Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Atteatfoaz I. L. UmJrtts .. ._ Deer 3rr. apmoa no. o-6856 Rer T;hethcrthe purpose CARUSO Ot tha propogsd cofporatlon le- &&es mare than one outhiuixed parP@- It Fa mdily aeon that tha.abwa underlined wor&agln the purpose cluuae of the aorporation ls UOT crxpraaa4 euthoorleadby th6 mlqlaag illt&6 atatutio.aad it itionly with tbase wordn that w er6 diroetlg eoncernad hwe. ahmtrrr of the prop4ambd eorporatloa al08rl.y rtatecr a purpoas pror ~idd r0r by ol~e or the pro~isionrr or the statut0, the wwatuy cb Stete must rile ,lt, mt lr ttm purpose Krause 45008 rurthar la~la ue~lnolnslvm i&at it oontelu.6two purpoaas llated in two eeguute eubtllvleloaeof Article 1302, v.~.c.cL., the rcearotaryor Xetc should r8ru8a to rue the charter. Xfthwt cnterllyy into e‘dlaousnion of lmpll~d and lnOlMn- toi p0~02-iwhioh are iaoluded dth ewiry byrant or 00rpor~t-evurpoae. 1I 10 our opinion that the ati sale oi 011 nlrcraft parts parohwti and epplimmces (including pareohuteo) tolqethcrwith their rep&r, the sale of aviation fuel.,oil and (3enoe end tirerat, lttafeand ahartrr of airore$t arc 811 rcasonnbly within the @cope of the p me e- ereted sn wotlon 78 or iirtlole1302, riuprcl , 6116are in liu T temtl81 eapllaneo with the provislonb thereof, Bwver, th6ro is one portion or the purpone alauu'anund- rentuhleb wcdoaotbciJAnmay~eomebly be ina1udti withinthe of the buelxtec8me authorir;edby Section 7B, eupre. It is le miw.: ". . . to inrtmot ~rnons ln rlylng rsndthe moeheniec;ena atlam or airmt wll~a.- Imtruationo in rmw end tha asehanloo or alrerart a8 dmlnlatured by 8 aehool whleh 10 guaarelly open to thr publle le ednaatl6R8l In Qbturc and aome.6withla that purpooe iamduthorbmd by mtetnta; ~4, 5aothna 2 0rUS or Artlale 1302, V.4i.C.5. (se0 oplnlorrof.thledcpsrtunt numbered O-U&? dete6Ymah4,X942,hol& lmg $he?funonPlyl,mgZahool tobe sneducatioaeliatltitutiont&er aaetsoa 2 ur Artlalu 1302, VA.0 .-,I. Yram mot8 rmoatly mdalttad to this 0rri00 by ttrepremcntrtl*c or tha 4umpantt":tmhd-8, it is ollr belter thettha iehoal ooutomplatar(l Leuie oS this ~tura, end &a much, 6reetae 8 dual~parpose inthe~parpase oleuee assdasmt.