i kt-ma~rrGEH~~UL
iZonorab1.e TQJ Vo%~~rey
COO? s1rr (3plnlon RO. o-we3
Bat .dm ther or no
iateadeot of
aleoted to 8UO
n8xt ga
In. W88
a time reoblred
io0 On the bbOVe 8UbjOOt:
hrtfah t6W, V t&d
Com:i88loner8 Goourt
(a,gGOf 8ObOl~8tiO
O*dfaC: 8OhOl88tia
otidr for the eleot5on
r 8 term of four (4)
y e P r 8, . l l
'8 Ani.otmted Civil Satutht
rote of the xerabero of 8aid
court, preoeat and rotlaf, 8nd the porron ahoren
ahell hold 0rfm until the next gw3erel *leaZion.”
(U&dOI’8OOrin~ oU’8)
SsOtiOn 39 Of Art1016 id Of th0 TUXnJ&8OJ OOJ-
JtikrtiOa prOVid48 JJ fOllO%xJi
*la sll sleotioar to fill vro*asies of
offioo ia tbla Stste, it shsll bs to fiU the
UtAVXQtTtlat4TA Ollly..
Ia the aam of ldok8 v. our1 rt 81.. 86 5. u. W8,
(alv. Apg. - error nfus&) wherein a41 lp ;9intvmo was tade
by she ootettir to ffll 8 taom~o~ & thh dlrtriot Ju&e*r
oifioe, 8sd St the Aext gemrsL 4loatioJ 8814 rp~.olaiee ~8
dtrlr slroted to ssld offioe, bath suob sqollntaeot rrarl eleo-
tlon ooourriag during the four yorr two of tie original la-
oumbeat rpo 04~806 tk raooaoy Jail prior to 8h4 y4Jr b +hiob
wid tert esu14 bsro expired ff a0 mosaoy OOOarr4U, sad the
westion eroao es to rthethor aistrlot tb4JttUatbs41apptatod
4~8 llaotob fcr 8 aeu four yerr
tofa or nnrrly ror the un-
lxgir*d portloa 0r tha tbam of tbm origlzul iawmbeat rho
oaa8Jd the TJO8noy, the oourt held, ha 8ub8bsaas, the& ia
via of tha ~0~4titutlon81 pro~oas (300. eb of Art. S,
providing foi filliag or Joah V448JOi4J by tile oonraor ua-
til tb. MXt rnooradimg &4tUW81 414Ot&Xl, Jab 340. 89 O?
4rtiols '3s lFia6 8J JEW0 u 1 WbfOrS) thS% 8UOh
sleotloa ds’f?further fill tbr E&o, in a814 Office
rlrd bbt~artd rpv ~48 lleote6 to Sill only thi aa: i
lxglr*d t4rm 0r the orl&isl lnoplpkat aw.~~ing the *eoaaoy -
that is, satil the gener81 lleatloa idea t&# origin81 &k-
oua&ent*r ttmt xould hste erglrsb 5X no V808~0~ had oodurred.
Thl~ bei~og tbo lsw, vs are oonetrrlned to bold that
if suoh County .%&Wtateadeub of Fublio lnstruotioa@snsleo-
cod dorlq th8 term 0r orfiae for whiob the prsdessJsor ~48
elected to hold, end ruab lbetioa be- held prior to tbb
yeur la wbioh ssid gredeowso?*r term would brvs srpiY8d it
ao V8UWiOJ~ hsd ooaPrro4, tbsa 8sid Oouoty 3uperlntsadsat
uould bs oleokd osll for the an6zrire6 portbn of deld
~rJdJOb88Or’J 64-1 00 tb OtbJr had, if J&id bOU.lIty %R4r-
iatwleot of Publio fnstruotloa ware elected durln the par
irtwhloh 8Jla predeoe8aor~J tarm teoull hare oxp -r;*d ir 8~8
traraay hod oaoar;e&, thss suob Supsrl.ateadrat rould k
elsoted for 8 ruii fotlr yesr two es prorid b raid Art.
P688, eatprO* tar illu8traioat if A were alao L a ror s
, *
iour year tbm beglnnin6 with tha Jaar 1341. and lndlng 1~1th
the rear 1944, 6n4 A lwi@bd OS
otheru?86 I VeeanO ~6
emoted in *aoh orri44 in 1948 before tbe goner81 lI eation
and B wore duly appointed tbareto a54 cleated in the g454r41
llb OtiOn Of 1948, the5 B *oUi4 b0 liOOted Onlyr Or tb UQ-
4xg;rod term of A, i, e., 9.8 term woul.4 expire alth tha yew
19448 h o wo ver , if B mr e l g o into to till l va o a no y In AQr
orrio lrt4r the g*Mral 0 go otion 0r 19412, rnd B w0re rleoteb
to muoh 0m04 et tti next gmmxl ll*otioa in 1944, then B
would be elaoted iOr I its11 roux' year term begianing Sanasry
1, 194s.
Kot hrtln# all the neo esr a r r f8o t8 b efo r e u a So r l
o~to~or~oe~l 4*terminatioa of our Gne8tlon, we trrist thi8
will eneble potr to .pplJ tho L w heroin @Ivan to your OQ
psrtioulor iaot lituetio n.
BYRobert L. Lat~lmo~,