Honorable Lae Curtis
Cougty Attorney
Boll cow&y
Beltou, T8xar
Your lettar of
ion or thh d0pei6nt
delayed birth oartlrlcate
ror the ax-aetrioefmui or
II l oortiried 00~~ or
oo~nriection with the
lnia relating to Military
adrieed the Goun$y Clorlc that in
Arti 1939-A IWq~ir.# Only thnt
~3 copy Oi tih4 birth aort@&oate be
d rroe 0r ohargo, 8ne doer not applg~ to
rOF filing and XX100l-di.R$ tha deLayed
blrbh 08tifrioa te. It clp~8rO to me rrO3I both
rho title and body or the Aot.or the isgl6latum
the it mu intcndad that the ‘fmomptionrrom fee8
rhouia apply ouly to oertirimtea an4 oairtiried
00plw or 55strufaanta. tiow6rer, alnoe the
qucratlon ha8 been raised aereral tiinas bp
Uonomble Lao curtia, p06O 2
isx-tierrloemea und prOb8bly will be inalate&
upon rraquantly%n the lutura, both the Oouity
clerk and X will qqmolrte very Auoh your
opinion about the mmttbr.”
we r.mwm00rem.y coneidared your puaatiou ML% hare
oQnalndt36 that YOU b5VO OOrF6Otly aOA5trueb the 5t5tUt0, the
prtinont rt or whibh i5 in0iud66 i0 m0tion i th0rYor,
rbwl pror r &at
*~baf rrolp ana Orter the ~rr00tiv~ det0 Or
this Aot, all counts Clorkr, ana DiatricrtClerka,
other in thfa 8tate who are required
orri0iaia to
;saua any r0fin or oartir’ioeh or wy oopy or 00pi05
0r lwtruuntr nooaaurg 85 proor to rakebliah uty
6Lpfi or al&u or 84 ox-aarrlooaea or the radar81
govolnmnt, or cry ~f-a4mb~~# 0r tkie AudLiariaa
to 6he WRO~ r0r008 or tih unitad swtor Gorammwt
8hal.llaaue anoh OertitlMta, an4 uk*~iro oortlriod
oopior or a4 inntruinoot neo*wary to prove any Soot5
or OakrbUBh 5nx 01O15i 0r luah *x-rcrrvioe uan or auoh
ax-mbora or ta Auxiliarlom,'r~0 or my phmgo,
Wd 5b5li hOit& th0 l5k b u& in( S
Or 000pWti0B
lktw, aAd uay other Iaawaaary trot to be oatsbliahod
to r ib an6 eaa1at lwh e x -M r *~ao annma lx4wRbera
0r the Auxll.brirr in Ooap.lOti~ the nootd or auoh
lorrioo when woerasry or reptied ia the eatabllah-
mat or aad tieo8oury nrvioa ltatua, ln
either world war I, the apenbh-Amortow vim, world
War XI, or any other aotirr aartfor , *hero auoh eor-
vi06 maa mndered, ld rhara the parron uotid on
proper probr, be entitled to aoxiponratlon, inouranoe,
0~ may othar rozra or ad uakd aettlemit r0r *or-
rim randand to the Un i to6 Water Cior-nt by
aueh ox-eerrie6 iaeaor 6x-webera or tke AWlll~rfebh
me county Qlerk, Diatrl~t Glark, or other 0rrfOi5k5
irahg 8uah eorttffoate8 or 00rtwOd oopiea of
lnotrumentr, ahall not be liable for sag 55ttlO-
mnt ror any lua hnduotion and th a ma a a511 no t
be oountau 05 feeo oolleote d ana ohargoabl6 ta suoh
0rrh, and 5h011 rolla no part Or the marifaum r0a5
or 0u0h OrriOer a.1 Or the prov15i0n5 or 8eotion 1
hweor, ahall inure to the haLr0 at law or auoh as-
aervica man and amn6mbsra or the Auxllfariaa, whsro
the proof la ixioaaa4ry to aatabllah the ol8fm wnian-
sting throu@ ox under uuoh 6.x-O~rgiOamm or
wxorclblu, Lao Curtie, page 3
ax-ma~bara or tha Auxillarlaa.*
ml85lr 0r hrtlola I+477 Varnon*a hnaotmta6 ciiil
$tatutea QIIamoabod by Act8 of lh?., prorldaa that a&y oiti-
se5 of t&la Stata wi*hIug to rile the hoora 0r any bfrttt or
death oartilIoata, not prawioualy rclgIatorad, any make ap
pltaatlon to tha F-robatc Court in the oounty when the birth
ox aaeth ooaurmd on the adoytsd rorm or blrtb or d4rth
eartlrloata~ or auoh oitlaon wlahlng to file the moor6 ot
u)y birth er bath that 000Urmd O~kida the Skk Or Taua,
not pravloualy nglatrntl, may mh 8~plioation to the Probata
Gourt in the aaunty when ho naibra on the propr 8doplM
ram or birth or bath oertiri08ta. Buoh aa eppliomt ia
npuira~I at tha t&a ha ii168 him rpplioation $0 par a ibe
or on0 dollar, *rirty oanta (SO@) or whiah *hall be rotalnod
bf’tha Olark OS the Oounty Goti ior raoordlng raid blPth or
be&h ObrtIil~tO~’ ProrIaloa I5 ala0 r&e r0r ohe oollao-
tion 0r other fear under oarta~a ben4~tiona wkem the oonnty
wlga la ~nquind 00 -0rtlora tslml or tha laaua *a to the
applioant*abirtbw Mother prorlaIon or lald Rule 15;
lmrtiriOb oopiorror nld birth or baath
oartiilw~ aall k 1amiaQ br lltbr the Qounty
Clark or thb State aaglatnr and ree ror 8aiQ
oerttriad aopy *hell be rirty aaata (504) .*
Wa ham 4irBot your 8WantIon to Artlo& 102 Fanal
‘, Qoda, and 00pa0iaU.y ‘40 that ptt Whloh road8 aa r0&w
vay oounto orrioer 0~ 4ay ~latrIat ltto zne y
$0 whom roar or eoata ma al&mod by Inr whe ahall
mi to oh8 op the troa or ooata that rf ba
bun under arrating law*, or rho &all ramit
roe tktat iuy be due under the lrrr,,or who aha
"i 1
tell 60 Mko tha mywt nquimd by l.8~ Ed. . .
*hall be rmd not loaa tbn tmntprin nor 9029
than fire haw~bred doUar8, Saul mot torblddan by
tibia artlole i8 a nepmwa orron~a.*
The oounty oPfioer5 0r .mzL aounty am oo*panaata&
on a ularj beoia. sactlen 5 OS APfIola 39120, Vcrnon*r
annotated civil Gtatutal, 8pplIosble to l8Id oounty, among
Other tnlnga proribrar
"It ahall bo the dutJ O? all orrioer8 to
obargs and oollrot In tho manner authorixed by
law all roea and oodralon8 whlsh era peraltted
bf law to be ae8esred and aolleakd Soti all olii-
ala1 eorvlcr psriozmed by the& A8 a a dw& n lua h
feee am col&eted they rhtJ.1be deposited In the
Vffloars' Salary y’und, or funds yrovlded in thin
AOt. In uve~r;t the Corpiliiseion~a Court findslihat
the r0iiiim to eollclot any roe or oodr8~on rae
aU8 $0 AO.&Ot OA the jSU% Of th* OfriO9r OhUrgd
with We rurponnibll.ity of oollcatiw a&m, the
acow or maoh fee or ooaaisaion ahall br dedookd
rrosi th0 ulary or auah orri00r.a
hrtlcls 1934a 1s eti sxca~tion to tha mmdstory pro-
~iei0~6 0r iirtfoh 102 or tae ~tsn4l c0d0 8nd mation 5 0r
Article 19124, rhloh lms e0ner81 l0w, rspuiring th0 oounty
olark sad 611 other oountr orr19bra to oharge all.rW8 ad
-88b~8 rhioh 8X0 QORaittad by 38W t.0 b0 as#W#d Mb
001100tmd ror all offiolal nrriee pwforawb by them.
It 18 an ahabll8hed rub of oon#Oruotion @hea 6
statute which O@IlBtitUti8 8D lXOep tiO
to A
e $enOl’d l.rr rfl;l
be rtriatly een8trwd and not 8xbndad bemad ltr plaia tar&8
by judloial conatruotlon. Bawber8er v. Allen 101 Tar. 352,
107 S. Vi. !@61 bNCU18tiOa Va P0A.t (CiV. fb
siaon va Elddlaton (Ciri App.) U2 8. Wsy1
AAourinatiw OrCha to? 166, ALOt Of the GUthi.0&18-
laturo, Q. 267, (Art, 19391) !noludia$ lt~ title, body and
eaargenoy oleuae t&&a@ that it ~180alrarly the purpom8 of the
kglalstun to 1trtt Zhe bOAaria or t&e iob to tkM lnumerated
Ob8#08 Or petOOA8 aaotloaed therein, rOr the 8pOOiria ppr&30808
8tatsd,, and m.y to the artcnt ar *any r0rar er oertirloato or
arty Copy Or OOpieS Or ~~J~~WIKU&#- Or wQerDifi~d OOpiO8 tgeXVOi.’
Therororw, M
am tomed to oo~slud~0 WA opO8e tea0 allmod
the oounty olerk ror rsoordlng a birth or d,oaOb eartblfioato or
any other tea m~orulng to hir srrm prsllpLnary te muohrooord-
bg ia AOt Wit&iA thr kan*8 Or th alXOOp O~o n~ ~WQv0r~ th s r ee
or riitr Wf%t8 sllorcrd the uotmty alurk for lmu1LL(: e ourtirtcd
oopg or 0 birth or Qeth 0ertirloabe ir oloarly witnin tha ex-
oo~tion rhon isruad to ang person who is a Psnber or any 0r tn0
onuPllsrat6d clo88e8 rp00i2ied in the aot and Par ayr 0r the
~Z'~OWll !J~OAti0A9d tiuX6iA.
YOU.8 very truly,