Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

, OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable D. U. Burkhalter, Acting County Attorney ThrockmortoIlcounty ,Throclonorton,Texas \\ Apt$Aq*secxll52, provides, in part: ahsll have no power to authorize to grant publio money . . . to any , association or corporation whatsoever, or c.gaea stockholder in such corporation, assocl- ation or company; . . ." Article 11, Section 3 provides that no county shsll become a subscriber to the capital.of any private corporation or association, or make any appropriation or donation to then SBmb, Or in anywise loan Its credit. , . Honorable D. U. Burkhalter, Page 2 Conference Opinion No. 2662 of this department, dated February 4, 1927, book 62, page 46, Reports and OplA.ons of the Attorney General, 1926-1928, and folloved In numerous opinions, among which are Opinions No. O-1001 approved Decem- ber 13, 1939, and O-5565 approved September 17, 1943, held that the commlssloners'~court has no authority to appropriate or donate public funds to charitable Institutions, operated and maaaged or'controlled by private lndlvlduals. Intrirlew of the foregoing authorities, you are respect- fully advised:-thatin the opinion of this department the Com- missloners* Court la uithotitlegsl ~authorlty to donate county runda to the building within the county of a privately chsrter- ed co-operative hospital. Yours very truly WJRK:ddt