/ .....
Honorable Earlon Martin
County Attorcwy
leoogdochea County
Nacogdocher, Tours
Dar sir:
an otficer lmfully
owed vlth mthorlty
* 4rre8tr valve
W8e88lMlAt Of th8
sting fee l.nthe ffx-
Of CO8t8 to be paid
the deiendaat upon
8 being found guilty?
te reUue8tlng *n opinion
aaptioned 8Ubj8Ct8, ho8 been
iOR and reply. Your quer-
lty are rccepted in criminal
toa of the CoUnty Court. There-
like to have an ldvi8Ory opinion or
your department a8 to the validity
of a juagarentpredicated upon e plea of guilty en-
tered during vaCatlOU.n
Qu88tlOn IiO.2:
"Can a eheriff, ooast@ble, Dspaz’tJlWlt Ot Pub-
lic Safety off laer, %‘tS68 L%qUOr Control Board In-
BpXtOr, or any other officer lavfUlly endoved vith
authority to nrke Wre8te VaiV8 the a8cie88Plsnt
Honorable liarlonMartin, pege 2
the =r-ting fee in the firil3gOf CO8t8 to be
paId by the defendant upon hi8 being found guiltyTm
In reply to yOW flr8t question, ve Iwe eaclo8Ing
this deprartment*sopinion No. O-3090, vhlch WI believe an-
8Ver8 thin QUe8tiOn in the negative.
In reply to Your 8ecoud quartion, ve quote from thi8
d8flrtmQt'S OPiQiOn NO. O-768, wherein ve held that a State
Bighvay PbtrObbR 18 Wltithd t0 no brr88tlag fee:
“YOU me r88peCtfIlllyadvl8ed thbt thl8 E4-
portent ha8 repeatedly ruled tbat b con8table or
Other Q8bCS Officer 18 not entitled to aharge,
collect, or rcoept fee8 unlerr he actually per-
formed the 8ervIce8 set out in the 8UtUte. If
the constable does not We the wre8t, nor thQ
commitmnt nor the rele88e, he certainly oould not
Chbrg8, Collect, or 8CCept 8 fee for doing 80. A
rtate highway p8trolPan receiver 8 Mliry from the
strte of Telar for hi8 8ervice8, and there ir no
statutory buthorltg la thlr rtste vhereby a rtbte
highvay patrolwm may oharge, collect or raaept l
f8e frOIUa defendant. t’h8 88-y 8 8tbtt highV8y
QbtrO~n receive8 from the State of Teu8 18 the
only compensrtlon to which he I8 entitled to re-
ceive for performtag hi8 duti88 in Prre8ting the
defendmat clurged with ral8depsanOr.
"You are therefore, rk8peutfully edvl8ed t&t
if a state hlghvay patrolman 8rre8t8 a defendant iu
a ai8demeanor aEi8eand bring8 the defendmt before
the ju8tlce of the peace end the defeud8nt plea8
guilty and Is a88e888d a iIRe, the jU8tiCe of the
peace ahodd not tax an rrre8t See againrt the de-
"For example, if a state highvsy patrolnmn
wrest8 a defendant for violbtlon of a Qi8demNtkor
8tatute and brings the defendant before the ju8tice
of the peace a8 outlined by law, end the defendant
enter8 his plea of guilty before the ju8tIce of the
paace aad 18 888888ed 8 fine Of One dollU and
CO8t8, tbn thi8 1s the follovlng amount vueh the
defendant should be required to PrY iu di8oMrge
of hi8 fine and cO8te, to-vit:
aonorable Earlon hartin, page 3
"One dollar ilne; five dollars fee for the
county attoPQey; four dollars, trial fee - making
a total of ten dollars."
Tams Liquor Control Board Inspectors receive a aal-
erg from the State and are likewise entitled to no arresting
In re@rd to sheriff8 and COQ8table8, your attention
is directed to the follovlng statutory QrOVisiOn8. Article
102, Vernon'8 Annotated Pen81 Code provides:
"Any county officer or any dlstrlat attorney
to whom fees or Cost8 bre rlloved by l&v vho 8hall
fall to charge UQ the fees or cost8 thbt may be
due under exl8tltp,fJv8,or who Shall remit 8ny fee
that lsaybe due under the law, or vho shall fall
to mbke the report reclulredby lav, or who 8hll
p8y hi deputy, clerk OP..b88i8kQt 8 1888 8UPI thn
specified in hi8 worn statement, or reoelve bek
a8 8 rebate any part of the compen8atlon alloved
such deputy, clerk or sselstant, 8hall be f,lnednot
le88 than tventy-fiVe nor more than five hundred
dollars. &oh act forbidden by thl8 artiale 18 8
reparbte offense."
The Legislature, by Act8 1939, special Lavu, mge
608, Section 1, provided for salaries for county officer8 in
COMti88 containing a population of tventy thou8and (20,000)
lnbabltants or more and provided for an Offlcers~ galrry Fund.
This Aot appea~a 88 Article 3912e, Vernon’s Annotat8d Civil
Statutes. Section 5 provides:
"It &all be the duty of 811 officers to cbrge
and collect in the mbnner 8uthorlGed by law all
vhich Bpe permitted by hV to
fee8 and ColIlmi88iOll8
be RsSes8ed and collected for all officibl 8erViCe
performed by them. A8 and when suck fee8 bre aol-
lected they shall be deposited in the OffiCeP8'
&laPy Fund, or fund8 provided in this Act. IQ
event the ComDli88iOneP8'Court find8 that the fail-
upe to collect any fee or eommla8lon Vb8 due to
neglect on the part of the officer charged vith
the responsibility of collecting a&IQB,the amount
ol suCh fee or comml8aloo shall be deducted from
Honorable Harlan &wti.n, page 4
the U-y Of 8Wh Officer. Before say 8uah de-
duction 18 made, the C0m1118810QeP8'Court 8ha11
fuPal8h such officer vlth an ltemlced 8t8tement
of the uncollected fee8 with which hi8 bcoou.nt18
to be charged, and sba11 notify ouch officer of
the tlm and place for 8 hearing on ~nm, to de-
termine whether such officer v&8 guilty of negll-
gence, vhich tiPlafOP hearing shrll b8 et leb8t
t8Q days 8UbDeQUWAt t0 the t&t8 cd QOtia8. thh88
en officer is charged by lav with the re8pon8lbll-
ity Of 001leCtillgfees, the COlari88iOWP8' COUPt
Shall Rot IQ any event ppke ray deductions IPom
the authorlaed 8alery of 8uch officer."
You are accordingly advised that prior to the p88-
age of Article 3912e, the arresting officer v&8 entitled to col-
lect md retain his fee md fbilure 80 to do va8 EWle 8 pen81
offense . SubseQuent t0 the enactment Of Article 39128, the a~-
re8ting ofilcer receiver 8 UrlRry in lieu of 811 feel, co3n-
ml88ims ok compenabtlon to which he would othsrvlse be en-
titled. Under the provlslon8 of thi8 Act, the officer 18 Cbrg-
ed vlth the duty of charging and co11ecting hi8 fee a8 before
and paying it into the OfflceP8' SaWy Fund. Should the oom-
mi88loner8~ court find that the fbllure to Collect bny fee or
corairrlon ~88 due to neglect on the prt of the offloer ah8rg-
ed vlth the re8poQ8lbility of co1lecting I&m, the bmount of
such fee or commirrlon 8he11 be deduated from hi8 ~l@ry after
notice and hearing had thereon 88 provided by the 8tatute.
‘PrU8tiIl& thi8 fti1y 8n8YeP8 yOUP iQQUiPi88, v8 aPe
Very truly yOUr8
/t. 2. f&--L &---A-k
H. T. Bob Donahue