Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

.. 256 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVERSELLERS ATTORNEYGENERAL Honorable Fen 1. Dean Diatriot Attornry s tsphem8 county Ereokonrldge, Terse Dear 3lrr :*ahave your let c ate the iollov.lng: ourt, thet is, in both oountiae a 00se 18 set ror te or the tern end irn egain during hero a oatm has bern set appecr end the oa8e 1s of the saz4 term and the return to oodrt at that r mllea~a per dim for both ate that the oa%e of ?ioArthur ‘1.3tat.m, 7 2. il. 847, at page 650, ssems to hold ly oolleot ror one trip to the plaoe of om that os6e, we take the following cjuota- on M notion ror rehearin&; -In oonneotion with the motion tor rehearing is an appllostion to rater the oomtr of tha oourt below. -Y have ormlned this motion ma lt ru@pbcltr thst the oourt, in taring the ooets in the ease In whloh appel- lant wetaconvicted, also taxed oortr whioh had ecorued Bonorable 730 J. Dean, page 2 in a oertalo other oa8a rqalnst appellant, pending in ths 8ame oourt, rbloh ha4 been diemissed. Tt also suggeatr that aortain witnesses, to wit, 3. D. A, Donoan 804 8. J. Kendriruto their aooount8 for more ~~ilaageand days thin-j wora entitled to. The aottion 18 not ruii or e;tplloi$8nough to euthorfxa U8 t0 g0 fnt0 8II inVe8tigEtiOR Sr tho88 ZUttW8. TV* hold, howevsr, that no 008t8 pertaining to the oa8a whloh wa8 dlsnissed 8 ainet appallant rhould be made a aharge against him fn thir ease; and we also hold thcrtno witness is entitlrd to nileage ?or .mre then 003 trip, aoin~ flu4 uomln~, at any one ters or oourii, and iS entitled t0 hi8 Hr disiU only iOr the day8 on 7i 0h he aotually attended the court, ino!udlng the %ine oonemed In goinrqand oarnix; and the clerk be- IOW will revise and rrtax-tzoat8 in thir ease in aooordanoe with the vfers herein expressed , . ,* (Empha6i8 OUr8) In tbs Y0arth.w orse the aooused wad oonvloted of libel, a .zisdanea.?or. Xrtiole'l07B, Code or CrimLnal Frooedure, provider,for fae8 of ~Hitoesse8in Piadszieanoroaaas, and reads a8 r0ii0w8: "Xtmss$s In orlalnal oaaea shall bs allowed one dollar snd fifty cent8 a dey for eaoh day they are in attendance upon the oourt, an4 six oenta for eaoh zilr they aay travel In going to or returning iron the plaoe of trial," The YoArthur 0886, 8upra, relating t0 mile8g8 and fee8 'or wltneeaes in a libel ease, relates only to slsdeaeanor OOst8, and ha8 no oonneotlon with the feb8 and nileage of wlt- nesse8 IO rOi0n proseoutlons. Yuoh fees are provided for else- rhsre. L-5 ed ale 1036, Vernon*8 bnnotatad Code of Crlzloal Prooedure whioh 8paOiiIOally provides ror the ailsape and per dies 0r WitOsaas8 8ubposnaea in relony oa5e8. Prom tkjt Ar- ticle we quote the rollowing: *Any wltnees who .miyhevs been 8ubpoenaed, or ehall have been reoognlzed or 8ttaohed and eiven bond for his eppsercrnoebefore the Court, or baiors any grand jury, out of the oounty of his resldsnoe, 258 f Ho:lorablrBen J. &an, page 9 to teetlfy in a frlonl ai regardlerrro? dirposltlon of said aado, and rho rppeclrr in ooaplienoe with the obligation8 Of 8Uoh rOOO@lia8i.IOa or bond shell be 810 lowed Thrrr (3) Cents psr mile going to and returning irom thr OOWt OC gr8nd jWr b th8 ne8re8t pr8OtiO81 oonv8y8no8 * 8nd %a0 DOli8r8 1 8f p8r d8y iOr l8Oh d8Y ho !~8y n8008a8rilp b4 8bMnt f roa ho?rr, 88 8 nitnO in ruob 0880; nProvIdod, 8nl WitiN who !88y h818 b8ea 8UbpO8Il88d, or 8h.811h8rO been rOOO&a@d or 8St8ohsd and given bond iOr hi8 8ppO8r8nOe b8fOm 8~ OOUTt, OUt Or th8 OOUntr Or hia CIdiddnOI, t0 te8tIfy III8 fO1OnJ 0808, Snd who appear8 in OOEipli8nOOwith 86id subpoena or with the oblleotlons of such reoogniz8noe or bond, and the osee fllrhiOh ha iS 8 wItnOS8 i$ r8B8t iOr 8 18tsP d8y in the 8Cfi8ter?lOf Court. nO'8XOO'BdinRfOW (4) day8, 8h811 not be pala mllsegs ror 8ny.sddltionel trig! to or rrom court h8 m8y ma8 by re(roon0r the reset- ting Or 88id 0888. Ulll888 p@WAl8aiOl3 fir8t had and m8lMd irom the trl81 Cfudgot0 BUBk8 88iB trip but b 11 b tit1 d t 1 hi dl r til88d- ii~iot18: g&S hz !UO;i~"in'b9tten'd%i8$a %rt by reason of the reestting ot the 08se.* (Eapbasis ours) Th8 Under8OOred 18ngU8gO W88 sddsd by 8m8ndment p883ad by the 47th 1.8&818ttW8 (AOt8 1941, 47th ti&, oh. 4;30,8 1, p. 588). It is our oonaldered opfnlon thst the 8tatut8 man8 th8t the psy- ment of th8 mileage should be made Only upon the Uitn888 obtaining 8pOiriO $OrrPi8aiCUl Or th8 trial judge, ii h8 lake38 the trip baok to hi8 horn8rrithinthe lnt8rtal in om3 the trial 18 r8Set ?Or 8 18tsr dots In the 8r)DHterm 8dd rlthln four (4) dry8 itim the date l 0r 8pp8aranoe ptmsu8nt to proosrr. If the oourt rbould set the ease ror 8 later date In the 88~8 t8rP, but aor than r0b.u (4) days fr@sUm dat8 Oi ilIitii1 8ppIBF8llO8,?I0 think th8 18nguage Of the Lqlrleture inp11r8 that It would not be n8008S8rJ for the WitnO to proourr 8Uoh pW%li88iOu from t&8 OOurt, but would br entltlsd to hi8 Zll1188g8.In either et8nt, he would be 8atit1ed to tha per dl8a preeorikd br 18~ for 88oh d8y in wbloh h8 wall in 8otu81 attendauO8 upon tbs OOUX%. Then 18 no prorlrlon ror yiWiltOr iiitM888S re8idiug within the 00untJ ,Fo the Set01 0r r0r any oa888; thla oplnlon insofar a8 it df80UlM88 f8d8 in i81Ony 08808 18 limited t0 Out Of OOUIitg Witn888.8. In ooma8otloa with your problem, we rrrpeottully ro- ier to Opinion No. o-1594, approved by the AttOrn8y 08wr81 or m-8 on November a, 1939. In that opinion It wan held, Honorstle Ban J. Dean, psg8 4 under the 8tatut8 before 8zi8nda8ntin 1941, that 111out-of- WPnty xltness in 8 felony oat301s sntltlad to two dollar8 end hi8 aotuel trrrelin@ sxpenaes not exoesdlng four oente QSr Eli18 ill8Otig t0 8nd rOt,WZling irOB, th8 OOUrt for 8 de8056 trip t0 th8 OOUd during th8 S8W term and in the 8aO oa(Ie,prOvid8d the witnes8 108 8ubpOeu8ed in 8oOOrd- 8AO8 with tb* axpre88 tbrP'u8 0r Art1010 463, Code 0r Crllalnal QOOIdllZI Or mX88. fb W88 rurther 88id that it is Imater- ial whether the wltnerr has b48n rs-rubpoan8rd or 18 rttond- in@ under th Orl@ncll 8Ubp08n8, pl'orldedthe prO7i8iOn8 Of said Artiole 463 hsre been net. A oo;y of tha opinion la enolosed for your 00381derat1on. St 1s noted that thr opln- Ion la supported by quotcitlonrrorathe oaae 0r Burttsoh811 v. Sheppard, 123 Tsx. 113, 69 3. X, (2d) 402. r% havr 8180 amttrtelned that over 8 long period 0r yeera the departmental oonstruotlon or th8 Comptroller or Fubllo Aooounts he8 b*senandpow la that ior auoh 8UbseW3at tripr, fees ar8 p8y8b18 by the State. The 1941 aaendmnt ob8ngbd th8 uil1e8geirOn not t0 exoeed four cents per alle to three oentr. ?m therefore oonolude that ii the witnesses rererrsd to (lx.0ritnsS8Ct8 in idOW 0811438 the proViSiOn Or Artiale8 463 and 1036, Cod8 0r 5riainal Proosdure apply, .8ndunder the authority of Opinion No. O-1594 and euthoritles olted then,in, said witn88SeB 8r8 entitled t0 the 8t8tUtOrJ f488 iOr mileagO and per diem, not only iOr tha'tlrst trip 8nd 8ttendCce un- der prOoe88, but 811 rubrequent trip8 and attendanoo, k&en ordered to return by the oourt. But ln sledemesnor casea, Arti 1078, C. 0. ?. will rpply, and under the authority of tbo quoted language iron MaArthur ‘1.3t8t0, 8Upr8, suoh wltnease8 would not bo entitled to nileage for wre than on8 trip, 8nd per dlen only for the day8 in aotusl 8ttenbano8 up- on the oourt. fa 8UOh mii3d8m8nOr Oases, however, ruoh 008t8 ard tares against the d8fond8nt 88 in the YoArthur oear, and are not goner8lly p8y8blO by the Strto or ooU.Uty. Tour8 rerl truly