OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN SROVERSELLERS ATT~~~~~ GENERAL Eunoreb.laFomer Gsrrloon, Jr., Dfraator ar Tub110 SaZoty lB~artf!lent Camp Sabry huat.ltl 9, Tsxem Deur 3l.r: -mix fnobell oertltioate Your reoent Fe inion of this departmentreadsas folio ehlole whloh oertlfiaate or m %otor Vehiole' me~~8 every kind v8n or propelled veh~loleno~ror here- Seotion 8b of Artiole 667sI, V. A. C. Y., relating to the registrationof vehlolea gr0viaaS 88 iollowa: Honorable Coiner Garrison, Jr., pape 2 ?:o motor vehlole Ehall be reFlsteraa and lioeneed whloh has a tote1 outAIde width, lnolw,- Ing, any load theseon, of more thnn ninety-air (913)lnoheo, * * *" Thus ft Is #eon that the true!: Involved here is not a %otor rshiale’ within the neanlng 0r the LagIslatIve definition In the Vertirloate o? Title hat*, beaauee It I5 not only InelIgIble for registration but Ita cqlatrstlon Islpeolfloally prohib:ted. Tt In olear thrt the Csrtffloate Of Title Act only applies to mOtOr vehloler aa 4atIned there- in and the operative pro~irIon5 of tha not ode that term throughout. Provirrlon i8 iaede ror tha mrrrndor and osn- cellatlon of a oertfrZcets of title when a vehlolo loam its oharaotar as a zaotor vahlole a6 therein defined. Art. 1436-1, Sec. 37, V. A. l?. 0. Also Sootion 60 of the warn@ Ar tic lelt8tos that : Se oonolude that the owner of tha over-width truok inquired Is not entftl6d ebout to reoelve a oertiffaata or title for the rehlole though he might oporata ltfo a limited degree over the publio hi&ways under a speolal geralt.