tionorablsD. W. Burkhaltnr
County Attmney
Throakmerton County
Box 953
‘Ehroekmorton, Texar
Dear Sir!
IS each day in prebafe
Eionorable D. V. Rurkhaltar, paG6 3
tr, be pala for u0h dsp that the shsrirr or
his deputy shall raid oourt.
a!.LOlld MO par aian
should ba siloma where thsr6 16 no suoh atten-
dense @van though the oowt my bs fn o8oolon
ma Is prroralng its vnrlouo duties wham the
00wt i8 rclq~i+d to pm0ri9i many ru00ticrtr0 tiera
the ltta nda uer of tho eharlff or hi6 deputy 16
not ndloooaery. Zt murt be borne lo tid that
etstutu parmittl8gcronpmaatlai to pub110 of-
rlolale rarstbe ~trlotly oomtruad and It is a
8da k .a p o lityo r th e not to psrmlb th e
lq g k to
pp~nt 0r ru0 02 0th~ rcpm 0r oomponoatlon,
IXI~,OUS t&e othutes s~olfloally and olsuly
authorlrs tha 86m6.”
The sh8rlff la entitlad to 6 $i.oc r0e r0r.th8 p08t-
lnpt or the not168 under Artiole 3991.
You are re8pemtfull.y advlood that it ia the opinion
or this dapartment that3hs oharlrt 09 Throokmorton County
la entgtlad to #4.00 par’day for 6a6h day ha lo eatually
ln attendanos upof~ths qotlrt, aa the ob6tuts 8~et3irleo
tfifit mm IS to be gaid r0r sach day test the 0hdrr
Or hi4 deputy ohall ettlad’tha. dietriot or OoUtdiy 00-t.
stataq. airrsrsntly, She shsrirr to entitloa to $4.00 ror
esoh &ey ha 18 aotu6llyin attendan u an the 6owt. Es
would not be antltlad to suoh~oo6ipen6at Eon where he is not
in attendsma uv6n thou&~ths court majl be in oeooion an4
LB perXormlng lto vsrloao duties uher6 tha aowt IO r6-
q’ulraa to parrorm sung iuaotlona where ths attadaa~n~f
the sharlrr or hi8 daputy la not nsouooary.
would not be antltlsd to $It,OOror U&I day t&t the tied.-
ninlstratim la pending or the aourt lo in sa6sloa, but
would ba antltlad,only to $4.00 for 6a6h day In aotwl
attsiidanoo upon ths oowt 88 otatsd in th6 Opini~O,
portions oi whlah are quo- above,
YOWP vew trala.
A p~rovsd Opinion Comczlt
By B. 3. I+. Chelirioan