mnorable T. J. CroveI Secretwy
~&xn8 state Eaard of c?aicai Rxalsin6rs
glU-X3-30 T6Xat)9 :ak B&ldlag
C~llas, Texas
Denr Slrr OpLnloa No. Q-6638
Ret LimLtatfioas o
State tid o
captioned nat ter has been re
quote~frcm your letter as fo
Eworable T. J. Cmve,
“I ‘wrote the draft of the RsEiStPntiOn Act,
the fuads dcrlved fron which are p~cvldsd b3 the
- __
re&;istered pb3sicmna of’ ‘i’exao for the purpxe of
eriforcenent of it; end althsqh the provisions of
the Act pPwlde the b3tard c&g Spur! up to the last
penny in the fund SQP the purpmes mentianed th&e-
in, but no E&x sfir.11 ever bc mposcd on t&e funds
of the atate ~Troasuror- collected for other pur-
“The Etaneg was dognsitnd Mth the atate Treas-
urer, vouchers to be psmsed through the conptrol-
lere office 0s a Ratter of safet3, to prevent it
being used for; other than tho puz*r?ose of enfarce-
moat of the lnw, the of infornsetim
Inter&d to educate the public kc, and fDr this
service the atato is paid between $300. to $509.
a year.
‘k?lr?t::~I nou de,alm to have 3our opinion on
ts what EPB tho Llmitatfons of the bwerd*s use of
this fune, nov around $?O,CLQ., IS not for the
aCtU8l 3~1~3 WxB%x! in COnQectisn With the ~roaecu-
tion of fla@ant vlnlatlons of the Act? Ths Act
itnolf defLuea the linit ‘as the last cent la the
fund, but ma warraats 8llBll be &sua on other funds
oi the stats to coapensate for a daffcioncg of ths
reglstrsCFon fund.
“3&x I have soxtm troublesons cases mw on
hand, 1’31 thank 3ou for an early and a definite
opltion on thta matter.”
&tlcle &&YEla,Vtwnoa’a Annotated Civil Statutes,
rc~ds 1.n purt IAS fwllwirra:
Board oi” %edical, ExamInex3, on OF bnfo~e tb.e let
clay ofl Januatiy, A. L’. 1433, and tharmftm to reg..
ister In like mailpeP tmnuzllg, on or hsfore the 1st
d&y of Jmuary of each succeedfug ~enr. Each pclr-
son 60 re.giateri~- with the Tczas State Board 3f
Hecxcal Sxqxinars ahell pay, in ccmlectiorl with
each annual rcgistratton mad for the iwceipt hero-
Inafter provided for, R fee of Two (,c3,ooj I?ollara,
whltch fee &all accompany the epplm3eion of ovorp
suoh pcraon fm such reg2stration. Swh paymat
shall be tmde to the Texas State Board of He&m%1
Examiners. Every person 86 ret;istering ohall ffle
with tht~ Texas State Bard of EedlcaL Exan;inera a
written application for annl;al rngistration, set-
ting forth his full nfine, tP0 a&p, his FOst Office
etidress, his place of residence, tb* courity or
counties in which hle certificate eutltll&q hln
to prectice medicine has been m&stared, and the
place or pieces where he is aafjetpxl inthe practice
of ae&icice, 811 ~611 8s the 6ch~b01 of aedioine to
which he professes to belong RUd the nmber and
de0 of hi5 lic5nas certiricate.
a. . l l
4 3,3QQ*QO
gonclrrabla 2. J. Crow, wge 6
%ur attaatS.oa Is directad to t&i feet that
the Conm.tutl5n of the State of Texas prohibits
rncrnsybsia;; withdrawn mm the Tmrau~g of the
Bate except pursuant to appropriatioa artBe by
the Leglalature, and further p~2v1des that no ap
propriQtLon E&all be t&k3 for & lotl@?r par-lad tbwl
tw3 years. Corlstftutioa, AlMcle TTIISF,Soctfotl 6.
Wdm these ~GPiSiOtiS, it foll.~W~ that Wl-em the
Lep;fslature haa failed QI' refused to ay>propH.ate
mm8gs for c?xpendfture for psrrticular purgosei,
the accounting offiaes of this State have no au-
thority to lasoa WQrrQats upoe the !Freasurf In
papaeat of expendituxvxt oade for such gnrposes~" ~;y
Ia viow of the fOF8sOiap;,~ it la the 0pLaioa of thfs
depertmeat that the Texas State I3oard of Eedical Examtners
can only r;rake such expeudltwes out of the %edical i?ei?istrfit-
tloa Fund' aa provided for by tbc &bove metrtioned amropris-
tion bill. the ~.~glrlnture did not &%ks an QmPOPrietlO~ for
the papsat of tha 0xp8naitwea tmatiotmd in your recweat,
and therefore tit is our opinion that the Texss State Board
of Pealc~l ~?,xnniwrs 5.3 riot eutbocieed to py for $%otootctLc
~opioa of doauaetxtnr-$ evfdcncet witntps3 fees, Olld 0tbe.P 8X-
Pensea of a eQ?dilQrtmNre*