Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVER SELLERS ATTORNEYGENERAL Nonorsblo c. i'.lookhart, pa@ % *It shall be unlaaful for any person, oorporetlon, m-8, psrtnirship, 6s6aol6tian or WlLwll ln tku.t: l * l 80 u s6 th e term l l * ‘tr u ss’ l l l in it. n.m. lktlonery or 66vsrtl*ing. Frorldsd, lmwerar, that tb ls ertlals sh a ll a o t a p p ly l . * ( 3) o th e r oorpor6tlOas herstofore or hsraefter or~nizsa under the 16~6 pi this stst. or bf the United 3tsts.to :.wm extant thst luoh oorponflorl* 6~ mothorlma under thslr ahsrter or ths 1.6. of thir Mate or the United Ststss to oonduot suab b,asln666or tomyse suoh term. * l *- Eonorsble 0. Y. Lookhart, pape 3 "1. .$iusllQ 66 euardlan, ourator, er- sautor.,administrator, asslmms, paoeiver., trdtro by sppolntinent of ony oourt or under will, or d69061tary or money in oourt, without glrlnc bond as suoh. -2. Beoo8n6 sole guarantor or ourety in or upon mny bond requlrod to be glrsn under the laws of this Stste, any other statute to the oontrsry notwlthstandl.qpa Haw$hs 8p&a~i3'isath'krity aonfsrrsd by thlr artlole 1s not~Xtdtd:%o bsuks Is trae,~it~Snolua~s atat@ benklq sorparstleam.~ut iQ'likewlse inoludoa any other domestlo oor- porstlon and any othsr sorporstlon oresnlzed undur the laws 0r sa o th s l r t*to a90n~wrhsA.a oondltlone. M~6owH, It in- o lud~6 a my p wso n :.o l*8ooistdoa' r bt 9eraan..:':89sol.lpavers are not ~6cn)l.l Mae Cuaotlons;,aor ladsed~srs they es- 6sntlsl ~.~9~Sons~SIL.o.o~1160tloa r$Ch the oorporsto purpose of other o~por.t&uWP...~Thsf.lr~~wre..a6rsordiIibCy powers oobterr&l ~~~~h~...~laa...~f~.p)r~*~.andaor9vrsbions msn- tlonod a# ,&% t&o:aqw Q& bol&ant.l.-~por.ra~po8Bo88.d~ by an ordtii+&sP;IC1~ )oSgor.te purpasi. 2hl.4 bslag true, then Is ,a?$#ig, #)hor$Cy. go&#. .po~866~r'~:.of~~6uoh extr.ordI&strg.Sd&~.sry powers to us. the word *truatw for tbe adro~t~&f 'bi Its bus1as.s. To permit it $0 iloso would be ~81,uUt@ tq al~lrqC the:publlo, ~lbcwwmr,'.ths po.ee@~ioa df L&p& .: ,.. ~~***e~dliis~.etat~tor~pewr8 .lrnot suoh rw'tb .o'utqqtiie~by'*)i$u~thq pII ~$.~,a*b..wrds:.for- alaash’@* TtraW,’ irilther: iihdalll,tho ohrtqr..4tI .o,.whmrethe eitoof 9ii%S &Yf.lldtlM"~.t~li&&'.Co be ‘ramediesor pnrsntsd by the $irohfbltionof Art1016 8, Chapter IX oi th. Bsnklnu Code. fdurr vary truly~ OSlZd