Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

. ,- - Honorable 0. C. Olsen C0unt.yAttorney Wlnkler County Kermit, Texas Dear Sir: Opinion No. O-6824 Re: Whether a petltlon to the Commlasloners~ Court of Wlnkler County requesting theeatabllahment of two county hospitals from the proceeds of one bond elec- tion Is legal; If not, will It prevent an election on a second petition for the establishment of one hospl- tal? Your request for our opinion on the above questions reads as Pol,lows z "To the Honorable J. B. Salmon, County Judge of Wlnkler County. Texas. there has been preaented what Is purported to be a pktitlonFreading as follows: ", PETITION TO THE HONORABLE COMMISSIONERS COURT OF WINKLER COUNTY, TEXAS: We, the undersigned property owners of Wlnkler County, Texas, do hereby petition and pray that an election be ordered In and throughout said Wlnkler County, sub- mitting to the qualified voters of said County, the proposition for the issuance ef bonda of said county in the sum of One Hundre~dFifty Thauaand ($150,000) Dollars for the purpose of acquiring sites, construc- tion, and equipment of two hospltal units in Wlnkler County; said sums to be allocated as follows: $100,000 for the building and equipping of a modern hospital to be located within the city limits of Kermit, Texas, and $50,000 for the building and equipping of a modern ilon.G. C. Olsen, page 2 (0-6824) hospital to be located with&the city limits of Wink, Texas; and whether or not an ad valorem tax shall be levied on all taxable property in said county for the purpose of paying the interest on said bonds and to provide a sinking fund for the redemption thereof at maturity. "On the same day that the above ,purported petition was delivered to the County Judge oi,Wlnkler County, Texas, but at a later hour ln that same day there was presented to the same said County Judge a petition praying for the calllng.of an election for the acquiring of a site, and the establishing, erection, construction, and equipping of a County Hospital in Wlnkler County, Texas ; such hospital to be located In Kermit, Texas, "The Commissioners Court of Wlnkler County, Texas, has asked that I secure from you an opinion on the following: ,~ “1. Does the CommissIonera Court of Winkler County, Texas, have the authority to establish two (2) modern hospitals from funds, or proceeds of one bond election? “2 . Is this purported petition as above set out a lawful petition since It aske for the doing of something not authorized by law? “3 . If this purported petition la unlawful, can it bp dimregarded by the Commissioners' Court of Winkler County, Texas, a%% be declared by them to not be such a petition a8 would prevent such CommLssloners' Court from 8&&w. upon the peti- tion that was delivered later in that same day as the above eet out purported petition was delivered? ‘My opinion on this matter Is as followe: taking the matter by 1, 2, and 3 abover “l., Under Article 4478, V..A,. C. S., authority is given to Commissioners1 .Courts to establish a :county hospital, and throughout that said Article the singular and never the plural is used. It la my opinion that the Commissioners' Court of Wlnkler County, Texas, could build only one hospital at this time, and thereafter under Article 4490 they could maintain more than one hospital. ’ . - Hon. ff.C. Olsen, page 3 (C-6824) “2. 'Thispurported petition la not a lawful one since it Is for the calling of an election for the doing of something that is not authorized by law to be done. “3 . Since this purported petition is unlawful, it does not have to be regarded by the Com- missioners Court of Winkler County, Texas, for any purpose, and It is not such a petl- tion as would require twelve months to pass before the Commissioners Court could act upon the petition that was delivered to the County Judge of Wlnkler County, Texas, later on that same day as the above pur orted petition was delivered. Article $478 states that 'qualified property tax paying voters' are the one to'petltlon, and not 'property owners' as the above set out purported petl- tion recites. "According to the 1940 Federal Census, Wlnkler County had a population of 6,141. “Due to the fact that Senate Bill 191 of the United States Congress probably will soon become a law, and Winkler County, Texas wants to be In a position to participate In the benefits of that Bill, I have been requested by the Commissioners Court of Wlnkler County, Texas to rtspect- fully ask that you give this matter your preferred atten- tlon and let your opinion come forward as soon as possible. "I have searched and failed to find any cases in point on the matters expressed In this letter." The general rule relative to the proper Interpretation of statutes la that the intention and meaning of the Legislature must be aaoertafntd from the language of the statutes read as a whole. Title 71, Chapter 5, Articles 4478-4494a, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes, em the statutes giving power to the Commlaslontrs' Court,to tatabl~ b county hospital and to enlarge any tistfag hoapitels. Thtcru atatutts make provision for a 'a county hospital," and all of said statutes that set out the power of the various parties authorized to build, equip and manage said hospital deal only with 'a county hoapi- tal." The only provisions in any of said statutes that could be construed to mean more than 'a county hospital" are Article 449~Y~~~: is applicable In counties which may have a city of rnox?& t;han10,ooO persona, and Article 4494, which autharizts two or more adjacent counties to join for the pur- Hon. G. C. Olsen, page 4 (O-6824) poses of this law and erect one or more hospitals for their joint use, but neither of said provisions applies here. It is our opinion, therefore, that it was the intention of the Legis- lature to authorize only one county hospital in a county such as Winkler County where it is not sought to join with any other county for such purpose. Accordingly, it is our opinion that the Commissioners Court of Winkler County does not have the authority to estab- lish two hospitals from the proceeds of a bond election under the facts stated. We do not think the purported petition for twq county,hospltals set out in your request is a lawful petition, since, under the facts stated, the Commissioners' Court has no authority to establish two county hospitals in Winkler County. We are also of the opinion that the petition for two county hospitals can be disregarded by the Conunission- ers' Court, or, In other words, it can be denied by the Court, and the second petition may be approved or rejected by the Court as the law and the facts may require. Yours very truly, ATTOHNEY GENEHAL OF TEXAS By /s/ Jas. W. Bassett JWB:LJ Jas. W. Bassett Assistant APPROVED SEP 29 1945 /s/ Carlo8 C. Ashley THIS OPINION CONSIDERED AND FIRST ASSISTANT APPROVED IN ATTORNEY GENERAL LIMITED CONFERENCE