HonorableCharlesR. ldartln
&mnty Auditor
&rrlBoa CoQnt
Dear 3lrt
ion whfah is met
so n o fenlffLda r lt
tbd a fterh ialnna a l
aL been filed with the
, whioh did not
ag a8 oiiiooet
lr an order 81.-
rxpensoto k de-
h i8 lx o eia duo th 6
th 1912, R. L. Oallamy,
olnotHo. s, Flaoe a, Hanrl-
his rmuel reportwith the
HarrleoaCounty,Nxas a copy
a to my offioeby the Dkrtat
leotrd for the Parr 1941. The report Bhmo t&et
t&e total ournnt fees oollaotsdwas more than
Q800.00, t&6 martmumfear slloumlunder Axtiolee
3J83-38%3&, the report 8hOWiXi$an emeN bU0 ths
~erabla CharlesPI.Martin,paga 2
OowbY. Thla enauel reportwhieb was Slled on
February18th 1942 do&8 not 118s any orpenaea
~XIWPPO~. by the oitiae, m5s 0rri0m aid. n08
~file 6nr manthl~expense eoeount88 mquiro8 by
~rtlole3899, aupra,by making an ltcrmlzrd and
aworn atatamnt or all t&o aatuel and neoeaaery
expenaralaourrd by hla,in the oonduotof hia
c&floe at the 01068 04 la o h month et hla tenure
0f 0rmO. This ori~oi81 waa not alloweda olork,
or aaaiatant by the Comdaaionera* Court or Hard-
eon Countyat lib8beglnnf~ o? tha ywar, nor UI
I mare 0r my l~plloatlonthat uaa mad* aaklag
ror a olrrk or aacriatant tar tha Juatioror the
P*aOe. me minute8 or the Ommlaal~z~~ra* a0urt
ahowa that them ,yaano order enteredallming
thla aaaietantor olork at the lwglntiing or the
year 194l, or at any tina doria$ tha 7aar 194l.
AU Oouaty AutIlter, I owefully ohookedever kl,~
anual report for tha mrr 1941, aa required by
lnw, and wrote him l letteron Marob 5th. 1942,
gitinghia tha benefit of ay rindlnga, *hioh
&owed that he owaa the oaunty es oxoeaa foe8
$ipLia, whbb ia of~aaa fee8 for the year 194l
a a diB OlUd~8 @ .)J im l 0888nh 8~8 hr Sall.,d t@
list aa bellnquentin hZa annua1 report fcm the
yea 1940 laa 0011eat.~ aame in 194l (Artla1.a
ys93-3897,R.O.&)* Aa Runty Auditor I.hara not
glad. my ferssal report et my findlag in tha vex%-
oua annualnpwte of tha offlolala, lath eouaty
end preolnat,lm the Wand Zuy and to the C&s-
810Mra' GNrt. At th0 rint acarting or th0 ct~~
tiaaion~ra*aourt, whloh ua on Mareh 9th 1942,
web MB the rirst meatlngOttOr the Juatioeof
PMO~ h8d riid hi8 am~8i nport (the row belssg
a regularmating or the oourt) the SPuatloo ot
the Per08 ppeasntadan arfl.drrit.exoeutod b;l hi&-
a&r, aettSn8forth the f8cC that &Wing thr Fear
194l he had p4td to 8. A. Znnomrity, a* alark
hire, the aum of $240.00and in additlentbnte
br had paid Uo.00 tar 8~ ofriolalbaa& - prealum
on the auratybond, I feel 8~ -, lnakiag a @ati
total or ~250.00whioh ha 01asrUr wan paid by him
rr0m reea or orri0e. He ia amu saking the QOmaia-
aionara’ Court to allow thts aup ea a deduotim
hla annual rspert end allow him tbla Olerk hlra
hirable aher B. imtln, Pap 3
aa an oftioelxpaaaefor th& year 19bl, together
with the pm&m ou the aumty bond. As @tata&
lbew, the orrioial&id not file any loathlyex-
penes eoaountaet any time duringthe year 1941,
DW did he lnoludeany or tile expense In hi8 aa-
nual report tiled with the Dlatrlot Clerk OP Feb-
ruary 18, 1942. I hare bafwa ma an opinion,ad-
drvaas4to the County Awtltor, Bell County,being
opinloa O-399, dated Fabruwy 29&b 19&O, . . .
bearingM this aaaa inquiry but Seal I&r~;ta
in ay Znqulryam lomew&8tdifjiterant.
oonfuaed aoezwhatafter reading a deolalon hsadod
dew in the oaae of Rtate of Texas vu. Comae
(ClvllAppeal@) 106 5. W. (P&I 397, alao a 4*oi-
alon bearingon t&i@ aubJso6 haMod bow in the
oaw or O~POII county va. ax (Tat. cm. App.)
61 8. w. (26) 143. Thaw weea invo lveluita by
the .otuntyeeelnet ottlloiala olaM.ng oertaiado-
daclt;lo~au ottloe expanse In their aaawl roperto
e%d:,no Ht t
up lnmo nth ly
lx p wma leoowta. At
t&a~‘beeting on Monday,Marah 9th 1942, the ComS#-
aiwqra* Court dib not $088 oa Ohe attidrrlt uJ1
lpp~leatlosof the JwtLoe Ot tho Peaao to aLlaw
hi8 thla daduotlc8n rm hir lxo~aa few, but mada
lom inquiryabout timlr la-1 authorityto allor
a a mlsthlatlm. In otbsr,rorAatb uttwwaa
no% rotad upon. I want to a&d hare thet tha ow-
~etneaa af the lfildarlt,attiag forth the aount
oi wneg pal& oat by the buatioeof the Peaoo 88
~alarkhire am3 the amuat paid 88 snmlu*on sum-
ty bond la not queatieaod, baaauaeIt la a known
fast tha6 the olark, or fiaaiittuIt, aotual1yper-
rorau awe &utter TOP tho brutlee ot the Peaoe,
and peoorda abow that a surety bond wee ueoutaQ
by the Juatlaiof the Fe608 in JanUUryIOU.
110.tEXB: After aa ~iolal, ompmaak~
wider the fee ayabem, ha8 iaUe4
to iil1.r
his month4 oxpeaae aa-
oount,ad V&Q had net be- al-
lovah am *aai~tantlor olerk,
a6 eny time hrl* the rear lP&?L
by the 00IPL1881OneP8~Oourt, oan
$8aorobloOhorloaR. Wrtia, Pa&o 5
s&l1 make to the dis8PlOt 00tarO Qi Oh0 0l#utr
in whloh ha reeidoo a 0*0?n Miotemmd in tz’$ali-
oat. (oa ionas lnd lpprov.4
do 8lg n.d by the !Widia
Awlltor)a oopy ot whloh otatonmntohall bo for-
warded to the "tote Auditorbr the olerk of the
dlstrfctcrourt oi said oountywlthln thirty (30)
days oftor the omm ha8 boon filed in h&s offioo,
ant?one oopy to be filed with the oountpuuditor,
ii 8~; othorwioeooid oopy oh811 bo filed with
tho Cmtnloolonora' Court. ?a14 rs9ort shall ohow
the amountor all r eea o,o misa lo Julad UDmpon-
ootlonswheteverOOrn6Q by 0014 ersi00r CIurinJg
tho ri00d year; aad 8osan4ly.ohou 8hor the
*nount 0r roeu, 008ds~lonr sud 00mp8n00b1080
0DllOOt.dby hia d\uw tho riSOOlyoor; thlrdlt,
aald roqort ohall ooonbsln an itomlsodltatewnb
o f 81 1
fo ea o,o misuio naSr r Q
oompons*tlonol*a med
duringthe il~aolyoor whioh wore not aol20.90).,
toathrr with the name ot the amid
hrtlolo3898, VornoIL's
Auao~ato6 Clrll eliatut6oa
vho rlsoal year,within tbo mooningo? thio
Aot, shall begin on Januarylasdot looh yoorg and
eooh diOWOt, 00UBt~Ond proOiILOt OfffOorOhOu
tile his reportant4make the tinol orttloaentN-
gulnb tn tblo Aot not later than ?mbmory lot of
rooh feari pr@vldrd,howWar, that ofiiooroM-
oelvlngen annual salaryoa oonponoottanfor their
aeniooo aball, by the el06e crfoooh moath, par
into tho Oifisecs'solor? Fund or iundo, oil fooe,
~lmmionm end oomponsatlonoo~lootedby hln dua-
1nK ssid mnxth. whenavera uo hoftlo*rlr vo o ror
o frootlonalport of the tlaoal par, ho shall
nonrtholooa tile hIo report and make ii&ml aottle-
tint for naoh part! ot tho moor am he servos onA
aholX be entitledto ouob;poportloaate port or
hi8 ocmpenootlon88 the tirr for hio ranloo bears
to the entlro year. . . .*
o@ Artiolo3899, Vernon'6Anao8atod
civilStotutonprovldoa In part:
*(aI At tho olooo at loeh month ot hi8 8.n
or ot’tloe eaoh offloornomod hereinrha la mmpon-
latod on a Sea baa10 oholl roko lo part of thr M-
phrt now nquired br law, a~ ito8Iu6 and mwa
ltotomont of 011 the aotual an4 noeooaoryexpoana
inournd by him in the oondu~tot him otfloo,auah
am statlanory,atampo,telaphone,premiumaOILofri-
olsla~ bontls, lnolud th e
root o fltwt;y b o a 40
ror h i8 Do p u b loP6 F,u a o nHP O burglary,
3 t& o tt,
robbery laauronoa proteotln# pubdo tuadla, tnrel-
lng rxpwmea and 0th~ naoeorary oxponoor; prorIdo4,
*hat in adaltlonto thr 0rfi0w nosod heroin,
the countytrooour~r, oounty nudltor,oountyroml
oosmlastonars, ooiuity aohool ouporlntondonb, on4
the hide end onIvio1 inspaotorshall likowlosaoko
a mqort on the,,prraitmo isao~rlolola~ bonds, ln-
eludingtho 0008 of 8umtJ bonds ior rap dgu%iea,
and oo~b proaltuoa oh811 bo aubjoet to papmendout
0f the ~0~0 0r 06fa 0rf;00, ma heroin ottrorrim
provldadior the otfloorrMmad~ 05a prPT4VIQ.d
rurthor tnst %r any oi the a?floero 00 ibol~atad
ar4 on a dolorsrothsr than a foe bsala, than 011
ou0h bead prealuawtox orriaoro and thdr dspotloa
oh011 be paid rrca the ~norol lrhna or the oounty.
The iwuoun8 0t salarionpaid to OoslotonbO
;ni ioputio‘ ohall olao br ol0orl~ 8hown by auoh
orfi00r, &ting th4 1~~x34, pooition, md uaorurt
pold oaoh; and In no at45t ohall sy l of'floer oheu
any gr00tsr 44kwkt than l 4tu4u.~ psia any suoh
oomloto5t or d*.puty. . . ."
In 00on40tion with your lnquirfwm how 00mpti~
oongi~red the oaoea of State of Texas TO. 00rn40, 106 8. We
Eonopabla Ctarlwi R. Martin, Page 7
(2) 397 anb Cawrw cwnty va. Fox, 61 ?. Ft.(2) &I) a&t &o
aof think tbrt titherof then6 ~8606 @wbrn or aontrolthe
qaa*ion under canaldoration. M do not think the rula laid
&4fl~ in 6am4rOII COttDtYV6.FOX, au~ra,is applioablehnro.
*ape the tax aollma3r, withoutpwIoub3 authoritp,lia p lo y d
*na paid salariesto il*putlca, th4 items belne. reports& in
~a aooount, which llila audited and a-,provad by the Cmalrr-
glonora'court. In the 4eaa 0r Ptete va. Camaa, aupra, thb
tipirr did fiatatr3atlpccmplywith the atatutara(gulating
the appOintmeAtOf dapnttiw6~6 fixingtheir eompm%aatlon,
mt khb bXpbMnditUFW3 ter deputiar, had bean inaltiedin tba
amma reportwbleh woe approvcbby the 6omie~3ic11dra' Court.
war the feats rMt*d ia your Ibtt6rC, 66 quotedabove, the
O~aOiat or the Pew4 tid not mko any itemizedend avow
mtbly atatamantat the 4obualand neo4saary axp4aaaain-
ourredby him in the eonbuetbt bin orrio r4pufr4d bp 18s.
In Bis anmia1 report, the JoaClee ot ths Paaw did not rhow
or iooludoa~ expoaa*a ina- by hbn In the ooaduotot
his attloa. It will b6 further notoU that the osnuol rapox%
web not rim wltaln the oiao ra uiratl by Arti jm, WIpm,
Construing~i,rtiole XI?, aupr4,R the Q666 or Wooogdw~*@
Coaatpva. M.nU*r,140 E. W. (2) 972, quotilnt; tmm tb 0660
or wmri4id v4. Tarrell6ompP468oo., 62 5. w, 116, U6,
wit ratuead, where a statutb of skillarpurpo~ waa eon-
a*rwd, aeid,
*In aot1ons to lw0ov*r a pakl416l,
o? p;L.cdill# and poo? i* mquin8. IPh4 Art ulltlsr
eonafdoration ie 41&ly penal la its ah4raot4r
and it In only for a wilfnl~..dlarogarb d the lmw
that it4 pbnalty ahouia ba lntllote8.*
In th4 @aa4 at Pleraea,Tuatlor 6f the Baao4, 4)
ll *a.Oali44tonCaont~,132 8. W. (2) 27, rat4orlngPO Art-
1018 389S, Vernon*% Ammtsted 61~11 rrtatutea, it wee held,
araongother thinga, that the purpoe4et the rtatotamquir-
Ina aauntyotflcrlals to make a monthly atatamaatat wpan566
inomm6 Inthe ot-m,nduot ot their ottlota wee to prwitlo a
waad of asaertalningt&4 oorm4tnaa4 of Leuehlx p a n6 lts
e ma
oaoh prantha6 they are laoorrsdend that th4 8otusloxpbaEb8
paid or incurredbp staohofflo4ra acastltutb the wa6w4~ or
6hs otrioial~a right to meonpwnt from the omnty. TM8
baas furtherholun th4t n Juatfbaof thb Pea04 wa4 n6$ m-
titledto me~var tnm the oetmtpitem8 of bxpbnw 01aiwQ
gosorabio O&r164 R. Martia, Pam a
fa po*toem, trav*lIag lxponoo8, and mooo4ngor l4rvIoo dpc-
iisg84rtain pen *hi10 tn arrI4o, *or4 tho runt140 did not
poadbr monthly atatowwdtoof 0uaQ 4xp4sio40aa nqulrod by
statuto but wnly fIloa enauelroportooatiwting the OX-
pbnooohl limp allaamounta. This 66111)
a100 furthorholds
tJi8t the atatutorOqUiringOounty of’tloora to arakea montblf
rtatomontor 4xp4waa Inourmd la the eonduct or their cbtloao
mot ba evadad by givingyearly latlPreteo o r lxpenooa $5
Ifimpoua amounts.
Rotsrrln( to Art1014 3899, wpra, we quote troa
the obovb wntionad 0660 60 t0llow6t
vi14 aanit4rt purpoao or thlo otatuta woo
to p r evfdo a wa a sor lo o *r ta iathf~ o0o r r 4 o t
no 68or oxponoa itrr laah aenth 00 they lm in-
0-a. Tho aotual 4xp4nwo Q&I& or Inourma
80mitut4 th0~.a800~tllu or the 0rfi0irl*0 ri*t
to raooupmant. meathlr
TJm Itomtaetloa16 for
the protoatlon of the comity by ltfe?dln(l I Y~IU
of oaobztoInlnutho Toot ana amosat of aoah 01oImd
item of lp4neo ,Una vbethor it -8 pmperlp lherp
able l8 e.oeb.It10 8omlf4otPratin lnwalaw-
port8 a+! oeail~d br the •VI~SMO that the&o
lxp4aaao uie4 MF*ll 48tIwt*d and 0 lump sum
van oaoh my.. The otitnt4 would be or no value
t It0
4’ solutort provI~loaa ooold ba 6vaQod in thi8
wliaor. . . .a
The authtmiu(l
4xp4no40 whloh Ut be 6oduotM uadqr
&tiolo oupra,4~ laol'4rgmm4r lu*wo lnum4nt4d
Morala, and on offloor to be entitledto arks luoh dodoe-
tIon8 auot oopapl~ with Artlola W99, lupro, by makIn& an
It4aIxod and worn atotombnt ot.611 tb6 actuoz and n40ec
wry osponaas Ineurrsd br him In ‘theoonduofof hi8 oWI@e
at the olore or eeoh aonth or Us tanuse ot ottlao. u
rbom stated, only thoee lx$4n840 whIsh 8~ aothorlnd uqdor
tha rtatata 6on ba d44oatea. mcm tho tooto rtatad in lpow
lattar,the Just1060t tb6 Pea00 did not make an It4mIxrb aoll
muera wmthlp atalwmnt of tha lxponaoo lneurnd br him ia
the aoaduat et his
ott1~ so rogulrod bg Art1410 9899. It
la further stat46 that the Justiooet the Paaoo did not in-
elude any erponaaoIncumad by hIm In the OonduM Q$ bIr
0m00 1+&i* annual report uhloh ir r0puir0a to ba rlha br
' mtiole 3897, rupra. Then ~foro,u* thl*, that the opinion
~ef the Court in the oaae of Planar, Turtles of tha Poaoo
lt al-m. 0alroaton Gwatr* aupm, anamra your quaatfon L
$ho nogatlro.
Tmatloa th&t the l'orsgolag fully um*ora rour in-
qwiry. w3 axe
Youra vary tmly
Maal wulta8m