Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

A& 0 l .* ‘715 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN #onor8bl e John 1. Winter8 pewtire Dirsator Itate Dsprrtaemt of F’ublio Wolf8rr &a&in, Texa8 pr8r Hr. minter81 Opinion Ilo. O-l168 Il.1 A gift to the at8 or Publio w0mr8 distrilnatad or We h8V8 reOeiVed your Dep8rtment Of Public relf8r8 h8 he paid each rropth. O-PO plit has, a@ you state, heen deposited by the 8ta te Treas n the &ate Old Ate Assistance Fund. This l2000 .OO ban, therefore, become a part of said Fund , and may he paid out only under the prorirjon* at’ the Apnroprlation Act. Re@?8rdless of t,he source of the funds on deposit in the State Old Are Assist8nce Fmd in the Treasury, you are, under the Appropriation Act of the last f epj ~1 a ture , authorized to pay t.herefrw not exceedlnp t2,2On,OOn.W yer won t,h. If jt tal-es all, or Amy rort.jw c‘f the *nfin.nn that br E heen derosjtel as a dft tn ~-a!-- avallabl4 23 suffirlr?lt a-our-t to pav ‘Tl.6 lIonor8hle John Il. linterr - rare 2 s8id tot81 ti,200,000.00 anJ month, t.hen al 1, or 8ny portion, of s8id tZOOO.00 needed could he withdrawn from said Fund to pay the Old A&e Aasist8nce up to, but not exoeedlng, the e,200,000. 00 per month. The Oonatitution forhlds any money hejng withdr8wn from t.he St8t8 tre8BUrJ eXOept under 8 speOifi0 8pprOpri8tiOn F8de by the Leglel8ture. As 8hOTO et8tOd, the Legirl8ture h8s 8pprOpri8ted Out Of s8fd Fund not exoeedlng $2,200,000&b0 e8Ch month, 8nd thle ia the Ilmlt8tlon pl8Ced upon thone who 8re 8d- minlrtering #rid Fund. th8t It 1, our opinion repardlern o? where the money comee from, whether from t8X8tiOn or from gifta, th8t 18 On de- posit in the Old Age Aasist8nOe St8ts Fund, you 8re ruthorired : . to 8pportlon out of s8id Fund not era&ding the @,200,000.00 per month, but you q 8y, if there ir th8t 8mOUnt on deponlt In s8id ?und, 8pportlon l8id ti2,200,000~O0 e8Ch month to the re- cipien tr thereof. Very truly yours OF ATT0RrX.Y G'"RVlAl. TEXAS Qeo. 1. B8raus Aasi&ant