Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

74: OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVERSELLERS ATTORNEY GENERAL !Ioaorablo IL L. Binrat, J?. SountyAudito Polkcounty uvtnguten, Tama \ I %ke&& Auditorthe autharity to disep- prwe balm, olalm or aooount8again.& tha Oount7 unless se& i b lllr , o la lmo r lo o o untr ua n ~o h r a ed o noanpetltlva bids." Ue dlmot your attentlcnto the f01loM~ statutea pertam to the purchase of varlam supplier on ouawtltive bids, Road & Brldga msterlels,pFo$eotamrpeoting publlo . 74 l!onorstile E. L. Binson, Jr., Page 2 4%zrovamats,and other nsterUil8. -80 statutesare Art10108 1m, xX9, 2368s, 3399, 3899h.and 2358-2367,lnolualve,Vemum*s .imotetedCivil Statuter. Hsmtofom, this Departmenthas rendered ssveml opl.nlo~,oonstruimgthe toawgobg statutesand anwerlng qucstlom rirrilibc to ths qwttlons prwentod In pour,lnwlry. We call 7oul-attenttonto our Opiniqnsuo. O-770, O-1591, O-1597, C-5753,and O-3401.and enoloseooplesof these 0pInIoasfor your convenlenos. ,For ths purposssof this opinion,va deea It ummoessary to quote the foregoIng statutes OF dlsouss them rt lea&h as they am quoted an4 fully dlscusssd In the ‘Soa’o@ng opiaims. Article 1659 authorIs wergen0y'pumhsses. It is wr opfaionttmt the energencypurchusesallovablevoulU be only in such amuat as vould be neoesesryto meet the needs of the couaty,or of an IndlvIdualoffloor, du.Wq the tfrm aeoesaax'ily involvedIn the purchase of suoh 8upplIesia ooalorrpltyvlth the ZitStUtO~ FcquiZ%lSSZlt8. Izt no event c8n suah ecpergoxv~ypuxdmse exosed the sus or Oae HundredFifty Ijollsrs($150.00). IpoersenoY ,?urchsses sre not requiredto be msde on oompetltlveblds. With the exceptIan@ eaergenoypurohsses , It Is our opinion that both of the quertlonsstated In your lettershould be ansvemd In the affimntlve and am SQ ansvered. &tIole 1661, Vernon’s Annotated Clvll Statuto3, provldest "He ohs11 not audft OF approvesny suoh ol.sitp 0 providcrd by lav. unles):It hss been oontxuotect . . . Ttuquestl~ suttultted inyourImauIry8m very broad and gexierelIa the* toms, aad ve belleve that the enolosedopti- ions ansver these quest$onra ond ths spsolfIoansvws glven your questlaarIn this opIaloamebasedoas8Icl oplnicms8nd theeu- thorltlesoltod thereIn. Itiyou have any spsafrioquestion on ubloh you dS8il-S our opinl~n, vhea tb 880~ Is prSSOXIt& t0 US vlth sll the ftmts In oonneotlontherevlth,ve vi11 be glsd to give auoh requcat our further consldembtloa. Yours very truly, AlTO- (%%XlAL OF TEXAS /- * Ax-dellWllllsms ,< ? AeslatootL-‘ - ., -- /? iW/JCP z&c. 5