: .,
Art1010 684sI, 900.
Oitll Statatw, 19S5, aa lend
roil088 t
00 •~ r0mnt . . . .
8no r looh oh114 th e lPP lr
.OO) per month oat11 mob o&lld
o r llgbteea (18) rear81 . . .*
r lottar lkla( 98 to wnrtr# tbl8 ltattutory
prorlrlon 1s a8 ronon:
immrablo Mama sattwrlel4 - pa&a t
lultb furlher to roar raoent
oplnloa In 8bloh you rtato that ywn88 te
slnora wba are ratltlcrd to boner r ta wdor
Artlole It48-• aboold be ~4e to tbo guer61aa
or the wtate, If oao, mid Ii aat than ~to t&e
ooaaty olart..
WI* quaatlon now arirra a1 to wbetbor or
not asob payment lbs~ld ba roaaldrred l eprratoly
or oollootlval~. Tvr lnstraoe mob oblld la
mtltlad to @3.00 par month rhioh would amount
to ror a 4 par prriod ld tbIa mount
wou d rroood tbr. 3SSOMSIWB ubloh auy k pal6
to the nglrtry of tbe aourt.
*In rlew of 8ha rbove w wnrla rppreolata
your ruling on tJn ~ol~oorI~ qu~atIoner
‘1. Should rtoh mat4l~ paymat Do oonrieerd
lt.If aeoh mcatbly prrwnt MT b oonaidord
aeparatolt, mnd lt la obWm8, from the sue vi
the ohlld, that pa~ntm to It aelleetIre4
will mount to mm tbon $250, box lbould the
poywnta be wdo and te ubom, sbero so ~uardlan
Or tba estate he8 been rppolntOd?”
Then la no prorl tlon IO the stat&o for a leap
sum rettlrwnt 0r thaae henat8 an4 laoh wnth lypqmat
la la rue a wpmete pafw Itlrlainc.
from a llqoldrted
rlair. Eorawr, tbJeotlon to the pa
we sea no nt 0r aurh
kn0rit8 to tb8 0000tr imr : wider utlole U1 r 4, V.A.C.8..
for the us0 and knerit or ibe nlnerl but, It should be
borna !B MiB& the t Wdet’ th ,a ltlole, the Ol*rk la not
lutborltti to bold wro tba L $250.00 of the rooumulated
am$bl~ prpwata in th fun la or the rimor ot my we tlu.
As 8 prrotloml nabtor, due to tb* o-11 ln-
rtmllmenta Intoltd hen, th el r p a o ea
o r wk lnglepar~ta
rltbdr~ralr wulJ ba prohlbltlro on& while both foma
of rlt&drawala - I.e., by re&or (Irrrrdlauhip or an-
der tbo grootiun 0r brtlole Ulba, V.r.0.s. -- me
pomlaslb1r, w thlsk l (uardlmahlp rd+la~ble ln this
3lnoo w kato held that then lpoathly paJmnt8
are to be aonrldorad reporate paymnt8, it 18 not moeI-
larr for us to 8n8wer your moon4 q\ii8tlOn.
Your8 tory truly
Dar14 ?iuntoh