Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

67 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVER SELLERS ATTORNCYGLNLRAL !tonerablo Charloa A. theebald ty A tt0w.J Coull cslrostoa Count7 calve*tonS Toxrm roar Mr. Tbeobaldt You stat0 the follo’k$n&~&,is a baals ror your re- Quest for the oplaiom W&his d8 c Y Y? ‘On lMeeab& lUtb\. lQrC1:‘\th~*~o~i~oioners’ Court of thiwCount~,oonrensd f’qrtie purpose o? hearing the pro~wanth OfU petlbSon elgnod by Ralph Cohen lndXll2 otiMrr,kas well as the oppon- snta or mid jjetttlon, pty~imc that 8 Rarigtloa birtrlQ$ be eetsebl%shedtb ba knom am Galveston Com)tf lh~i~tlea Di~tx4ot.~o. 1. A osrtifisd oo#fy0: aaJd potl~on~ t Notloe of Bearing, and the Of%~.lr?ot .the Col~rrl~ota P onorm’ Court settine a days;for thyhemln~ ai the Fdtitioa being attaoh- ‘qdM,roto and made a part herso?. ‘* 1. &rinpr:ths(. proooodin~8 on the hearing o? the pctlhtnn*nhieh, tag anparentlr brought and prose- outed -kndar tit1010 f3263e,Vernon’s Annotated Civil Statute!+-many queetjon# of law and 8rgumrats arose aa to the proper OOnBt?WOt~OR and intOrprOt0tiOn et the rrrinun seotinns af noid article, nnd the Com- mismioners Court of t.hisCount3 lnstruoted me to seolrirna vour department VOW oonetruotion ot the SOOttOnB Of e&id artjC?O heretneftet namtId and cnm- mented upon, and also requested th8t 1 secure fram your dep8rtnont 8 oonferenos npinioa construing said neatfons. =o 0 0. Yonorable Cbarloa A. fhoobald - pa80 2 ‘At the olose oi the bearian an the p@tjttOD the oppanants Tiled a written metlen praying that the oatltlen bo dlsfmsod for several reamma the most.iapertant of ahl,eh la that tba petition la fat8117 and fogdfy insufiloisnt in tbat it deem not state, am required by Qeetioa Ql a? Artlole 8263-6, that ¶.t ia tba lntontlon.ef the Petition- ers to erganise auob D~atrlet under an& br rlrtue et said Artielo 826QB nor doas It st8te that tha Petitioner8 dealra te eraanlao aeeb Dlatrfet under. the prorldena a? Chapter 6 et the Aots of tbo 30th tealslatnre and Aoto aarendatory tberoei (Alrtiels 8263-H and Statutes amendatory thereo?. A aopy of said motion to dlsmlsa bein* lttaobod hereto and made a part hareof-’ Upon thea faota you propound aeraral queationa, the first of -blah la am follorat ‘A aaroful reading of tho patition illod to form this Narlgstion Dirtriot leads ma t0 believe that tha petition ior tba tomation of this gall- pation Diatriot doom not atate am provided by 8eo- tlon 81 of Arttelo 0283e shetbor tbo name ia lmlng prayed for under and by virtue or SeaUon 91 et Article 8263a, or under and by rlrtua of Artlolo 8283h. "1 would thank you to ehaok tbla petition aare- fully, and if you are or the aa10 opinion 88 I am am stated above, then la it tha opfnlon of your de- partment that this patltioa ia i8tallY detaOtlVer and would tba Commlsaloners' Court in that event hate juriadietion t0 entertain the petition?' We hare aarefwally read the petition and are nf tha olrjnfon you hare oorreotly interpreted It; that Is, It deem not state whether the name la being proaented under Artlole 82fK3eor Article 8283h. Saotlon 81 of Article 82630 la as tollorn: ‘Tbia Aat iB deol8red t0 he OUBUlatiTO Of 811 ot.herAotg nor In for00 8s to navigation nlatriota horelnafter to he organized; and in order te Coma within tho purview of this Aot, the petition for the orranlzation of such tllatriotshereafter te ha Iloaorable Ch8rleo A. Theobald - pagm 3 ormnlsed, rtr8ll8t8te th8t it js thm intentlen Ofthe pthtitianerr to OruMite by 08mO mder 8Ud virtue OC thlm Aat. In the eveat It lm desired to orr*nlsa aader the proTl8ioa8 of Ch8pter 6 at the Aatm of the 39th Legld8tIars 8ad Aato lmend8- tory thereof, then ooah petition Ih8ll SO l t8tOr and prorioiorrm of tbl8 let ah811 aof 8ppl~ tb ouch dlmtrlat.m It 1.1the opinion at thir deparkat thm petition IS fatally detaatire, in tbrt it doam net aomply mltb t&b !Mind8tOPy requirements ot 8eatlon 91 In #o prrtiaul8r mon- tdnned, nltbout rhiob the Cotissloners' Caart 18 without outhorlty to entertdn 8nd 8at upna it. It 1s 81~879 the petition th8t inToke8 the jurladia- tlon of the Oaurt t0 8ct in 8UCh 8 111lttOrr 8nd 8lthout suah petition 8s OOmpliese 8t 1088t sub8tant1811ys with &3CfiOU gl, there 1.0 nothing before the Court 8uthorising It t.0 8at. The votitlonc therefore, rhould h8re been dlwlrmed upon the defeat heina a8llUd t0 the aOUrt’8 8tt~l3tiOll. Our rnaer 1.0 tbl8 quertion maker it unnaaeer8ry tor us t.o answer your other quemtiona. ThbJ 8E.O iPPntOri81 l &&i?+ Oale S or Am5lst8at