Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

274 OFFICEOF THE ATTORNEY GENERALOF TEXAS AUSTIN QROVLR SIZLLLRS *TTO”NLY QLNLRAL lamtl00 roquort- llll!6II oplnlon on the fe1l.w to sha 0lwtoQ or l ei Dal188 Countr for ::to tr Iio ep lta ltlmrroll, w-8. b tbo rirr ujor mental horpltal~ fl Twr911, ou6todisl institutlonc. wt8, rrlor to this trial, admitted to !lospital on June ES, 1915 on a itmnt, 06 ;rovldmd in Cbo Constltu- ti0n end IEUS or tkir .:tete, and 73s alrohnrp0d rrol~ this oomltrent on ~cj:teabe: 21, 194b. Thsr*roro, tk. bbOl@ indloet~d trial We8 had. 275 Booorablo 'SSvsr II. Baker - p&v 2 *Did the Oounty Jud@s of 3811s~ County hsro the logal rl&ht to aomilt Loulss Olnglrstrdt to tb0 ous- tody of the paroe oft:osrs nsmd la thr oornitmont rot trsnamlsslon to the Tsrrsll Stota Eospl8sl rlth- out trlsl b7 4~7.” 8ouso Bill IFo. 1813(abs tar l58, pqm tbl, 0 srsl and Spsolsl Xaws of foxss) onsoto% at the Rsgular SoarF:bn oi the 48th ~lglalsturo in 1948, rordr as tollows~ “!saotlw 1. nrtlole 3193h or Tltlo 81, amp- tar t or ths Roviaed 01~11 8trtut.s or wxss of 1006, is bomb7 amendad so IS to rssd OS followsI “‘8aotion 1. Ths supsrlnt*ndent of sa7 inotl;r tution to whioh an lnssns or 0th~ wull7 ill pa+ SOD~7 be oonaittod ias7 rro*ln 8na (idsin thbruln as a bowdrr and ptient b7 end with ths oorr8rnb OS the State Beard of Ooatrol a paroeo who la oorlr- etaaet 8ubmiCtingbla8lt toY rodaoat, and who, bo- in8 mate117 uonqetsnt to oaks luah spplloetlo8, rukas wrlttan sppllcutlon therefor; and an) suoh person who dsslrss to so subait hlasslf iOr trrst- aont m7 mske suoh mlttsn l~~lloetlon. Ro suoh person rb811 k detalnsd mom than thror (8) 4s s sitar her- tiraa writton notloo or hls lntant I:on or dosir* to hrrr ths lnrtltutlon. Mnnsver an7 Such prrson 18 rrosina into sny lnstitutlon, ths SuFSrintSndOAt themOr ski.11 CiVS iRZebistS SOti or suoh rsosytlon to the Board or control. -~.2.aotlcm2. ae ruparintendent or on7 ruoh lnstltutlon who reoelves l roluntar7 petlrnt must, .rlthln n?nety (X) days theruartrr, disoher~s suoh patlent, providea ouoh ptlmt kbs not bsooim oIn- tally ?naxqattckt 2urinF his ctey in ruSh lnatltu- t1on. ” *i:aot1on 3. AftOr t:XI odaiB8iCn 0f B ptiCnt, mntally oompatent to wake rpp~lortl~n thSroror, and 276 Honorable ~$erver f!. puk.u - po(rs 3 during the period of his 8ts7, should It k dstsr- alno by tba superIntsndsot of luoh hospital In rhloh ha Ir oonrlnsd t&t ha Is lnooinp&mS,, Suoh toot ohs11 bs oertlrlod to the couaty wig or t&o sousty ln Ter.8 whets luoh $stlsr) her a lo#sl ;%.“zo*~ :,“:xr:Li:E :;%s:~l:E:: ohwg.ln& 1011807,rsrlfiod snd filed by the supw- iatonden8 or other phJsloIrn of tb Irrstltutloa wha-0 rush patlent la oontlao6, or an7 other 6~1,~ llaenmd physIoIso. 3ooh Cousty Jsdp shall sp- point s liomnsod sttornoy of the 9tsts of lwsa ts rsprsmat suoh patlsnt and no suoh pstlsat she11 be cdjudusd lam&o, sxoapt upon tto ST~~SSOS or two au13 llosnssd ph.yslolsns, one or whom oh811 bs on satire duty at the lnstltutlsnshsro rush pstleat Is soatIn~4. AU r u sh lrid0a.o awy bo b doporitloa, or plren In prson, s8d the osss sW I 1 be t~isd to? the oosnt7 by thr roust7 or 6lstrlot 4ttorae7. Aftsr trIS1, a trsssorlpt of the rooord tharo4r ah811 b8 fr8n8dtt0a b7 the slork 0r the Count7 mutt to ths bospltal hsrlnnq cool: patient in awtod7. ‘~SOtIODl?. Tbc rSO& thrt tbCr8 18 00 ?tSt- uts protIdlu6 for tte lsnyth ot time l *c lo nto r 7 prtlsct msy raauln in a Ytrto Eorpltrl, end the furthsr foot ttst tkoro Is 00 prorlsloa tor tb* prowdan to be followad br She soperlntsadsnt at tbs state Bospltal and the Bocrd of Control rhea tbr rolontary pat lent beoo;r%s Inssno durIn$ El8 0-7 ‘91 tbr hospltel, crests bn ecasrlrcna~and en lnprratlrs public neoersity tbut tte ZonBtitut?ot31 ~ulrr req;ulrlnF bl;llr! tc bo reed on thee :wrercl days !n esoh 1?oum bo auspendcd, Bnc!orid ?P~O is rorsb7 Sua~OnQOd, and thi# iOt st:t?ii take Crr8Oii tlna be in rorcti fr&r. a ndlrter lte peasoye, and it 1s 1)s tosoted. “yaaaec tts F’o~ae, :‘oroh l?, 194:: Yeaa lE7, h’eys 0; pered the ;emts, April 15, 1943: Yeas 26, Ha78 0. Eonorrblr ~xoaver H. Baker - VW* 4 *Appro+rd April 20, 1943. wrOOtir0 April 20, asa.- weotloa t. ~onmrter thr ooaatl s~dga up- o nlonriotloa or any perron in 0 luaeol triri, aa6 the County Judge, or Dirtrlot fadgo, in any otbr loem1 prooradlng, raquiriag a l omltaont, or orbor to trrnrtor lny perron to 04 ll00wy80ry hut&- talon or thin rteto, #hall lmao wlthla ton (10) a q 8lr tuthm l ntrr or ;rdgunt, to k propared r o dlmtomd in tb nlaokr of hlr oourt, by three (3) dirint*rrrtod lppralrors, uudor oath, ln itom- irod inventory and a;prrlrenswntof the @state OS any raoh proon, if any, and shall OIUM tke SCJ* to be Issued in duplloata, duly aortlfle4 by tbr clerk of tha County Court, and l sopl theroof ~sllad to the llorri~~oynary ln8titotlon uLert suah patient ~8s oomlttad, cud me (1) 00~~ tfmoor to t::o ‘.tjtc PO,-ra or Control rrt m3tin, 7x3s. There r;:porta #ball be 723mcieby such opprslsorr, oertiried and mllrd rhether suoriproperty lx is tl,Qr not, and 278 mmoreblo ‘Xowu E. B8krr - page S the rpprolrrrr ld orrlorrr 0r tbo oourt rho11 b0 prld Booa oborgorbla to the lot~to, ii any, or ouoh porron, lO uo nom lllored by low In guard- lamhip proooodln~r. -Sootlo 3. In the oront there bar boon o (uor4.iaarhIp. u other lo&o1 proo~oll hr4 on tho Oatdo Or 04 pOrao8 Or pU#Onl lOgo Y y lOdtfed to ,yllo o ~r ~u Lnrtltutim, lo prorldod in tha prooeding soot Ion or air low, t&P Oad In 8uah orant t&o &id60 prerldb~ rt eudh ario yill 00180 bo b0 udo lt tho tie, or trial rortlflod ooplor the lntoator~ 0r u~d rpproImmmt or Ouoh rrtote by the olerk thoroor, as4 0 oopg ~1106 to t&o.l$orrorfi~lryiootltatloato uhlob ouoh prroon w4 oooltted, .rad a oopr to the stata mud ot 00M?41 rt AMtin, T*ar ror rhloh 0oio okrk ID 8utbrIsd to ohrrp rgoLB t rooh leto toth a tur nou lUowd br law for oortlfIo4 rrltton Innrtru- YDt@. 9bw oortIrfe4 00 I06 an to bo udo on6 mall06 II kF0~;Dtotid.d L lloci or tho rOqt&o- ama or tm proood~d ~ootlon or thir Aot. ~3ootIon 4. lt ir boraby ud0 tbo dutr of the oluk or tne county court or orob oorurty In mua, to w0 t8o (8) 00rtfriod 00pior or th0 in- wontory 084 l pproiOoaPent,ii my, or tb l8tOto 0r Onr porron horotororo 000Llttod to ray lloom~o- jury iaatltutiea or thlr Rtato, an6 to uI1 0 oopt theroor to the lmtltotlon *hero BuOh porron lr ooarlnod, lnd on0 (11 oopy to the stat0 Board 0r control at hurtin, mm9,ror rhioh swh aountf dark my oharp:! the fess now provided br low rot making 0crtlrlOd aoplss of 3aotru80mtar %oOt Ion 5. It rho11 be the dutr of tho mmty Clerk to mkt two (e) oortirlod oopiO0 Or tk0 bvOntOrJ :!Ra bppre~aO3eut Of tb0 est;:tO of any proon Oloom0ynarp lnstitu- oonrinra b any tlon ln the .,tbte of T xao that ZSJ trreofter ooae to hlo knowhI@ end to ~11 n Ooc'y tLors- 0r to tbo lnstltutloa where suoh perooa is oom- nitted, ll 6 00~1 ttwoor to tho stot~ Baord0r a wtr o l08AwtlQ, nzr r ,fo r nlllol hoid olwk la honby rathorlmd to oolloot the few pro- rib4 by low fro0 the rot090 of any wrh par- eo nfo rM k la l g.r8lf1.4 mopleo of inr~watr. 280 Eonorrblo oover I:. Eok r - pago 7 booplto1 or rtato ln8tltutlon . . . for 8 per104 of more than nlnoty &a~6 unloro luo hprtroanLao b o o l nd;uQod in8sno b r l duly ~uollflo~ 1~17 in l lumoy prooooaing, 40 proildoa for waor the proroot Statuko of the state of ‘hum*. (Vndor- 800rln4 l4&o(l.) As bbonn heTOlD, or14 ah8 tor UCb, ruprr, ma la o o to r4 ndb o o o ulffootlro la l 108 Pokr ia point o f tiw than 0014 Ch8pt8r IbP, 8opr6, thou@~ dnrln(! tho laao lOB- 6iW Of tho ~(li&.OtUl'O. 2ooh o f lald Billa ~ortmlno to tho #acts gonor rab)oot mettor, I.e., thos aro In porl asterlr, ln4, thuofon, mill b4 tokm, ror4 and oenrtrw4 t04oUmr, lo o hlMotmsnt in roforonoo to the other, IO though tiho~non part0 of law. ,900 39 hx. JW. pp. 858, 884, ae, 880. 7’0 loe no oonfllot In thooo trro blllo. aid Ch6ptor lbe, supra, (F!oure 6111 No. 168, oospllod ln V.k.C.5. 08 nrt. S193h) does not ruthorl80 a lpno~y trio1 withopt l 1 ma 8Old atmptor ‘ER 8w8, (Solle~ biil itO. bV 0 .-w awn T.A.0.6. l8 Art. 31&t.) ltp r o o rgrohlblt, l~ l oarritr8t of lB laorne wr- lon for more tha ni&Oty day8 rithoat bn l4judiOotiOn by l duly auo11f10& lurk. Nrthermpro, 08 de Ch8pter EM, lupra, tk la8088 l~rO#81Oll OS Oh6 ~&iBlOtIUO 08 tblo 6: 8u:h 18 own48 and/or ropoolo l8y oonfllotl~ prior tho oxtont of ruoh oonfliot (suob a6 ArtlOlOO 3193-i5lO~b, V.‘.C.~:., i\hloh purport to allow l lunoof trial rithoot a Jur ). ‘0 do not 806 how tho nooo~olty for l trio1 by Jury ln 81 1 08806 *her o l oomltmont of 6 poroon for l loo@r porlod of tla than ninO$f thy0 i# lOU@$h$ Oan b 0 ;gIiOrOainhI.MO~ prOOOOa&%gO UndOr thr prorent prorl8lon8 of the zCaCdo8 lad the oOn6tlCUtlOa OS n=*. xo 40 not bolti+ tbl8 right of trlrl bJ Jury ln 8uOh l~aof proooe4m8 oan bo dirpoasod wlth la tho faoo of 8aid Ch@y%er ~b,@opr8, (Art. 31tio-2, V.A.C.S.) arkin@ it mndetor~, in the 08s~ of a oonrnitmdntfor x&c@ titan ninotg :eyr, th t a trial be hrd by c duly nuollflod jury. Thcrof or0, It is the oplnlon of thle dc-,~rtmnt that t:-e $sunty Judgs of :lallac wuntp H6P not autborilod to comlt t”.a defendtmt, Loulra vln~lostsdt, to 8~14 stwto tosyltsl or lnstltutlon lor tk.: troatxeut of tka insane TOT I prlod of zero thnn uiwty deya because sold 66fondant fxfd tot boon -d- Jory in a lunroy )7rOOBOd~, jtatato8 of the :;tete Of