iionor8blr Olaud. I@kll
soontary of stat.
Auatb) Tour
Attantlonr Mr. fiator C. P1.?040. Iiora
auallfird,lut who ir 8
Yo ur
1ott.r OS Km a u r tlna th o
o~inlon of thir
lr, aI iollwr:
18 County, but la not l
1 DlOtriOt AttOrriOJ’8 Off100 8tating
lglblr to boom l notary.
Will you ~lorrr rdrlao thio oftloe whether a
porron, othwwlu ~ualifird, but who lr not l sltl-
un ot the United stator, nay bo lp p o lnteb
'If one Lnurt be a oitlun before he oau secure
ruoh rppolntclent, rould it be aufficlent if he bar
taker out hia firat ppere'rm
’ .
HonOrObl. Cloud. Iabrll, me. 2
8a0ti0n 26, Isti0i0 b 0r th0 sot0 conotitution 10
in part, aa foAl0wa1
Vho seoratrry of 3tat0 lMl1 appoint a ooze
ranlont nrubor or tiotarioa Pub110 fo rlaoh oounty
who rhau mwh autior aa Pow a?. or say
r io a l
bo pro&or1r ld bl law. Tho quallriootlonoor
Notarloa Publlo ahall br proaorlbod by later
%otlon 2 of hrtlalo 59&O,Vornon’a Amotakd civil
dtatutar lr, aa toll0uOc
"TO k l~i(ibh for lpp4irPtunt 00 Notary
Eubllo for a oounty, a praon ahall br at loaat
twantpaao ( 3 1 yaara of ago, lrrd a raaldont of
the oounw rot whloh ho la lppolntodt protibo4,
that wb8ra aaoh Non nai4ar rlthln tb lidI
t o o rr a d lityJ, towao?r~la@aleoded
int8@o o unt
rp: a a iap a r oYu b elp Qo lJlto ~
Potmy Publio for lltha& oi no i oountla~, but
lnll bo lothoriud to lot oal~ lo tbo oounty
fo rwh io rhuo l
hp g o lntmo
& ama
a tde..
A notaq to a pub110 otfioor. The oAlglblUsy of
paraonr to be nOtark publio ia la?-4 n~ulotad bl eon-
ltltutlonal or statutory prorlal0n0,~ (rut. Jur. Vol. 39,
oanrnl4 rJmaklng,al&lbilitg te l rti00 klorrga
lquoll~ Co lU prraona not •~011U04 br tho oonatitutlon or
otatutar and not lxolu8lro4 o r lpoolSlo414 to pareone
lnjoylng the right of 8ulfPqp. Tha LogiUaturo may not
ohange or rdd to ~uOiiri0oti0n0 r0r 0rfi00, nor take 0~0~
di0quOliri0oti0n0, that are prerorlbrd by the conrtltutloa.
The Conmtltutlon oi 1865, Art1010 3, sootion 14, provided
that A0 perron rhould be llleible to My OSfioO who ber
no t l rrglrterrd rotor of the StatO, but thoro lr no luoh
proolrlon in the preoent oonrtltution. lst0ur0rr v. btatts
15 3. iy‘. 1100, 12 L. a. A. 364; tiarknadbr V. state 33 S, h.
117, Tex. Jur. Vol. 34, pe6.e 341)
It la rtetad lr, tirlobn Jurlsprudrzioe, Vol. 42, pace
Honorabla Claudr Iabell, par.0 3
-To hold a publlo offloa, One rurt ba lllglbla
and poaaaao the ~uallfloatlona pnooribed by law,
and an llrotlon or lppolntiaant to 0rfi00 of 0 per-
eon who la lnallglbla or unquallflod glraa him no
right to hold tho offlao. It la iropuontl9 a014
that mloor lxolud.6 tharaSr.m by mee &6aA (Ilr-.
puaUfloatlon, 0U paraooa arm norm04 a ndlquall9
lllglbl8 to pub110 Offlao, that 10 CO layc lag014
quallflodSor of floa.~
It lr furthar rtato& ln liurloam Jurlaprudonoo, Vol.
b2* pa?3 9171
~Allana onjoy uay of the rlghta of oltlswia
and on tho other hand, labor undrr oortaln dla-
lb iiltlor. Thm9 lro not lll~lbla to wbllo ofilo,
unlora tb prlrllaga la lrtandall to tha8 by atatuto
a nda m r o r y
o fta l axrludod thawtram by ooaatl-
totlonalor ltatakaory rotimiona rhlohnrtrlot
to llookra or tot&a La right to hold ofiloa
or rhlah makoa oltlraarhlp a lon~ltlon of old-
blU&y to offlw."
It lr rtatad ln Oorpua Jurla Vol. 46, page 938;
'Citl~OnOhlp, llthOugh WUOl4 lXp~OOl9
raqulnd llthor by the oonatltutlon or ltatutea,
rotid lou, in the lbaonoa of auah nqulmawzt,
not ta bo a naoa8wry ~uallilratlon ior offlo*,
but it hoe wmtlaar boon hold that it lo a
naaaaaary quallfleaUon for llaotlro 0friw
oven ln tho lb a o no aof a ronatltutlonal or
ltatutory prorlalon to that lit0ot.~
It will 00 not&d that Seotlfxi 26, Artlolo b Of t2a
Ztata conrtltutlon provider that -Oha quallrioatlon of
notaarlea publir rhall bo prorotlbad by law.” U prerorlbinc
the quallfioatlorr for notarlor publlo, the Leglrlaturo yro-
ride4 that to be eligible for rppointmsnt a8 notary publlo
for any county, a perroo ah811 be at leart twenty-one (21)
yeara of ago, and a rcrldent of tne oounty ror whlo2 ho 18
s>polnted; prorldod thst where suoh parson reridar within
the lisitr of luy lnoorporatod olty, town or rlUago looa ted
in two oountloa, arid per&on may br a pointed notary pub110
for rlther of ruoh oountleB, but ah81P k authorized to not
only in the oounty for rhloh ruoh rgpolntnant la aade.
The rtrtuto (Alt. 59b9) dour not roqulro tuat * per-
8on must be 8 olti8.n to k rll~lblo for rppohitlount II a
no trry publio. Tha rtatutr m