Ronorablo T. K. Trimbl.
First Assietaot
State Suprlntsndent of l'ubllo Instruotlon
&mill, To*80
lloar Blrr
ai r*a*nt aate in
whloh you ask the teiont on the above
ooption4a querrtio
oh r4aa8 all f01low81
ti48 hnvla& a populetfon in
undrsd acid fifty thousand
aOOOrd:ng t0 th4 l4fJt
dsral donow, t&s County S-hiparin-
tsndent ahall ba appolatsd by the Board of Coun-
ty Zahool TmA8t444 ana 8h811 hold orfi04 for
four (4) psaro.~
iits ralary is aat at $4,80O.O0 psr anma by Sea-
tion 1, nrtl~lo 8700-8, V. A. C. 8.. whlah provldos a6 folloust
Eonorebls T. 2. Trimble, ?a@4 0
"Lee. 1. That the 44lary of the Guprrin-
tsndent of i'ublioIn8truatioU la all oounties
in %xas hating ~15,055 po ulation 61 mre ao-
aording to the 1a8t prooed P n(; Federal oaneus,
s&a].1 b4 from an6 aftcr the paraaga of this
eot t&c mm OS 34,805.50 (forty-eight hundred
dollars) per annum and the BdBPo 18 fixatl by
thi8 aot at the (that) 4u&*
brri8 County 14Vles a rrproial 8ohool tax undar
ths torma of Artialo 2790-4, V.hC.9. 7bni8 Adi lUtbOriZ.8
aach cmudty heva a population of SW,000 inhabltaats or
moc4, UpOa 6 VOt4 Of th qUditi8d prOpel%r taxpaying VOtor8,
t0 14Vr, a88088, Ulb OOlhOt a t8X IlOt t4 4XC444 OlpO OOllt
05 tbo on4 hundreb dollan valuatlaa af the taxable pmperty
in the aounty for thm purpo8e of oraatiag an equali%ation
fund for the publio fl.84 sUhOO18 in 8U4h ccunty. Sootion 15
ot Article 290&a nods am faarP8z
*i3oc.10. sa th* orent that the tax hexoln
provldsd for llhrr3.1 be atitbarf%edby ths voter8
ai th oounty to whioh thi8 k4t 4pp1148, then
the Gouaty Superintoade5t*8 mlary and 4l.l ox-
psn444 of K&inteinilrg hi6 affiaa 8id1 be paid
out of the fund8 ruil%8d ~FCDZ the ooll84tian
Of the t8X h8nin Crovidad for."
It 18 apperant that Jrti414 moo-1 iaSOiU a8 it
fit48 the 8alsriOS Of +OOtiVO 8UpWintUld4tltS
OtbUtp i8
not applioable to the busty 8up4rhteadbnt
Couatg. of Iiarrl.8
In the fir4t lau4* he 18 an appoiative, Imot 8n slsotivr,
ofriorr and Li II mlary 14 fixad by &tic10 0955-a. In the
8OOOnd i14C4, the r+343.111(3d8USS Of Arttale 2900-l up4Oifi-
4811p pmVid48 "that th4 r4poalinfl OlaU84 shall not apply t0 ~IQ
oounty that levise a 8peOiti t4x for the maintaaanco of ths ot-
floe 3r County 2~hapsrlntenuent in &ale or in part."
That part OS Artiol4 P;755-1 relntinig to the employ-
mht of ami8tant.e mmdt aa fotlCw8r
-. , The County ~‘:uperintendent,with the
approval 4id ths oonfirmtion al th4 5aunty %rd
Of ddUOatfOtiI, lpap scploy a 8oeipcrt4nt
488i8t4Ut t0
the County haporintandont at an anmml balmy riot
to 4rcscad Two ThoUaand~ ;io11hr8 ($2,505) uld lnsy
Honorable 7. 3:. Trimble, Fe&o S
a180 cmptoy 8uoh other a8418tWIt8 a4 neoe484ry
provided th4 8ggregato cenoumt of t.hs @alarha
of 8uOh othsr aseirtants rhell not erorsd Twelve
Hundred Dollar8 ($11300) aummllpi and the County
bard of Bduoation may m&co turthsr prmision8
88 it a04m0 nooes84ry for affioe and traveling
exgenr48 Of the i%NSkt~ SUP rintOnd4nt; pxvvidod
that exp4ndltur48~r office and trev411npS ox-
penase ot the County Gup4rintsndent rrball not
bo la44 than Thrsa Mundred f&la*8 (@55) aud
not mor4 than Eight KuriUroU DoilarO (f8UO) psr
anam, suah expan44 shtil firbt be proven by
aftiduvit thersfor, and said Eoard 18 hsmby
authorir4d t0 fix th6 4418ry Ot suah U88i8t4Ut8
anb pay sane out of the 84414 funds imm which
the 84~4~y and OXp4M48 Of thS 6OUtIty fhperia-
tendent am paid."
my the County SupsrinWmd4nt or &lT18 Colulty
employ 886i8tallt8 under the ahare guotsd pra*lcilOn? -so are
ot the opinion that ho may. 704~1 is jwt a8 much need ior
lo el8ta ntla
in the off100 @f GUI appointire oountr 8uporintenarnt
a8 them is IA the orrioe of 4n 414otlve oae, and even BOM
80 WhWs the Omty iS a large one. Th4t thl8 0048tX'UOtiQIl
is the ona lntsndsd by the L4gi8l4turs io 8haun br the provi-
eioa, *. . . d&d Board 18 h8roby authorisod to fix the 8aiary
of suah u8i¶bJtant8 and izay 4~4 out of the 84524 fUndO rr0a
whioh ths 8slary aild 4xpensss of ths County .Sugeriut4nd4nt ar4
paid. = The Uarieo of the rleotivs oouaty suprrintsmlent
uucler f&lo14 Z7QOl1 are pey4l:I.eaut d the State Available
SOhOQl Fund. Xf the Logislatuw had ffeenttu limit the mplop
Pesnt Of a8siBttmt8 under this klrtiOl4 tC 414OtlV4 OOUatJ 8uper-
iatenbents, then it could have rnsilp provided tht ths 8alarios
of the a8siitunts pmyabio Out of the State kvrilnble
r;ohool Fund. Xnstsai, it provided th4t euoh 44k4ri48 would
be pia in the 44624 manner and out 0r the mm4 mid8 46 tho
ealary of t*4 oounty 4uperlntancMnt. ~Thus,whera the ralmy
of the aounty eup4rinteudsnt i4 paid out of rum34 raalised rrom
a epaolal t4x, than the aelary of an nesl8tant would be paid
rro0r. ttla Sa5Q funds. Your firet quaetlon 14, theroror4, ~8war-
sd In the al+finmtive.
Your seonnd Tue4tion d44la with the tr4valing ox-
penarm oi the County &uperintcsndent of iumris County. On Juno
fionorRbl0T. x. Trlnwo, PagO 4
10, 1940, t&5* &e$ertaent ruadarad Opinion So. 0444% to
Wuotabla L. A. R~&ir, Std.o'~up8~intanfht O? Bublio fMtx%8-
tlon, ragrrdlug the trevallng sapmsem of tbs County
5ntcna8nt or Xerrle Countr. 5%. 5Umatlcdl our8t5oM
YOU aFf3 fntCr8Etcd worm rtii,y ai8CU~884 end ~~EMWHI~
og1nfon. we cnolose a oopy or muck ~pPn5oa for your
Your6 very truly