Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

               OFFICE        OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL               OF TEXAS

     %morab&    saa 13. f$aU
     County Attorney
     xerrleon county
     3unr sir:

            I708re In reael                                   OS r+wmt  date wmri3J-
     in you raqwat. ou                                        atftutioPsllityand
     oiuaitp           of   muf~5                              La** 19gt4 (Art.
     97&d, v. A. E. c.                                        ws;on OS the oariou8
     propo5ttLona  la                                      tit0cQneit~tutli?~lltyOS
     said kot bar BL                                         our oQLtsiaexatlonOS
     thi6 BDltttw*

                                                       ty ror w      privete lx80
                                                        or labor    or eorW3os   .,

                                    hgr any orfioer  or acp.couxt or t&a Cm-
                                    ELsalonsnurr* Court of any county 83al.l
                                    knowln&y    um or pemalt to be used tha
                                    labor OX rrerolwm of any I)ernonwhom
                                    labor or sorrloe Is pld for by. 6wh
                                    cauaty SW priest0    u6e or pr0ri.t shall
                                    be (gaL1t.g of 8 tribddaseanor;
                                                                  0x33 daoler-
                                    'Lag6n oa0rtpnor.
       840 a.   8411,   page 4

         As to whether the portion of the Aot whloh is In sonfom-
+ity with the title     oan stand is dependent upon the ob eot of the
kl4w, the int4ntlOn Of th4 Leeialaturr,        snd the manner
kthe unconstitutional     portion4 affeot   the reminder of the Act
b(8ec 9 Ter. Jurl, Sea, 56 p. 473; State 1. Laredo Ioe co.,
 ,# Tsx. 461, 73 S.‘w. 9511. 3h’here      portion8 of an eat are
iunoonrtltutional    and where 411 or the provisions Of the act are
~~,4onneoted in subjeot matter and operating togetbr for the saae
;,purpose, or otharwise eo conneoted in eubjeot mstter in 8uch a
$manner that it o4Mot be prcmuned that the Legislature         would
  &vo passed the one without the other, the whole act is void.
<:;(8penoe V. Penohlet,   107 Ter. 443; Lewlu’ Sutherland Gtatutory
:~‘OonstruOtlOn Seoond 68. Vol. 1, p. 6001 9 Tex. Jam., Sec. 56,
‘:,pp. 473-4, end oa4ee cited thereunder.
;z.,.     In the instant eituation,    when the Aot is riewad an 4
twhole, it is a4airQst that the purpose or the Aot wa8 to pro-
[;i$de a penalty ior the private u4e of public property and other
~;$hings of value belonging to or paid for by the m&s,           4 county
t or niuniofpalfty  . The body OS the Aot contain4 proviefonr        whioh
b irr applioabls    to t&l of the gen4ral olarsifioatione      of publio
;offioers    in thie State (State,    oountg and mniolpal).      Moreover,
&411 of the above mntloned       pubLio orfioora, whioh -are nubJest to
$the proririonrror the Constitution        and hwe of this Stdte, 4x-e
“by thir Aot, eubjeot      to the seine penrlty for’urlng    pub110
$:proparty for private prorit.      Also    we oall partloular   attention
;ItO the following    lan&i4ge  oontainejl  in Seotlon 5 of said Aotr
               *The f4ot that there     is no law providtig    a
        gWJSitg 6gOiSUSt the U00 Of
~7      fully 68 defliied in this b
8:      emrgsnoy,   . .*
f;,The preoeding    aeotione of. the Aot oontain provld.ocs wlth refer-
? enoe to the property or the State , oountlas and munloipallties,
          ‘?{a note r’urther that H. B. Xo. 80 contain6 no eeverabllity
[z::Orsavinga olauw,      and we are unable to find any ind.ioetiOn that
 :~.theLr3gislature would have enaot4d mme with the unoonetitution4l
 b:~~ovieiona slimlnated.        u view or the nature and gcmeral. purpoas
       R. B, NO. 80, it lo our opinion     that the Legislature  intendml
 L!that the provisions      thereof would be applioable  as a whole end dl
  :#4Otintend that they would be applioable       Only t0 OoUnties, when
   the portions of the Aot with rererenoe to the State snd mQisiPa1
    ,tlss are unoonstltutlonal.
                                                 -.---- --v-w . -.--
and G&782. &is insofar-aa   the holdinaa   tharwin ong oonfilot ~fth