Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN mm. Weaver Ii.Baker, page 2 we 8s~ in run 6000rd vith YOW 8xtrfborri0ial &atePlsnt8OlmImUding the Alwrioan Luglon for It8 vllllng- LIQOLI to purahaae a building for rervlae to ex-members of the armed forceta,and lik8vise ve am in aooord with your ~er8tendlng of the llmitatlon8upon the povera of the ~gislative end Bu8Lness Counoil oreated by H. B. Ho. 301 or thel 49th Legi818tum (1945). %otion 17, of Bou88 Bill lo. 301, 18 a8 follm18: '900. 17. The Stat8 Board of Control 18 hereby authorised to mgotlrte 88 800~ 88 po88ible for the purahase for the BtaW of Texa8 the Tribun8 Build- Sng in the City of Watin, Te?a8, and the real e8tate upon vhloh raid building la located, a8 well a8 all other land and Lmprove;rrsnt8kpertainlngthereto, or u8ed In conneotlon therevlth for parking purpo808 or *or aay other parpole, frernthe ovaor thereof, at a oo8t not to exceed the ertimrte flxed, after due lpprai8al by the Stat.8Engineera, and only th8n upon the rpprovil of a majority of the following: The Speaker of the Howe, a nmber of the House to be 8eleoted br the Speaker of the Eou8e, the Lieute- nant Oovernor, a J6emberof the ttenateto be oeleoted bgt&i~ ztei& %oveykor, th@ Attorney Oenoralwof , hdman of the I30834of Control. It is quite olear that the Counoil vaa 8reat8d Sor the role purpoab of approving or disapprovingthe pumhase by the State of the Tr.lbum Btildlng in the City of Au8tln. That buIldIngha beendulygurohaaed and the CoutUllha8 approv8d the transaction and ha8 therefore tiotloned to the extent of its authorlmd power8. Indeed, WI fail to find any authority In the 8tatute8 or the dsolsion8 authorltlng the Board to enter into any aharao- ter of oonttiaotfor the 88l.eof State cnmed land 8u0h a8 th8 Tribune Building. Suoh a oontraot 88 you propose oannot poaaibly bind the State In any reapeot vhatever. BOIL.Weaver Ii.Baker, page 3. Y0ura very tmU# QxeBBAL OF TEXAS 1 & ooze $ err A8818 6 t.