Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN *Ia nona of tho tariour 8ahwl aato mooed bY Wwtloa to bo umwuodr Io the ohalrrean or the OOPntyboUd of *a@01 tzurt+o~ of BOXU htaty r.qulrd to lpprwvo WuPuit payingth oaotmtylupoPint.n4*nt*o oolor7Imnt 0.8 nqulnd bf ~rtiole WOO.l'at~tho pre- ~oonttlmoor Yl @ n*o g o t.rappxQt.a th e a or it inla a o r d- ann rith WOO.1. as am&o4 bt,, tha 49th L.&rl&w& in man %lll ma ‘and not yet 8IgnebO -x1. IMnaoh a8 sona& nill iur w&o pomd end p~@owtod to~tk $ptwaof m5 tiled by hk anb booam a la 08 Jun. 1 p a o M mbth 6eSh 6e& o WP B till @ r lp p mr e Bosom %lll td but ha8 not Qa. 80 a8 y.t, the fro kW8 beln($in eondet on tho rattar of oounty rohloolmprin- toadoata' u1u1aa ot mrar aouaty,whloh law g0*orm? If yotu aamuu is the ~wbo~al law OentPOflmar a &WiaZ lpalal lam, will fou ple8oi UIoWr the fOl.lOWlz~*WI- tionr IO the ohnlrmn er tha aoaatybaud ot oahool troatna bt BOXU County roqulrd to lpprm* the 8abrY of th0 0mtf r0booilmrintawt monthzya# wthoriaod tmdop on14 gonrros law woo.1 l* amonaaa durla6 tti ro- *@at 0@0010~ at the 49th iad*la*run or it the gorenaor rhoul$ rota &Duos Bill 808 is t&i@ O-rpaP of t& Oo-tY boar6 or oorkooltrurtoea rwaulrtite 8vWW@ tb o-Y o fa 0OOM ty lupuintonbont aa authoris W m~.l. prooaat utatuto? 257 *aI In cao* the anowu to the two fOro~OlA& guootlonra r e lo wud aitlrautlvelyor either ot tkoa, ana other quO#tiOJl 8Ood to M anl*oPd, but in awe or negst:ve aumvara to sil of tte above ~i;6otifxao, pleaao Dltiswerttiioquootlon: Lo the Lsgfoht3ro aon- OtStUGfO~idly authorins t0 pa00 h La* affeotin(r 0tif one ooanty In this state, nuu4 Soxu County, provmt- in6 hIa from meacully aauaty oap~rlnto~d4at~ou&my 88~0** ap in Ymate Bill 2442 Iu utiw war48, is Senate Bill 846, Seation 10 odly, UAO@AJtltiitlO~ lAAeAuok PO it lo ug,pllcaS1.to OAlJ 0Ae oawaty or this lt$*o iAMaUOh no it drprlvao the oaanty o~perinton0ont of his .oalaPy9w TAO O~VSPA~P tiid s0~00 mu ma, withut ki0 •pp0~a. la the Offloe at the Booretoryot 8krto an Juno S# and me bare just obtolnod a copy at oaato. TM0 bill was passe4 by ths HDusa by the tollorio~ vote: Yeaa lmQ, Nays t, antithe &&bun aonau~~od IA 3ooato unmiaoAt0 by the toll~Win~ tote: Joat* 101, Nays 0. It was m8oed by tbo Suwto by that fallainig votes %a08 86, Xayo 0. It la, thero- fwo, in imodlato sifoob, but tbero will be AO funds with *hiah h0 p8y tbo lnu~sno04 lalarlao until 8r6er 6eptwber 1, 1WL We quote the iO~GQiI@ iPeR boti@A 1 Of tb# AQt: “IAa ek ing t?# ; ema ei brad@ oouuty ldR lnl*- , ror trotloa ~xI)Qu~*,t&o Cetmtf Wm81 Traot~o shall ralu m diOQOti&W Out of tfis stat* Available ~oboal Fuub rot th4 M~PY IMU axgs50~0 or th6 0rri00 0t tb 00tdy oup8rln~on4eotand tbo 80~ 8Brl.l be dstarmllrad by the nridonf aoho~otio of tti,eOunfy. It *ball populcatloa bo tbo &cltyet the GatantyBoarllof Trwtees to tile the buOCjatfor ooomty a&alniatrcrtloAexpenee with tha mato P@aPtAsnt 61 LdiuCatftS DA or bdorr slptW4ber SirOt Of eaoh echolmnticr per, the baw%gats.obe wwor(rd and WP- tlflrB to by tha Pteoidsnt of the Coaaty Bawd ai kdooa- tlon an4 ztte&te& to by the cetmty Supsrlntea.4ont. The eoapemmtlon harain provided for still ba paid monthly upon t~htorQcr of the County %ohaeJ.Trtksteeo;providti that the ocniary for tho smth nf t3sptesbcrs&U net be p&Id LGlfiil IL& COWity LSUpct~btSr4d~% pIWO6iltO 6 PS46ipt rroa tlxot;tntoSuperlaten~at ohmin tht be ha8 mado rll r0gort.ozwijc?lra4 ot bla.* BonorableL. A. Woods, page 4 The term “budget ior county administration eXp6n688v used in the preaeding quotation mean8 the annual budget Prepared by tba County uo,,r‘i Or SOho tiUet.668 iOr the COUUty Admiaietra- tion &pen88 Fund authorized by Article e8%7a to pay the 6616ri66 of the oouuty Superintendent, his assistanta, Sohool Supertisorl, and suoh other expene66 or hi8 ortioo a8 ax-6 speoifioally authorized by rtatute. (firtioles3821, 3700, a8 amended in 1943 and in 1946) ~ TM8 budget oon818tr or rpeolfio items and a fixed 6munt 18 6tsted ror eaoh ltm. Th6 amount 80 budgeted ir deduoted by the Stat6 Superintendent or Yublio Instruction from the p6r capitaapportion- ipant laadeto the oounty eaah 8ohool year from the State Available School Fund and ronarded to the oounty depository to b6 plaoed to the oredit 0r the above mentioned rund rr0m whioh the,r68mctir8 Item or the budget aro to bs paid upon tho order or the Ooounty Board 0r aohool Trusteoa. Th0 statute8 mk8 no prwi8ion for amendin the bud&et. The trannrer ~0rall or any part or the 6mount budget6girOr one it6m to another item 18 not permitted, nor do88 th 8tatute 6ont6mplato the expenditure 0r an amount in 8x0088 0r the amountbudgeted for a partioular purpose. The budget ior the cohool year beginning tiptember 1, 1944, ra8 required by the 8tatuter to be filed with the Stat6 UeparbIat Or hdUCatiOh on or b8ior6 September 1, 1944. The Stat6 superintendent.or Pub110 In8truotion inform6 LW that he h68, 68 dlreoted by the rtatuto, (Art. EB%Ia) remitted to the 6ou&y &6- poaitorierOr the reapeotireoountieo the full amu& due for the Ourrent 86&0x year ending August al, 1945, 66 6bmn by the re- 8peOtiv6 budeta riled with, and approved by him. The 6Ufi8nt budget for the County Superintendent or Boxar County, wa8 barredon his salary of $4800 per annum, a8 rixed by the 8tatute at th6 time the budget was propared. His salary wa8 inoreaaed to $5,,000by H. B. cot, OrrtrOtiV6Juna es, 1945, However, no provision wa8 mado to pay him that part of the in- orea for the two months and six day8 intervening betwren the 6rr8OtiVs date 0r H. B. 83% ana September 1, 1945. sin06 there I8 no avney available to pay the ammint of the increarre(approrl- mately )35.55) ror thir period 0r time, no mre thah MOO per month, tlm amount fixed in the ourrent budget for his salary, can be legally paid him ,by the County Board of Sohool Tmute88 Or Bexar Countyror the months or June Jaly and Aagurt, 1948. Seld Board may provide in the budget, wh 1oh~'it will prepare for the sohool year, beginning Saptember 1, 1945, for $5,000 to be paid the county Superintendent, the amount of his salary for that eohool year,.However, It may not provide tn the new budget ror raid sob001 year ior the payment of tha amount of increase in sal.at]r allowed the County Superintendent by H. B. 89% prior to September 1, 1943, ror the per oapita apportionment allotted to aaoh oounty iron ths 259 'HonorlibleL. A. tuoods,page 5 Stat6 Availrib Sohool Fund, the fund irOEIwhich all item6 in- cluded in the budget ar6 paid, by the Stat0 Board of Bduoation, 18 ror the support and malntonanoo 0r the 86h6018 ror the 86ho01 y8I3E be&lnning &ptOmbOr 1, 1946, and lsu6tbo 8,rp6!ldOd Otiy for such purp0888. Articles 8887, %8%7a and 8700, as armnded by II. B. 89%. The fOr8going 00n01U6101l8apply to au OlOOtfT8 COUnty Suparintsndentr SO afieoted by Arti P700, a8 amended by R. B. #%Q%. SOOtion 10 Or 9. B. %4b, 6rrOOtiTO Jun8 8, 1945, riX68 the 6alwy Of COMtJr SUp6riBtOnd6IltSin 6OkUIti88 having a p0pUla- tion or not 1088 th6a 300,000, aor !imrethm 800,000, aooordingto th8 b8t prwoeding ?edsral COMUS , as #SOS0 per ILMOP( to be paid Out 01 the SOho OqUdiB.StiOllilllld.%iaOO Boxer thlllty ha8 110 SUOh Lund, iOr it W88 oXoI@rd mm th6 pm~iSi01U Of mtiOl68 e81Sa-S815g, autlmrieing Dal&as, Harrlr and oth8r ootmtios 0r more than population %lOLo,OOO t0 6n6tO a 6OU6ty SOh301 oqualiratioa itlad, theroforo,that part Of SF B. era rixing th8 salary or coax&y Super- int6nd8nts is inapplioablo to i38xarCounty. $10 OaMlOt OOMtrUO, a8 YOU SU@J~OSt WO l@6y, tho t8m ‘SObOO opualication iund, as U86d ia 8. B. MS, to mean tho *County &lmlai8tratioaXxpea80 Ipod,* as that term i8 &sod ia H. B. 89s. To 6oastru6 the80 term6 as meaning the 8am@ Wad would be to ~holdthat tb UdWi*S 0r tho coonty sup8riat8adont8 or Dallas mrdS,, and all other 8ouatle8,ii any, operating aador th6 prorlrloq8 0r Arti- 610 %S1ti Ot Seq., rU8t b6 paid Out Of th8 CkNMty Adminiltratioa ti~JJ8. Fund, OOntr~y to t&O phin pr6V~SiOllS Of fitiOl6 al88 Whioh pXWidO8 that the "CWUty 8QUdiStStfM fUd' i8 t0 b6 US& ’ among Other things, "to ddray,tha OOStS Or the OoUnty 86h001 ad- m5n18tration,wwhioh inoludor tlm wl.wy 0r tha Oounty Superintoa- dent. Wo b6lieY8 th6 &?gL8i&t&6 U68d the t8m '80hool OqMl- i&ation fund" advisedly, and intend6d that the 8alari88 of Colraty Of t&O88 OOUllti88having SuOh a iti would OOIltiMl6 Superintendexlt.8 to be paid out 0r that rupd. The Cham Or the &JUnty mtIrd Oi sOh001 hMt868 18 not r6quirOd to approve the salary Or tho Couaty SWWiotOnd6nt mthly, but same Shau be paid moathly Vapoa the order 0r the ~OtU$i#+hQO1 ~UStBOS.” YOUrS Very tPUly 2?