreatlon of lA.pdebt by or 011 behalf Of the stat8
(Sso.&9,Art 3), laU f'urthrrprovide6 thbrtno 8pproprIatIOA of
money mey be made Zor a longor term then t*o r~ar8 (Coo.6 of kt.8).
Uiortakan to aoquira u!d pay rcmbl tar-o4rtaIA ioal property to
br ueea an a Hotioml cuard nmrorf. Jostle6 Orite helb IA hi8
OPinion that no lxprenn euthorlty wInto for luoh oantraot, but
lmPli*d authority did nxlet to rrnt or 10888 propmty f4r lrnorle6
for the term of th4 lpproprletlon lot. H4 held that the iIn+J44r
4Oatreot wae rold, eFoo4 it bound tha Steto to pa7 r4otale aftar
a4 4Ad of the bIonnia1 epproptintion to the AdfUtaAt C*A*ral.
Hon. I?.0. Godgsn - ?a@ iJ
The oese of Texee Wet~onel Guard hxmory Bmrd 'I.YoGraw
(Sup.Ct.), 126 S, W. (24) 627, 4184 Imolv44 lease aontraote,
the oourt upholding Art. 5890b, aUthWi6iAg the &u6mry Board t4
enter into bInnni81 i8488 oontraotn. fustIse cl?Itn,iA b1*04nt-
Ing from the mujadty on other matters, maid;
"Ii I properly iAtBTpr6t the Op;ll$QAOi the majority,
It hold8 that thin law does not attempt t4 aut&orIA@ 14eg4
OOAtraOt6 With t&B 6tet4, BxO@pt rOX t-MOy‘,arBat I 1;h@,
I agree with t&I8 hoMIA&*
fn vi6w of tih6 BbOvO ait@& Oas68, it 18 &6 op;~on Of t&in
department prop46ed ~eeee ooatraot invol~~g
that the e~u$~ r@ntal
pwwata at &l&J for 8 thirty--gear term 16 tavelf6, BIAOB It 6ic
oe@da th6 CoMtitutiQn61 r@BtrIOtiOA that no apptopriat;on of money
aMy be ma64 for a longer toam than two y4arr.
It 18 44x further opi~~iQn, &oW6+8~, that If th4 pr4s@At 14664
OQA**Ot *@I’6 $0 pl’oVfd4 that the tot81 OOA6f64rOtf4A im th4 1gesn
be paid in 8 lumu 6~6 prior to the expiretlon of the pX46OAt
bl*naiol t&on luoh leas4
eppr4prIatlon to the C~AAAI~BIOA,. 0ontreot
rOti not bc obJ4otIonnble OA t&n grounds 2-4IeedIn the oattoof
Fort ':brthCltilrt m
-- T. GhepAeti (supra).
A rurthrr requIr4ment to tJi4validity of 6Uoh 14864 64Atreat
IS aub6tantlal oomplIenoe by the Aren6ee County ?brfgetloa DIetrIot
No. One with tha protieIona of Sub-eao (01 of Article 8247b, V. A.
C.S. * w2Ioh re6d6 am followat
%mh R6+I~atioa lX6trIot may sell or 14864 ell
or any part of any surplus lends owned by It, whether
seid 18nd6 be eoquIre(iby gift, purohsaa or in esttle-
Aunt of anp lfti.getIon,ooatro+4r6y, ar oleti in b&ali
Of the dintriOt, or ‘IA &A]rOther IMiAA8r,prOVide6 SUOh
lends are not n64essary to ba Us46 by suoh 8iBVigetiOA
DIntrIot IA oonnsotlon with th4 d4Y614pm4nt Of suoh IUIVi-
gation projeot, and prorlded Surtherthet much 8414 or
leeee shell b4 med8d.u the smne4E prodded in this Sub-
seation. D4roA4 &fag nuoh 8alC or 14a84, the Ravigatloa
and Canal ComuIeslon shall oeuae to be publIshed In som*
n4wepep6x or general 0IrouletIon WithfA said XavIgatIon
Dintriot, at leaat onoo prr week for a period ot tea deY6
me. preoeding the @XBOUtiOQ or eu0h ilend, ocmtreot f4r
male, OT leae4, a notloo nqueatIAg bIti, on euoh 14%
v&I4h notloo shall aoatrin the lpprOtiA@t@ aslakmtQf 1aAd
off4r44 for sale 4A 14868, the general 1008tfOA th@r4Of, th0
tb an& ;lgoe when auoh bide shell b4 Op@a@d and WOvI~~~
that 484h bib 6hall k loaompeni@Q by 4 46rtIf~6~ aA*4k,
b& mft, ~Bhf~r'B cheek or blbbor~e bond, With *
r@npo~ible BUXOtJ, 4~ SUrBtf48, @aoh ia an aJa4ud *we1
to th@ bib for 6UOh 1RAd Or 'for SU4h l@es@, to ~*rqAt**
t&et gush bl.dderwill perform the t@nn* Of hI* bIddv
Hon. H. D.
After the publication or meh notide, aa above provided
the Hw~getLon end Canal Commlaalon may roll or lease ail
or MJ pert of auoh land, provided that auoh Bali or loaae
18 awarded to the high-eat bid&r toT the ame sad ahall
sator en order in the mlnutoa or the Retlgetlon end Oenel
Oommlea1on oonflrmtng moh 8810, whldh order, among other
thinga, ahall rot forth the tarma thereof, lnoludlng the
oonridsratlon therator, and whioh ahall farther provldo
that when auoh bidder ociaplls8with thr torma of bla Md,
the Chelrmen and Soorotary OS the Natlgetlon end Cenal
Comlralon ahall ereoutr a dord or lease, as the eeaa
may bo, la propor fora aad protldlng further that auoh aals
or lorae shall not k nmdo for a Ire8 sum than lta reeaon-
rbh narket talus in auoh looalitf at the time end pl800
or auah 8818 or leea*."
Upon the aatlalaotory oonpletion ei the *bore Xatod
raqulruaonta, it la our aplnio~,thatthe afm88ald lel8e OIXI-
treat will bo valid.