.*. .@i/B : 539 OFFtCE . OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN In r&tic* or t!ie ) Section 5 of tin pprroistr ;lpur eirinne pI an early ttsr in ordrr that wo pay tskr fur- the bill during the p r r ia nt lrerion Of It im elm? t t if tbo appropriation ir mde Oa* Of tb. Avallabl. So&O1 - d It mo~ld bo l.m violation of Arti- 540 01r T detlon 5 ot t& Con8tltutlon #ha0 that rrctlon provider the Atallabl,@tirhaollund rhall k dirtrib trd to the raroral tic rouatler looording to their rrholmtir popalstPon. b 8pproprlation rcrybr -40 out of the Oanaral Eevenlu runf .