Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

845 I OFFICE OF THE A~ORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS _' AUSTIN G&V.ER SELLERS liTTORNEY GENERAI. jaa Jodial Di#trlot xarllton, ?axaa 9. Zhat ax-oifloio oomponra- 1s the iaarimuj~ ~tlonuhloh ataybe rllwod tha EZmtirS-of WalltOn Gounty under the proliaiona Oi . _.. s.~B. 123, by,Brown, and may the Wee bs db3w0a at thlr tl.ao? 1. 0. Doom tho 2si$ ...1 846 I lionorabla’H. k. Allen, pa68 2 provided r0r iA 4aa bill pertain to the g1,ooo 0x-0rri0ie OS 800. two or Art. ,39x, or tho mcdmum 9OMpsn&Stion Of 33,000 el- low44 under Arts. 3883and 3891, Vumonca mnotated civil statute?* mIIPdltoncounty im on l to e barlr aa that tama 18 used In rerp8ct to the mda or,oompmaatlng Its bfrioiala. IJla roo*nt oplnloa (30. OAJb62)or this department the Eonomble 9. 8.~ M1.A County AttOrn8y Oi lddr o ea a d to Hullton County,l* uar.bld thet tha b&al ooai&wmatlonthe Sheriff or r&l oounty HI all&&ad to retain ir Time Thousantl DOLlArA.($3,000.00)pr your6 Irk10arhtinua0ompoll54t10n naa d0t0m4a unbar the pro~itriam 0r Arthi0 3891 v. ‘A: cI s., borore then &am&a& Of #aid'rrtiolr by Senate 4 Ill HO. 123 onaotoa by the 49th Lagiolaturo,.Sala sk.mti BillyNo, 123 b00+3ie 4rr40tire'610a law U5y 9r 1915, and la as rouowt "A3 &T &Sading Atilrl4A 3&91, 3902 AA4'3AOtiOn# 13 &a'15 of Art&de 39120;,?iovlcad Cl~ll Otatutaa Of To%ar, ljZ5, OD anuud4d, rllowln$ aUdi%ional for oertaindlstrlotoftlaerr,~~oounty toiapensatlon c.nd~pmclnot, aa ior doputlar, olarkr 4$d WNit#tUIt8~ iag ?hdtiOIi2 Or-athi@ 393iQ 3erlsrd OlVl statater ai Ts*ur,.19251 ru~eallng 611 lem in oonflIatt and deearlng a3 om4rifienoy. “(ai) The commiarlcmera~COWS ir hereby suth4rlAAd~ when in thalr jU&&imnt the rlnaaoial oondition Or the 00ont~ 4na tho a0ra4. or the 0rri0orr uatiry tho in- oroaaer to enter an or6ex laorwasln$ dhg oo.wanutlOn or ahe proofaot, oounty end dirtdot orrloirr ln an rdaltlooal amount not to 6xt740a ~~ttt0atpri~0 (25$) per oat or the sumallowed under tba .lrrfor tbs flreal yaas or 1944, provldoa tbr total ooatpen5ationauthorliob under thr law ror the fiaoal yaw or A W dlQ not ox- coed the mu of Thlrtg-six I+&ndred($3x00,OO)tlollara.' . 847 ’ . r'(b) The U0md44lo5sro' Court ir hrrabl auhhor-, lord, when in tlmir Jo nt aho iiora4141 oondl- 610i1 0s th4 4Ountt and"41" hs nora 0f ts 0rri00xa jurtlfythe lnoroa85, t0 *ntar an ardor lnonaaiA(l 838 . - ths 005pMution 0,r 8ho pnolnot,oounty and dlslrlo9 _ofrhbrr 8adtti0a 8h7btwhnot _* lpe.-_. .;yt3Sbe 6, ThO r4IOs the tb iOSt Or ii&g 18 ~$9 '~rlslag and the prrrohs&ng powei of tha 'doll~~~~ 18 doonrslng, and t&t n&es and aalarlsslk rlrste Industry hsrr iaororscldto M srWnO that pub40 orrloerb snd etaE3eyOsb00ntint.u ti tholr orribbb st b u0rirl00 ti ~IBLLY i.artamr48~ .,_, sa4 $hb fur8hbr reot 0r t&o 0xOMed ooablt1oa of &ho oahndar orbatos en esergonoy and an iiS~&‘Stitb pdo SsOOSSity the% the OOrtutiSU- ,*I tloM1 &lo requiring btlls to be rasd 011 bhFbb sbrorsfdbrs ia lso h Hous. bb surpndbd, snd sbld RuIo ls henby suspbadbd,and this AOt ShslL tskr.. lrr00* and b0 in rem80 rm kibd art+sr a6 p*000gr, and It lr l o na o to d+’ As Mb maa rllowb~ wasr the law to the shOdit br, mlltun county ror th ri0 al year or I.944was oaly'!rhkS ~TMusbaQ DSUSrs (6, 000 0Of the nsxO abon simdaaa8 8uth0ti808 M ~ti0~4. d cd8 mrFQtLll or 2%; I asxliaulr or Time Thousand aotc~n madnd sad fir:; %&s , (B3,7SO.,W. khld OpbllOB HOI h&62 also hold theO thr amxbuia a8i0uDtor 0x-orri0i0 borpasitlon that said oharr eotad be r4uuod wss One Thousaad Doliars ~~1,000.00)per per. ThlS lipdtstlonwas dStemlSrd under thS provlsioas or sootioa 2 br *rtlch 3934, V. A. c. 81.,rbioh sinok has beoa ltprssslJ ropoalra by said ~iensto nil.11410. 123, i’hb ‘TI.., A. ‘ .~,, :_., 849 __ liwiorsble tl,Wi Allrn, ~86a 5 gansralprorlslo& of Ar8lo~s 389j, 0. A* Co th, anot now be i00k0a CO i5 summg ox-orrio oorpeautlon to suoh shsrlrr. said Art. 3894 appran 88 r04m8t "Ph. Comqlsslon~rs~Court 1s herrby dsbsmd rrm 040ntng .006penntioa r0r Ox-orri0le wr+iors t0 00wy 0rrlOi4a8 whOA tb OomrgOnsOt~on 6nd 8f0O88 roes nhloh tho$ or. sllew~4~bO nkln shall Msob the mnxlma provided for in this ohsptar. xxi ssses 1 whWo the oOq.oSettoa On4 lXOOSS iSOS whloh thb errlobrs rre allowed.to retsla shall ,not rmsoh the :mulfimm prOlidbd ior ia this shspkr -UN CWU&- rlonbrs~ court shall allo* oorponwtfon r0r ox orri0io Hnldrs whsrt,ln their Pdgmnt, suoh ookprnsation 1s nroessary,~prorldad' sooh ampsma- .e ( tioa fcirax'ofrloio ss~vlaoselkwe &.sh84-net la- OTbW the e~&psasWkW Oi th* b~i~ili bepiI& tIW ti2i.i~ or 0aPp0n8ationuid s~0088~~r008~8u1~0dto bo rot6imd by him under this ohiptor. ?rorldrd, noWWir, the 8x orrioio herein authorizsd shill ho lhewed Only after 6n OjIQOrtUAity fer 4 jwbubliahear- ing irnd m3.y upon the aiflr~.t~vo rbto Ot at leart three mafibers or the ~~mslsslonrrs*QoPrt.* Xn thi 0~~9 0r Taylor v. mb~stcrr, Co&y, U4 6. w. (26 9.4, (orror~dlsmliaed,Ud&IIOAt 00~~0%) th0 GOW Or CivIlApp6Sls~held that, eonaltionr srislil~as proridod in Art. 3895, Eho CoProisslonexs~ Ootut nlphb ralidly mare this aU0wSnoo tor ox-orriO 001~rasatloo and mado the obtirratlon that *thu time when 'the CoJ sslon*rs* Court ~z48ymake this ml- ~OWIOO ia not apdriod Fa ut. 3895.e Our OpinionNQ. o-6576 holds, la elirot, thot the salaries or 0rri0i.818 aitedted.bg 8Oll4te131AlpEo.L23 SiSybb raised at this tintw, with the'oautlon that thy *bu&ot 181~ nust bo oO&ied with.' ArBlolr 3895 -8 doflaitoly afEwted when tb Litit8tlOA ingssod by titi010 393O us8 renwvod by tho onaotaent or Baaate BIll~No. 123. i38ldOpQilonnoI CM%62 itither hslds that bho grorl- slonr or &oor 2, Art. 3912e, v. A. c. 8*, 8PO mandatory in 44. rbot, and that Uian 18 no autborltytar a oomml8sionsrr~ oourt to 4ok;rminr whether eoultty ortloers SW2 bo paid on 8 ho or salary baslr at ray t&w other thaa at its fire8 rogulcrr f4ootlng la Januaryor eeoh ysar. This ~rovlolon has not beon lffmotodby any aubroc;uont Act of tie L~glrlatun. PWO 6 ;< our 0plnlonHO, 3045 of dak Agril 24, 1939 holda that a ooawiaaloarro’rourt~~lawithout lutherity to ~&IO. ana p dt1 08 o ffh @ X Up 05 l 00la r y h ii@ -6 b & V0 O& & W Off~OOr O upon a roe, be&la, atoting that *tha l$ a tomuat a bo unlfora and tihhg muat phoe cl11 upon a rplary bad8 or laavs all upon a foe baoia.* Thla ht+Pln8 ha8 kerr’ oon&lrtmUy adhorod 00 by this br&Wt5Bat iI~'re&~rb f0 OOUl%f~ OffiOOZO @l&O. \Thrt~la, that the ooriOOi@Awra~ OOUPt ia aWn8iaO of lo88 t&an 20,QQQ iahablta5~0 l@ Oo ?dir BOy’ @th al8#8 , p r a OWUttg Ydo selo o na ua mua tp h o ~ a ll a wh y otfioora ‘up o n l raL.rry bari, or loavr rll ruoh ooPa$y, tifSoe&‘r gpon a fro baaia. Tbia &@A- 5p,:: arid oplahk ii a*$ affeote4~ by Um onao8aeab of ni4 8enaw. Ml1 WO. l?f,>,;.,- ‘..,, : , our 0 ion Ho, o-SOS)-A ho148 t&$ rh.Wia~ or noi tha 00aai00idrl0Y0P aourt has baa uutha~lt to OmoJlaDJm aouaty budgot. to to& aaM of iaoroma oi aa f ary f8r o~rtaia’oounBy orfioiala IO 8 ,faot puer~loa so be dotaamlaa6 prim#rU.y by Lho I oowmiaaion4ra’‘Wur?b. OpinnioaHo ,Q-SllBI~ h o la loimlla r Ly, In vie+ of tb abo,ve, wo anawe? your ~uaoUon8 08 r0lm0: Tour quartion Ho. I ia anowqrad by ou$ Q&n&m So, o-SW340 YOar Quoation340. 2, bed part., ia aaawona in &ha nogotira. Tour qtuation Ho. 3: The a8'I( .*%-oft1010 mfoponaa- tion rhiAb my be 8Ltou.Q aa1d Shulff La any lua whioh, whan rddod to&ha? ooqmaotion aad exooaa ,ieea all-d to bo ra- toiard by his Udsr lald Artiolra 388) rad 389A doer no) OOUM luoh'ittlaw to m6*lro a tot01 ooqpurrrstioa In lfo o a r of ThPhtreskor#anB So~aia Bu$.rad end Pity Dollara &‘l5Oo,OO) par yaw. ht ~00 amaO eould tha toe8 of oigioa a$ dTe;f~lolo ooin~0naa9ioa n@dnoQ by Bin aroeod thr - Thouaand 8srOa ‘EfUm%rod and fif%y DOllsoB (~>,?$O.~). X.nothat ~0td0, thr ~~~JUMI ~0~5% or w0pn0e tm nt0i~ uty ~OWOI ~hi0h ho la allowed to rokia .oanriot exorrd T&&w Thousand seien Uundrod md Fifty Po&lara ()3,750&O) &mr year* sudh 0x-oiri0io osapnaa$ioa~otm be el&eitad at $hf0 tlaa rovidril tha, .budgab law* ia oompliod ,rith 88 ‘pointid ou8 in op& on Ho. O-5Q53-A. ., . I. \ . Hanorablr 8. !T;Ml&n, pago 7 ,. .. Tha 25s fnorra,aa provldad~ in Senrtr Bill No. 123 a pllea to. tha s4asinwa oompbnaatlon rllowed under Art10108 3r83, an4 3891, V, A. Ce 3a sootlon 2 of Artlole 3934 has boon rapaalod by mid f3amk i3iu NO, 12). us ah hbnribh rnoloaln$ 00 loo OS aald OpLnlenO MOO. 66462, o-6576, ::-3045,o-5Qs34, antiO-514.