Honorable Bayno Setterfield
Biremeh*s Pension Oommiasloner
Austin, Terse
.’ .,
Honorable Baasns Satterfiald - Feaa 2
ana one-halr overtlw ooffiputed upon thhe basis
ofthelr monthly aalarp ahall be paid totham
tar auoh adaltional tiau as they an requlro4
to work.'
Vader t;ho prorlbm8 or the Aott
*Are Flrmen'and Polloem~n entltlod to time
aad one-halt ror the 15 day8 taoation perlod
wharo they worked during their 1s day perlo&
beoawa of t&o war mmgonor - or PI, tha tlnn
and 0n0dir ov*rtlthm ooniin~d to thi d8y or
the yeok drslgnatod aader thm prailrlon8 or
.;.” . . ”
emplojwl In suoh department or departments for
a per103 OS at least one (1) year.
*Bee. 4,. &oh pruooding Fo~aral Oenmm shall
drtsmnlnethe population.
Y3eo. 5. The olty oiilolalr, hating supervi-
ulon or the rim drDartwat and ~olloo awart-
8alarr 8hall-be pair0
time aa they are requlre4 to work.
-- .. _-.
“s60. 7. It ia rurther prorldod that In
I any olty or more than r0rtp thousand (40,000)
lnhabltanta eaoh mrnhar of say auoh departmmt
ahall reoeive the SW or one Hundred and Forty
(9150.00) Dollars per month a8 a alnfatnt wags
ror aald aervloe5 so rendered.
"Soo. 8, The olty orrlolal having oharge
of the firs department or polloadepartmrnt ln
any auob ,olty who vlolatoa any prm~alon5 or
this Aot ahall be rined not lea8 than Ten
(QlO.00) Dollars nor awre than On0 Buvlred
(,,lOO.OO) Dollars, and eaoh day on whioh sald~
. . olty ofr'lolal shall oau5~ or psrmlt any aeotloa
or ,thla Aot to bogviolated nhall aonatltute and
~b'a separate o%Yqmm.
-1 I).
~"SOO. 9. ROthlAg liltill8A& 5hal.lb6 oan-
8trwd iltol-hg
.u ~s&luA&,' or
mu whataoowr the pxwl.810~
..v Rual ; 0040 or Toxas, as aluaaded, Agta ~3935,46th'
~~~~~~~~~~~3~~~~!~~~39~~,~ot~.~~;.~~,,~~ ,,;
Aota 1937 ~4rthlyl5latur0,. .=a 358, ohapta!
173, 2+&m 1~ Anti 1943, &$ih Ligialature,
:paga 309, C!haBt+r 20X. Seotloal. Zihla Aot-is
wmul.atlve ti in additbn to r&d lawa aof oat
$A fhia SootlgA.
10. lho faol that t&e preaont Sta*t*a
regardlag the prwlaloaa or this Aot an uiuaria-
r80tfu-y a0 to the oltlu involvmd and lal~ay-
iul inJury to a6mbera ,oi the ilro aa&
~partunt.8.nmntloaod ia MU.8 Aot; aad tr a raat tiot
rlroamn an& po&loamon in this *tat4 ax-0 umtrrpald
b m sltieq uad the fwther~taot that the
31~0, gtt3pdy or 0~ 0itk8ns 823 ~b~~03~ed
m. g hl 0t8dp dp0 trpr0t60tfan. 0mtea ~1
Wq r g e no
a ayw
d ~r a $ lvo mb llo awoaait& that
the Oonatltutioml &ala nqnirlag bllla to beraa4
09 th$U UOVU81 &&O iA -Oh ~OUW b0, &ULd tb
.~;Honorable Bay110 8attarfiaU - Pam 5
Honorsble Bapne 8atterfIela - Pem 6
overtime. In addition to the regalar rate 0r a~npensa-
tlon for such psrlorl of raoatlan tbs. Thqre is no
provision In said Aot that allous the suspension or such
annual vacsticn period with pa)- because or energeqoy ox?
ii such riremcm
neoesslty. More apeoirioall~, or pollea-
non Is on the payroll at ~l~.OO per month and .is raquirod
to work during the entire periob of his 15 day reuation,
than he Is entltled ta $75.OO as ngular pay ror~hls va-
oatlon period and sn add~tlanal $75.00 for working dur-
ing the the provided as his raoatlw period. Ii~he work-
06 the balan0e of tlm nonth also, then ha would be entitled
to a total, WY ohsok ror that manth or $225.00. This rig-
of tmuk, does not l.noludr,any brert5.m pai ~he.mIght
. it% earned during this month.
2: Aat, whloh, among other things,
hers OS mid aepartawnts
a paid vmation, We belleva
unqa~stion~: ,,$hat
.-:~.'.&.-~;i;~;:..,~.j:;'~:i.,:.~~.'~~l~:. ti 'any ~.~~*~&?~Iw~~wr
,ta ;e&&.a* 0% so* +rmw or pal*oe-n
fh&,.';."bthur~. ~.
.',y.)l' .:,..>
: ,i ~;WV&.
,'1?.fl,i .
parsanwha rIlloa the absent mszber*s Jab drtcing mmh Taoa;
tlon period wq&l4 be entitled to pay thorefor. ,We aaZIstOt
mmtmy smtarlal dIstInotianbstweenthencqt hi-0 In-~
th efIma mnor p a lIo a diia
la neo a ndo newh e r e o ntitled
n, to
a @.a 'I(iaatIon, was ~nquirea .to wark aad Ula yark ~dur4.q
his ~taoatlanperlod. a0. the ,other haml, we do see .an
~injtitiee~ In re‘qdrlng one who works fNrIn& his ‘Vaoatlan
period to receive no nom than'hs waul$l havclr he had not
worked, we DO&it OUt that @dS IS I306 *OTwtiR@- but BLerS-
I .
~PPROVRD DRa 20 1945'
key /a/ Robert I.. Lattlmars. Jr.
.aarloa a. Ashley
Rabort L. Lsttlmore. Jr.