OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable B. 8. Grlifln Cou.ntf Attornry Young county Grahcm, TtPar Dear sir: Opinion x0. o&77 ._ (i. Rer shdfr0 - Article 1040, V. A. C. C. P. -~~erding prl- BOPUCO - Purct21re fl g~oertrr ad6 ‘libhee - -c~910p1~~.t’0r ,,.~‘oocf,k-” ia Your rtqutrt for:~plbion his bien rtosl~ab and carefully ooneldsr~d by thid.$ep@rpaat. Fe quote frca your rawest a8 fol1ow~~ \ / 'The $bdrr oi Ypu&.County, Temr, liVea in the Count f&11. ‘paid by thr County ikt rupJbr&@nd aalottnanot OS “Young County o,~lc4rr tire tompenseted on a too barlr. -In the shsrirr’e aanuel r4port, the 00st 0f groceries 1s olei3td at an expwmt of 0Lrflot end Eononblo 1. R. Orltiln, Pago t the suount OS money ho ha8 paid the meld for heeiy,rk is also clalx1a4 a6 an l6p4n84 or . Qa ittr of $X0.00 18 shows on thr 3hsriii's .. lnnualr696rtand olalud by him as as lxpnsr 0s ofrio sor tha purobasr or dishes osrd In tbls oommon kitehen. Vhr atploymant of the epid and 9urobrso ot the bishas us8 done br ths GhdriSt without the knmldge or oonsrnt of thr Coraml~sionars* Court of Young Cotity, Texas, and was not shown or olalmsd on anr monthly st6t4umnt of 6rp4666. *?leass faform me es to rbat par tlon of th4 $wo:iy bill should be allmod as an rrpenss of . "Pleas6 inform ao as to whether or not tbr oost ot ma16 renioo should ba sllorrred as an u- pen68 of ofrloo and it 6ueh 16 6110a66, wht portion, it any, should bs 60 allowed. 71ess6 idiom m 68 to whether or not the puroh so of dlshe; should bo allowed as an 6x0 peasa of offioo, and ii so, what 90rtlan.~ Art1010 1040 Varnon’r hnotatod Toram Cob of Crira- isal Prooaduro, ro666 In part as follwr: 7or the saio ktepln , support 6ncLashtasnor or prlsonsra all or uadrr @au& the oontlned in ! shorirr shall be allowed the following ohargesr ”. . . -8. snd maintananoo, ror uoh Par support prlsonu for suah 66 6mount66 my be aoh da tlxod br the cornpi J onors court, proviA ths earn8 shall br rrasorahly sufriolsnt for suoh put- goso, aad in no emat shall it br 1066 than forty eants per day nor more then 66r66tpflrs oosts 96r &,I rot roh prlssnsr. The net prolit shall oonstltuts is66 of ofSior sad shall be aooouated for bT thr shrrlif In hi8 angal rsportas othrr iass mw prorldsd br law. T&r sberlri shall in Hoaarabl6 X. 8. Qriifln, me S lwh repast Surr+lrh a iturirred rerltie4 looout Of a11 u'jW&tUroU 8ud. by hi8 iU teOd16rr(lana rlatummo or pri6066r0, 6066m9an7i4 swb r* part with reoelptr and rauehara in support or h SPOh itU8 Of eQ66ditlU0,th. 6ift6r6BO6 br- 6Ud twesasuo hls~eod~tures aad the UOPBt 6110wed by the 66ad6616nu6 oout ahull bo 4om.d to SOB- 6tit8t6 fhO'n6t pt0tttr for said rhirh OtflOSr 6~16OOOU6t 86 f6OS Bt OffiOO. . . .' The 6boVO QUotSd 86OtiO6 Of the St6tUtS prO7idr6, aa~ongothor things, that tha net profits (of the feo dlng la SUppOrt of pti6oBar6 by tha sh e r iff) rhu eolutitute ?e@S o? aitioe a ndShu be loOOMt66 fo r b ythe Shoriif in hi6 lrmml resort a6 0th~ tOO6 now providd by bW. Th4 reotlon al60 yroiWI6 "that the shoTif? &k Such reDBrt (r4?4rriag uadwbto& ly to hi8 6nn116I report retrrred to lborr) (bratkets we) furnish an ltemlted rsrltlo& atobunt Or all lrpeadltures *to.* The aboro QWt46 64ttiOB 6.616 8peOifiOally With the Sheriff'6 uf666 Of OtiiOe* 6Bd *S~eUditUl’66 * in th4 tSe416& and Irlnten- MOI of 9r1*0n*?6. thdu Article SbQV, 0. A. C. 8.. the ex9s~se6, other than thaee 4XJWlditUr.S ia OOMSOtiOLL with aubbnobiles, which M OfiiCCr 16 SUthBri6.d t0 Ohi 88 ddWttiOti when QP0porlt reportad in th$ required monthly report, are llmlted to sk- tlOISUf, StCUlI~S, tOh@lOILe, p~elX.bM 00. OffitiuS' bMd6, io- CltrdiSl(p the eO6t Of S'lTOtrboBd6 Of de9Uti66, 9nairslr011 tire, burglary, theft, robbery ln6unnoe pmteotlag pub110 t~tbds, tmVOli86 e~eXL646, Md Other Sinsil~~ Ib304666~ O~MS~, the TUlS Of CBBStrUOtfBti ~4 B ~r iS’ b elal&g ‘P iiti “efUSd6~ tB Qtp iliq tha ~emral&ogurgo br the 6pe6l6117 lmW6t6d it656 6a6 to trwtriot it6 nunlng to l Q6MeS Of th4 66ae kiad or 01168. piUs;e ;bCarnts, lo6 II* Yf. (2A) SPI, ~6 Case7.7. S+te, . . . Artlols 1046, Vernon'6 Annotated Tex66 Cod6 Of CdnlnU Procedure, reads as iOnOWES eeoh regular k’m OS the Ooaa%66i~6et6 -At ocurt, tha sheriff Sh6u &'r666nt t0 6wh SOUt his lco0U6t trr&fiad by hi6 aftidarit for thr ax- pense incurred by hla &inOe the US* lOOOUt We- 64BtOd for the 66fO-keOQing 6Ud PaiEtWMM Of pr~OB~8, l6OiUding &U-d6 mPlB)rd, if 6-9 Eonomblr S. H. orirfln, Pago 4 bwh laroont ohall lto t. tho am8 ot ash pti- lomr, raoh ltom of lxpono8 lnownd o n lo o o wt ot ouoh primmer, tho doto of uoh ltmo, the name of l8ch yard oaployod, the length of time employed an4 tha purpooo of ouch ~loymeat.~ Article 1047, Ternon’ Annotated Tsxao Co60 oi crl01fa P2-000da0, read0 a0 r0ii0w0: The aamalnolonoro court ohnll oradar ruoh #mount and lllortho lUUJ, or lo much thsreor am lo roaoonsblr snd la looordnnoo with law, srd ohall ordrt a draft ioousd tn the oheritf upon thr oounty troasursr for the amount no allowed. 3wh aooount oh11 be rilrd and kept in the olrior or ouch oourt.” Tho on80 of liarrio County, et al V. Harc=iond,eos S. a. 451, oonatrusdArticle 114~3 of the Tewa Coda or Crlainel Pro- aadurr or l*l.l, now Artlale 1046, V8rnanto llnaotated Taram Coda of Crlmirul Proaodurs, and oald oum holds that a lherlff’o looounto for korplng ~rlronsn, gl+lng the noao or raoh per- lOn,the date and hour onmmittod, tho ofienor, when end how rolsawI, the number of Qxo in jail, and arrlrlng et thr amount of the bill by iwltlplying the numberoi day8 by the per dim rllonanno per prloonar va8 not rspulrod to bo are fully itomiro6, under Artlalr li43, Cc&r of Criminal Prooedure of 1911, rogulring oooounto prroanted b ConmrLsoionerol Court for kooplng priomwm to @Sate tha naz-10or each prlooner and oath ltan ot s~go,nsa lnourrad on account of aoh pr’ioonvr. Wr quote fins oplnlon lCo. 04600 ot thlo dapartmnat am followot *Ia rmmLl)rerto your oaooaal pueotlon vu are rropaottul~y ad.daed that it is the opinion oi thlo department that tho law doom not mqulro the Shbrlil in & rem oowtp to film a aoathly r ep o orr t lxpendlturro for roodlas prloonero] that Artlcl* 3089,;.pupra,~ta:::,&ruLl$8bls to such lltuatlon; thatSoctl~h a bf,Art p”cl9 1040, C, C. P., ougra, governs lald 8ltUatlon and under meld lootlon it io the duty Of the Gharifr to LOOOufh in him annual report Irequlxud by Article 5897, oupm) for the cat proflto erlolng from tha read- ing au6 rnlnts5a508 or Frl6oner0, am a rw or aftloo, al00 turnming ln said annunl mport an HonolrblO X. E. drlffla, Pog0.6 itrite tOrlflOd wto wt o flU lrgmdlttm8 ma. br hla far foodln(l Ma rriBtoBnBo0 0r prl- oonoro, et*. brtweon ouoh ox- The (Lliforenor pondlturor an4 the amount albwod br the Ca- Jooio~oro Court withlnthr llmiibtkm mot out In the l0atl0n oonotltutoo the not prorlto r0r rh1.h the sbrrirr ohm 80c0unt for 00 0 r00 of orrlc~ in him nnnunl report. Iiowofor, undu Artlalo 1046, Vornon~o Annotrtod Tomu Coda of Crlainal Protmlar~, It IO tho duty of the ohorirr to tllo hi8 vorlrlod aaceunt for keep- - prloo~ra dth the Comloolo~ro' Court at arch rqular meeting of ool6 court am out- llnod bT ma id lrtlolo. The ltdzotlon of lald loooupt will be lufflalOnt lr it meoto the rrpulromsnto laid dmn in tho coOo of Efwrlo Counw, et ml vo* lhwaond, o~pm.~ Xe quota from oplnlon MO. O-3394 of this department no follorn: uYou stats in txw latter that (the ohrr- irr ~a hi0 r80di~ T000ai0tl0g or row pOO910) ut tbok a0018 that arc proplrod Zrom the 80ao lupplioo used iB faodl~ th0 prioonu~. You th8B rODOUBd,ior OU? 8BOw8r, tho fOllOd~5 qooot Ipon: ‘8h8ll the ~onlo, the grooorioo, 8~8ua.6 br thr l hrrlff and him iamflr, ll00 be 00000nt0e ror 00 prorlto 8nd roOO 0r orrioo, 00 tho aaoh profit from tha jell 107 lh IOundorotand the ihOt fr o m y o ur la t- ter, the lhorifibuya 01 tho gr000ri00 together, for the prloonoro and 0100 SorLhls rtilr, end tho mwlo for eno hlro th a nprepared IrOn these g.rocorloo. In ordu that the ohmrift MI propr- u 8000ut for the profits 40rLwd from the r804- lnngof tha prloonoro rhorc, the groorrloo am so bOu&ht,only those grooorloo lotrPlly uoad In reoalng tho prloonero should be charged l&alnot thr OlluwaoaO ondr b7 th0 oardotionoro~ oourt in drtetinlOg t!u notprofits to br lCoount8d r0r in the 0h0riw0 reprt, Ii this lo done, 'the profits rr0plfOed~8 the prloo0oro nre propuly nocounted SOPbr U,' 00 ltnted ln the ~otl&me’k~he Boxt t0 t& hat mm&F@ph xrthlo 18 bno, your qaaa- tloo rhoul4 bo*.mwwl La thr ~(;ntlto. -In rlor of four auutlon uid from tho iottuir l rhole b+ov0r, - tot81 aoot of ihr gzoo8~1.8, ubin# tb080 oo~uao4 0~ th8 8hodrr'a ruiirk 10 ahmrgo4 80 a8 lb 0s r~p0000 l&BOt the 8lhw8BCo n4. br tha Oaari8OiOB- arm* mom lna the 4lrruon~r 0~ *pwit0' ro- oorroot mount of rofito tqulrO4 to bv SO- ported b7 the ohsrl rr uudor Art1010 1040 0s the Co40 of Crlmlml Proaoduro. Thr amount reported wOuld be 1 08 th e loopnt wed to par for thmt part 0s t lit- groowlro oonoumad bf the 8herlff aad bin fmlly. Thlo would be t8ntCmou.h to the retention an4 fnllon to raport by tho shherirr 0 part 0s him r000 in riol0tioB 0s thr 0t8tut0. Vndor tbOo0 rnato, tharrforo, y'our tJJOOtiOB should be anOw8fad la the Orrim tirq. ”. . . "In rlorof the roragolng luthorltloo you lro roopoattuUy ldrirr4 t&it it lo thr opfdon o r thlo dr p utmo th ntt, unduth er na to ltatod, the 0h0rlrr ollould rlthrr 4Oduot 0017 thr ooot or tho goarrloo notrullx used in ireding the prloonor8 iron tho lllowaoo redo for the rood- iag$nnd mlntotmtor or the prloonoro mad rrport th0 difr0?0B00 am r000 0s orriao, or hr 8hould dsdoot tha tot01 000tr 0s th0 r000r~a0 mf0 the 8UOmBOO aadr by the 0 clmoifonlonuo* oourt OVA report the dlfforonao lo tho ooot OS the groorrioo ooa~msd bT th0 ehl 8 erlft*o SlPllJ ar r800 0s orrioo. “Whntw. bmro maid aborr 10 baaed UPOBthr preortnptlon that tha 0rriou0 0s Uldland coantr mm ooPprnoate4 on a ice baolo. *In rim OS the statmOd ~pab In your lot- tar that 'Kort 0s the tlma the ohsrirr lmploTo l ~:,wh wesa o vi& tola pis nehrr8.d o o-intto orushaxot ut th paxens i-. &mum&a 4088 tit roortitatr an lxpo88. of office and shoul4 not b8 rhargJ as mmh. The rxp8n8o or emplo~lIl( l SOOkto pr8pro - food ior tho rlronwr should bo rbrgod a&net the ae owaos rrds bt tho cotmisrlon- us’ roust for the ~srdlnq aal ulntosmass of the prlromn ln the sue -? aa tho oort of tho (roorrlor an rhargrd qalmt raid lllor*mro in drtualnlng rhothor tha shwift &r sita 8l na t profit te bo rrparte6 as rror ot 0rfl00 tmdu Artiolr l040, cod0 or Crlm- lnalProoo4Pro. 800 8tatr T. Camer, ot al (Cit. App.) 106 8. 8. (Ml 897, at gap 4OO.a This department hold en Yarch 4, 1930, ln aa epln- ion nittrn b Eon. Samoa El. Iwr, AIslOtant nttormr a~n~ral, that t i 8hOuld buy the food US& tho slier la fobding prl- amen 00fdind la the couitf Jailt that it rar the a\ltr 0i the Coaala810aarswCourt to iumlrh the oountf jdlar rlth mnttrrrrrr and blanket8 and that 8uoh mttrosarr and blankets should be bou&t 05 cmprtitirr bid8 ~8 provided br Artlola 1659, Revised Clrll Statutrs or TIPS. Opinion Eo. O-SE9 of this Qopartaont hold8 that ths rhrrlii and rmt the Com618donrrr* Court should ruper- ~188 thr purobnss of rood anb tha trrdlng ot prlroolrr. t-0 quota iron opinion go. o-1m.e of this arphnt as iollorr: Wth rrfuenoa our rlrst quostloa to yorr are r08p00trur IlOd that ad+ it ia the opldon oi thir drputnmt that la four Ooutf thr 8hdfr bar auQorltf to rw and purohro rood twsrsarf for thr ~lnklurr00 Of prir~n- VI la the county jail. You are furthor ro8- psottuuJ adrlrod that it 18 the oplnlonor this dopartmnt that la g'~urooantt the ocn- mlsdonrn~ court roul4 hare mutlmrlt7 to pu* ohsa o r l&horlrr tha ptuohro of,Other sup- pler neoorsar~ for th aaintummr ot prl- U?id6r tha prcrlrlou of &%iOlr 14.689, izx.3 Cllll statutes or Texa8." 792 Xomrabla E. 8. $rlfSln, mu0 8 1 0 lnO1OSr honulth SOpi* of 0pinioM 1108.04594, 04680 and O-leEi ot tU8 doputmrnt tor your lnfozmmtlon. Youar* re8p9i4tully ldrirod that it l8 the opinion Of thil dS~MtAUUlt1 . The @cut et the 6rOOSrir COnSUM by thr ahor- iiilnd h ii*fdlf 8hOdd IIOt b8 d%i~d W?dJUt tha HOW- 8m0 ad. br the ColnraifSSiOWrS’ Court for thr iBOding and mlnteMnor Of the prllionsrm. %!hOShUiff Should Dq QU- aomll for htr om grooori4r ~4 should not ohfirw up the @'OOU IOS h8 UU? tl5.8 ?MilY OODIUQI a8 l.II Up OWO ~& llStth a lllo~~oo made him by the Cm!nlasiwer8~ Court, Por rzaaple if th8 rheriff bou&t a bill of @OOWi08 urountlng to #SO,06 and 88rvod e40.00 worth of Bame t0 MS prisonore and the ohrrlft ~6 hlr fazllip oo~ttwd ~10.00 uorth or thr &rooulw, tke sheriff then should report only $40.00 or aam as &n item o? expe.nsr ohargsnbla against tho lllounnoo ~ada him by th8 CamPll88lonrr8~Court for the purpose of determlnl~ what profit, if BAT,UaS Md8* Ac4yprotlt made would bo rsport- ed a8 a SW Of Oft;00 88 OUtliWd illhtiOl0 1040, V.A.C.C.P. t. Thr rhsrlf? ba8 authority tolmplor a ooobrald to oook r 006 .eor anti wrvo too6 to the prioonrrr and to do houeohold work naorsruy for tho malnt.nanO. Of the pri8on- oral thr salary paid to suoh oook-mald for ruoh 8uriao8 ShOti be drduotmda8 ln lXpOMcl R@nSt thtriff'8 tibU- anor ?or tha pur9orr or botormlnipgrhat profit it any, was metIe. Howe*u, t&e Sati paid to ruoh oook-dd for aook- 1~ for tha ah~rlff ln& h78 fcual* and for putormlng hour- hold work for the ahsrl?? and his family 8hould not bo ohup ad up as aa itsm of arpanna against tha dbITMO0~ a. xt 18 not ~0088u7 for the 0herirr to make a monthly rrpol'tOn th. &l'9OOriOSM d oookpmd lXmnBOaS S-8 8&oul&be reported in hi8 annual rwort. (SM opinion Ilo. .O-t680, SupI%.) YO find your pwtilon 4. with nrorenoe to the p~&%baSO or the dfrhes rather difri0ult in rlrr oi the mra6u facto &WI w with nronnoo ta IMI* However, under tha fWt8 Stat& thr &%.00 worth of diSh.8 bought by th8 rhorl?? UR$ boul;bt on hi8 Own rs$~OnSibilit~ aad 6.r. his dl*he* fd do nbt belong to the Q-W. -64 VI not furnlshcd with la- forsntlon a8 to whether the county had neorrrary and adrqmttr Xonorablo2. X. Uriifln,Pa60 9 41898 Oh hMd 8t thr OOUntr ltil. orahril~e tho CaPosiS- 8lon8.W OMlrBwlU furnlrh thsir W&S rlth nrao88ax7 8tOT88, kltohoa lqUi Mat, UtMSilS, kliV.8, ?Otb, QOOM, &&8hOS aad othrr aim! lar thlnes OO8088ar7 for tho fodlq of prle0aea. So frrU8~ of rlronur, of ooarso ro~utrrr a outaln amount or alrhrr. d the c8Mt~ had ns hah.8 In it8 /ai1 Or did 8Ot h&V. @MU& l diSh.8 t0 d.qutO~ teO& the prlsoau8 in a rraSOMbl4 manoer and tha 8hrdtf rued hi.8 diShO8 in &iiShU&8~ hi8 dUtr ia SO@&& prisoners, w@ think ho WoUl6 bo StitlSd to Obar~O I@ W aa -aSO 8&n8t hi8 allmU ?Or thr pUQOS@ Of (LOtOrPini4 PrOfit if anr, and fees of 0frl00, it any, undrr Art1010 1040, T.A.d.c.P., 4 rmSOB¶blO e&&a iOr the US0 Of hi8 diShW, in frrdi&&g thr priSOW8 (mt iitOiud;ag hi8 PUSW8i uso Of the dl8h@S), lnoludiag war; broakago and dsproci~ti0~~ %'hO?OaSonablr- neP$ of such ahamo would ba dsteminod br thO 0o~ds~icumr89 court in it8 BOUti dirorstlon.