Honorable ban Gauldln
Criminal Blstriot AttOrnsy
Criminal Courts Building
Dallas Z, Texas
Attentionr Er. An&lo Piranlo
Dear Slrr
g 8888on an
y'a:llll+tor niore.
n&i end eeinba are por-
ia aeasona but fn'tha
td aet~out khathei or
shing eeaeoim aa, provided
Arter a oaraful aonsidaratlo~ of tha above request we
.have ooncluded that roar f bat question is snewered by Sections
3 and 5 of Senate Bill; Ho. 93, Aots of the 49th Legislature, ap-
pearing as Artlola 927e in the April, 1945, Curnulatlve Fa::phlet
of Vernon's Annotated Texas Statutes Service; Section 3 reading
08 iollows:
Honorable Dean Ceuidin - page 2
“SSO. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person
in any one day to oatoh and retain, or to place on
i devfke or oontalner for holding same while
$ ii %ihing, any fish that is taken from the publio
fresh waters OS this state in exoess of the following
llmltsr large-mouth blaok bass, smsll-mouth blaok
bass, spotted bass, or any sob-speoles of the same,
singly or In the 6 OgatO, fiftWA (15) Of whloh
not more than ten F10) shali be of greater length
then eleven (11) lnohes; white bass, twenty-five (25) ;
blue oatfish, ohannel oatfish and yellow oatfish
single or in the aggregate, twenty-five (26) J orapple
or white peroh, twenty-five (26).” (Emphasis added)
It shall be noted that previous to the passage of
Senate Bill No. 93, the law provided under Artiole 952f-1 of
Vernon’s Annotated Penal Code for a maximum possession limit
at any time in Dallas County; s&id provialon read, in part,
as foliows:
v* * *, it shall b,e unlawrul for any one person
to have In his or her possession at any t%me more than
thirty (30) bass, thirty (3C) orap le or white peroh,
seventy (70) bream, or seventy (70 7 goggle eyed peroh,
oaught or taken from the fresh water rivers, lakes,
ponds or lagoons OS this state, * * S.n
SeOtiOA 5 or Senate Bill No. 9?5 repealed the above
quoted artioie and reads, in part, as follows:
“sec. 6. All laws or parts of laws, local,
pneral or speolal insofar as they provide a
oiosaa season or p&ioa of time when it Is unlaw-
ful to take, or oatch fish or to 1168 artifioial
lures, or Insofar as they provide a siae limit,
possession limit or daily aatah limit or otherwise
oonfli t with any provision of GX&t shall be
and ari hereby repealed; * * *.* (Emphaiis ours)
Thus it is seen that the above quoted aeatlon OS
Senate Dill MO. 93 repeals all laws or parts of laws, local,
Honorable Dean Gauldin - page 3
;ennyl or special, Insofar as they provide for a possess ion
Aoqordingly, the emwer to your first question is that
under the present law AO person Is limited in his possess iOA
of flab to any meximum number of dey*a oatoh.
IA enswer to your 80002a question, owe direot your
attention to the enolosed Opinion Ho. O-6541, paSSed by this
department b%y 9, 1945, rhloh we tmst satIsfeotorilp answers
your inquiry.
Yours very truly
Bob D. &ddox
’ BD%:zd