OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVERSELLERs ATTORNEY GENERAL %morab& saa 13. f$aU County Attorney xerrleon county zlorshall,Toxaa 3unr sir: I708re In reael OS r+wmt date wmri3J- in you raqwat. ou atftutioPsllityand oiuaitp of muf~5 La** 19gt4 (Art. 97&d, v. A. E. c. ws;on OS the oariou8 propo5ttLona la tit0cQneit~tutli?~lltyOS said kot bar BL our oQLtsiaexatlonOS thi6 BDltttw* ty ror w privete lx80 or labor or eorW3os ., hgr any orfioer or acp.couxt or t&a Cm- ELsalonsnurr* Court of any county 83al.l knowln&y um or pemalt to be used tha labor OX rrerolwm of any I)ernonwhom labor or sorrloe Is pld for by. 6wh cauaty SW priest0 u6e or pr0ri.t shall be (gaL1t.g of 8 tribddaseanor; 0x33 daoler- 'Lag6n oa0rtpnor. 490 840 a. 8411, page 4 g As to whether the portion of the Aot whloh is In sonfom- +ity with the title oan stand is dependent upon the ob eot of the kl4w, the int4ntlOn Of th4 Leeialaturr, snd the manner -k?-whiah kthe unconstitutional portion4 affeot the reminder of the Act b(8ec 9 Ter. Jurl, Sea, 56 p. 473; State 1. Laredo Ioe co., ,# Tsx. 461, 73 S.‘w. 9511. 3h’here portion8 of an eat are iunoonrtltutional and where 411 or the provisions Of the act are ~~,4onneoted in subjeot matter and operating togetbr for the saae ;,purpose, or otharwise eo conneoted in eubjeot mstter in 8uch a $manner that it o4Mot be prcmuned that the Legislature would &vo passed the one without the other, the whole act is void. <:;(8penoe V. Penohlet, 107 Ter. 443; Lewlu’ Sutherland Gtatutory :~‘OonstruOtlOn Seoond 68. Vol. 1, p. 6001 9 Tex. Jam., Sec. 56, ‘:,pp. 473-4, end oa4ee cited thereunder. ;z.,. In the instant eituation, when the Aot is riewad an 4 twhole, it is a4airQst that the purpose or the Aot wa8 to pro- [;i$de a penalty ior the private u4e of public property and other ~;$hings of value belonging to or paid for by the m&s, 4 county t or niuniofpalfty . The body OS the Aot contain4 proviefonr whioh b irr applioabls to t&l of the gen4ral olarsifioatione of publio ;offioers in thie State (State, oountg and mniolpal). Moreover, &411 of the above mntloned pubLio orfioora, whioh -are nubJest to $the proririonrror the Constitution and hwe of this Stdte, 4x-e “by thir Aot, eubjeot to the seine penrlty for’urlng pub110 $:proparty for private prorit. Also we oall partloular attention ;ItO the following lan&i4ge oontainejl in Seotlon 5 of said Aotr *The f4ot that there is no law providtig a gWJSitg 6gOiSUSt the U00 Of ~7 fully 68 defliied in this b 8: emrgsnoy, . .* r< f;,The preoeding aeotione of. the Aot oontain provld.ocs wlth refer- ? enoe to the property or the State , oountlas and munloipallties, $ ‘?{a note r’urther that H. B. Xo. 80 contain6 no eeverabllity [z::Orsavinga olauw, and we are unable to find any ind.ioetiOn that :~.theLr3gislature would have enaot4d mme with the unoonetitution4l b:~~ovieiona slimlnated. u view or the nature and gcmeral. purpoas R. B, NO. 80, it lo our opinion that the Legislature intendml L!that the provisions thereof would be applioable as a whole end dl :#4Otintend that they would be applioable Only t0 OoUnties, when the portions of the Aot with rererenoe to the State snd mQisiPa1 ,tlss are unoonstltutlonal. -.---- --v-w . -.-- and G&782. &is insofar-aa the holdinaa tharwin ong oonfilot ~fth