OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN mr Ien. l&s!mh~ fmelgn aountry. ahcwaateruho holda a pmPeralonr1 nume ramentr *re eqlM1 to vi&I81 qualificetloas ent to thone squired in this law, liaense to pmatloe rutming In ut exmination, provldd a See of rs Is paid to tha bwxt¶ by wuh appll- 484 m-n. Elinmen Wsah, Page 2 We fall to find any Fequlrmaent of citiaenshipes 8 gu%liPlcetlm for beaocdlxq6 reglcrtered mwae under Texas l&W. We therefare bald that (ID. elien map be rsgfstered LX? the &her st%tutoq$ requlslteeme aolpplled vith. It la our further opinion that the lengusge "ecaother State" (IDumd In the above quoted atatute, refera to and mans, “another state 0P the Uuited Statea”. It ir themdbre ourvlwthetneither an sllea 0 a altleen mey be lseued e reglstrotlonaertiflceta under Article 4521 unlens he or she holds a regintretloncer- tltlcate Proa Pnother State of the United States. Inreachlngthir oonclu8tonue are notuna&ndPul of them&Wok&e me%nlngs vhloh h%vo b%en %sar~bed to tho ward Se% T~JCW v. Uhlte, 7 U%ll. 700, 19 L. Ed. 227. How- eter, t&h majority rule meem to be that in the abeeaao of eoam- thing ia the rtetute ttself~.ixxliccting e aontrery intent or utaiesoP brander meenlng lo required tc give edeat to the pro- vision, 8 etate 8tatuteu8ing thl8 term vi11 be held to lnokwle oalye member 0P theUnlm. Thle rtrlat or nerrov definition la vell aetebliehedin United Stetor ooxmtitutlonelmad Btatu- k West Tema Ry. Co. our inte~Pet4tlon OP appwrrr In Article 4521 la Purther atreqthened by referenor to the otiginelAat Pros8 vhlah the acxXSi8re oP one Bevlmed Stetuteo of 1925 took the prQVblO?I. Sea. 10, Ch. 1133,p. 413, rats 1923, 38th Leg. ueed the phmee smother stete m territory"end the aodlflere dropp%d "a- territory" th%r&rtm. "Skate or territory" 1s e phrase that hae been fmquentlg uwd In the walprmal provlsis~ JS atate liaenslng stetutes end the vcwd “tcrmltwy” oleo her a veil estebllshedmeaning in Unlted Yteter aon8tltutlonaland tttatutory iav. Zx part% Hcmgan, 23 8. 298. It 6eeme oleo* to ua that leathe ebeenae of mything in the statute which vwld lndlmte a aontForyintent, the Leg$slrrture wmd tlaevex@ "State* lo 1t.allatltedcoc~tltutioaeleen8e 8e reParr1~ to enother atrrte cd'the &serlo%n Union. We h>pe our v:ws in this matter vi11 aaseat the bawd in d%elLng with these pWbl%xim. Ycurn very truly