::::; ‘ I,< .; ::. ,..: I” OFFICE OF THE All-ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVER SELLERS ATTORNEY GENLRAL -9 Ron. George R. Sheppard Clomptrollerof Publio Aooounta ‘. Austin; T&as IhMr;SiF: o~inion.~o. 0-6 Rer Doeslthed 944, preaenta.ior ion of whetheror h Leg?.elatuPe,$939, arly payment'of ad talorem toxea. hool dlstriots and I road dlstrlots, olleoted upon the State and ooqnt rder 0r the oorhmie- sloneh3 ooti a holds in eiieot that all x roll must be paid and eotor at the came time, and ty, ownmon aohool, and roads to that oplnlon for the we have not oterlooked Artiole and not oarrent’taxe6. Itsis oodified ae a.pqirtof Chapter 10, Dellnqusat~Taxsa, V. R. 0. S., Title 122. Thia.ohaptar oon- talns Artloliis7319 to 7Md,, inolusire, under the heading "Wlinquent Taxes.* la any event it is observed that the tax OOlleotor is 506 'authorizedto issue bla final reoelpt sqldsno- ing the payment thereof until the other taxes assessed upon ths same roll are paid, 396 ,BothWerge IL Sheppard,page 2 ua ~exadae this OQMwLUtiianaf a&ad- .xuEt,,-'i0t roads a6 fel.ltiS, menti.,.It'~ inolading the caption! "HOUSE JOpIT RsS&TIoN- %&t#e an h&&li9At to t&L. whew they y~ul$ st@rwlse~ beoome del'tqqaant~ and protidlA& th6t this Amaidme5t *ll beeeme ersotioe 4 gMliwp~1, .’ 19391 prwidlA&for a~ eleotlon oh the quastlon BT adoption or rejeotioq of this AmendAsnt~grovldlA&for the &molamatioA aad~PUbLiWtiOA thereoigand nlaklw &A approprlatlanthere-~ fox; and presoribing the form 0r boU.ot. “Be It ve~&yA by the LeiglslatureOS’the State of Tezast f YlmTsoiJ 1. .%-!tthe htatitutian of the SBate of Teiae.be~6m6ndedby adding a new SeooSfonto Artlole VIII to be Itmwn a0 t+etlan20 and ba read as r0lbt40t ?SwSioa 20, ‘,Ho.property of any klntl in thle~ State * .ti43;‘8;6r? bi lbeeieod Sor.ad ralosmm tare& et a greater'. ~.mlucthyt Isa,MI g,ae&ia+ke~.‘~u6mar shall-anvBoard ot.129oQll~tion SF wly~@pwmmoa~ w politrodleub- ,dlrlAt,oA.&'Itul;~di~fcs)oiot~ulthi~ tk%ieState 11x the ialae 6r AA~ groiyrtyfop tax porposee'staoaw this&it8 fair .or@h market ,.talae prfmldod that in order to enooumge I 1axea, $he Le~lelaSurs ‘ohallbate that.the ‘Seqpamr &mll.3e .. allared g@yOrAfiieAtal and pol&foal subdlrl- 1 ae~and teulug dlettia4p of the Stab8 a three per oent ,738) dikomiat~onad.talorapltakes due the Stetii or.dob sag golisQID?a*@,ox pos1,164 mbdiYlel?p or.m die Srlot o? 'OhaL&Ate ii 6qOh ta300,are pald d.noty~ .(W) :d8ym beC~,se)ho .d$tewhtig’~ $iieywould othe.~ies bau~e delln rripfi; tmd the t-or efmL1 be allaw@ a two per .osoa P2%)~dlswunt OA Said Oesea ii paid:slzt~.(66) d&y6 , I befare.said tamm weuld~beoome delinquent and the tax- p6~erlrballbe allowedA on+ gqr sent (l$~.&ieocns~t.ir i ‘eeld Sax09 am mid thlstt (38)~ days Wor~,theywma.Id othsirlaebroame~delinqwst, This aamndmei~b ‘&all be. ‘.-. Januarpl, 1999. The Znefelhture~ ohall pa00 laws ror the proper adalnletrat2on@ this WEbi t.. Tk* $w*oirrg Qanatitutbuml Am@ment shell be mbafC$ed to. a tote @f fhe qualified eleotore o$ thle Strbo at a epeola& eleut$on to be held Theo oat the I atate or’Teoar 011the 23rd day or Auguet; 1937, a T whloh eleotion a31 totemi ra*orlm the prepomtd Amendmsnt shall write or have printed OA thhelrballbb the tollewingwordet *lok t&e Aaendment ts the Stat@ Waetltatlon prmld- bg that properbyeholl nwer be aeecillasd forktaxes’at more than its fati oaeh market yalue,~and providingthat in order to etsoouragotibepr&mpt paymentof ad taloreun taxes, the Lrglelatureehall h&e the power to permit a dleoount for the paymentoi e&mebetors they beoone de1inquent.i t s Hon. George E..Sheppard, page 4 .??hoSeYotxersopposing said proposed iUWAdaa0At sb+l write or have prInted OA their ballots the *ass: “AfWlWT the &eAdIReAt to the State cOAStitUtidA pro~idlng that property shall never b6 assessed for we at ware than ftm fair oanb market ~elue, a.Ad ‘prwidl.ng,.thatiA order to OnOoU'agO the prompt :, payaegt or ad valorem taxes, ths Le&lelature shall have the.power tompsrait a dksoount far the paymdi or same b&ore they beooma delinquent. 11 . and gLYing the Legfslaturepcnmr ,topravfde that &‘gtste tid a&l ‘g6rarnmental or polltibal sub dfYfs.tdnsor.taring dlstriotsnay allow a dleoo~titr. fiz payawE of ad ralorfm taba begore the da++ when.wep wo2d otherwfee betiome delinquert;aAd j$rooiai~gthat thb Amendment shall beaome stfesttqeJanuarp 1, 1939;: we Bat0 seorahed~rqrwae language iA thie~eonStitu- t&xial amen&nsnt that notid justify the Obnofu@ian that .the elaotSrate~w&Sput upon netlo~eIA yotlia@upon the ‘sank that its bm.etits, ‘rhritever they &ht be, wefe to be leit..to~the dlsordtiion-of the ooamlseione~soourt of the respeotlva.eoun~les, OP that it *as to operate upon Q local optiotibasis, dependent upon the exeroise of t&e disoretion of the oomnissionersooUrt. fr this had been tie intention 0r the Legislat+re iA submitting it to the rote of the people, is $t not reae&able to &mme thatCtheLeglslattie would have fixed sooe reaeonablo and ~tfOAOl etandards for the guldanoe Of the OOmmis~iOA6rs OOU?t iA ths exaro;se.of their dieoration. In oonstruing a statute the oonst$tutlonalprovision upon whioh it rests Is quite impfmtant. l&my authorities reoogalaet4e rule ; the latest by our Suprams Court i.5 the ease of Brasos.E?irer Conservatlohand RsolamatfonDistrict Y. Costello, 3.43s. Y. (ad) 577, whiah stats6 it thus: :A statute !aay be mad in oonnsotionwith the OOAstitU-~ timal pmvlsions authoridng the enaotment of suah statute. IA other words, construingthe statute, OoAetitUtioAal provisions,mxgbe read into au.doonsW.?sred a part of the statute. 3r, Tax. Jur., p. 157, Sea. Sb." 399 Hon. Geo. H. Sheppard, page 5 we do.not find It ~%Qeam4ry, how%v%r, t% pass upon the qti&YtiOAor whether or A6t the Legislature o%uld, within the limitations of the Constitution,,delegat%this uaqualif'ied dfllOl?%tiOM~ power ta the OolPsai6B1~0r8 oourt, for iA our rfew it.ha% not done 80. The above %omaent Ia Sor~the purpose OA.I.Tof d%mAbtrating the abseaoe of a legI%l%tIve ihtent lrurofac(LLIdQuaty,%QaU!LOAsohbol, aad reed dIetyi@t tit&esare 00ii%%rMd, .al.lasssssed UPOA the Same Sail as~State taxes, that the lav 'shouldbe so ooqstraed as to make the pr%oI%o applIoable to oounty,oomon aehool,and road Blatriottaxes. When w% ooa% to exsmine the provision% of Senate Dill l&2 Fa itsentirety what do we find? The pertinent parts of the bill, 3+&idbg th% %aptIoh,read a8 ~f~llawsr "DZWXJ?CB FOR ADVANOJX PAYXgKT OF AD VALGDEM T-8. nAr~.Aot pFaoIdIng fortax dI%o%uat% to all taxpayers for taql) due the Stat% and all gow-Atel Snd p%lltIoal %ubdIvfdI%nsand taxing dIstrIots$ presoribing, the mode, manrrer,and awant of suoh diaoouuts;and proyIdIng that the %aue ahall not apply to %ItI%8, tmvhs, eohool dIatxI%ts and,oth%r aoyemmental subdi~isio~e.u%l%ssaad uutil .ththe ~gorn~~g bodice thereof shall,'by proper OrdlAan88 or ordar,.adQpt thw proriai suoh &oy%zn,a%ntal sasa~"om&Mhor~thoerieer yih"tfl..lbla& Qhl .__ not aDDlv't% th% split~paynt%ht OS -taxesin such %ayeruaental rubdlvlefo~~ repealing Section 1 of Ghapter 10 of the A5ta .of the.i+ourth Called Seesion of th%~,Forty-third Legislature; %mndlng Se&ion 2 of Chapter 10 ofkS$%.Aot% of th% Fourth Galled Session of the Forty-thirdLe&Islature by fIxIag the poll tax%8 aad ad valorem taxes ahall beaou% deli& ~~~tlmo'whon ‘-tI p,re,aorIbIagthe dut%qa %f t&% Cuaptrcdler of PublIo Aao%uats$ 'repealingall la*;,aad parta ot 1awnrs.i~ oonilfot with this Aoti de%larlng th%~L%gIslativeIntant; %nd deolariag an %lWrg%AQy. 3% It enaoted by the Legislature of the State of Texas; "SEOTIOW 1. All taxpayers shall be allowed QisOountS for the payment of tax@8due Co the stat% aad .a11gOY%Yha%ntal and p%lItIsal subdivisions%ud taxI* distrlots c&Cthe State, aaid diraouritato be allowed under the following OOAdttiO5S: (s) per cent diaoount on~ad valoretitax%% due the any govexmmntal or polIticaL aubdivlsiooor 400 Hon. Gee. A. Sheppard, page 6 taring district of the State, it suoh taxes are paid ninety (90) days before the dhte when ~thegwould otherwise beoome delinquent.;(b)’two (2$) per oent disoorurtan ad valorem tax68 due the State or due any &eMatal. or politloal subdivisionor taring dls- trlot @the State if SUO~ taxes are paid sixty (60) days before the'datewhetithey would otherwlseb&bonu, dollnquent;(0) one (15) per Oent di8OoMt on adL+al.Orem taxe8 due the Stat6 or due any governmentalor pOlItIca Babdlvl8ionor taxing distrlot~ ot.thO State,.lt suoa taxes sre paid thlrfy (30) %ags before the date yhen they rotlldotherwleo beoome dellnquent.~Provided, .how0ver,that the provision8 0r this B0OtiOn shall not apply $0 water InproveQentd28trlots,.lrr1gation dia- triote, levee dietriots,water oontrol dicltrlot8, and other governmentalBubdivlsions,oltl?e, towns .and bindependent sohool distrlota Wile88 and until the governing body of eaoh water iaprovementdlstrlots, irrigationdiatriots,levee di8trlots:, water oontrol df8triOtri,and OttbargOqer&UWUt~ SUbdivisions,.olties, @wn8, or Independentsohool dlstriateby ordinanoe, rdsolutionor order, @hall adopt-the provlalonahereof; l aha 3.n. event any fduoh water im rovement dlstrldt % ' di8triOt,levee dIrtrIO8 , rater OontrOl dis- lrrlgatl trlot, an8 other governmentalsubdlvl8liOn8, oity, town ~riadependent soh001 dintriot eleOt8 to allow 8Uoh dlsoounts, then the g&.ernln&-bodyor iaoh'wetsr lmprooe- --. tint dlstr2ot,.irrlgatlondistrlot, levee dlstrfot,~water oontrol:dlsttiot,- and other novernmentaleubdlvlslon8, oltp, town or~in~spendent gohool dlstriot, shall.have po%er~,by the ordlnanoe, reeolutlon or order levying the annual taze8, to @sIRnate the months fn #hiah suoh I rdi8OOMtB Or th 00 one (1%) D0r oent remmotivels shall be .hllowed.but in :’ 110SVetltShdl the SEUI4e:~ElJBD1Y t0 SDlit DW5leQt Or ttWSS. Wm. 2. Seation 1 or Chapter.10 of the Aots of the Four&Called Seaslon of the Forty-thirdLegislature, the 8a.mebeing Artlole 7255a of Vernon's Revised Civil 3tatutes oi'lg36, htqing been held Invalid by ths, aourts, Is hereby repealed. “333. 3. SeatIon 2 or Chapter 10 Of the hots 0r the Fourth Called Session ot the forty-thirdLegislature, the sums &sing Artlole 7336,Vernon's Sevised Civil Statutes I I of 1936, IS hereby anended so as heraarter to read as :, ~. : roliools: ., 4.. 401 Eon. Gee. Ii.Shep~pard,page 7 *Artdole 7336. (a) I2 any person shell pep, on or before Movanber thirtieth of ths year for whloh their assessment Is made, one-halt (4) or the tame Lmposea by lax 011 M.III 03 hia.pr@erty, thim he ahall have until and lnoluding the thirtieth day of the suooeedlngJune, wlthia.whlth to pay the other one-hali (31 of his Said tcqs witho~ut pasalty or infare8t thereon. “1l '8ti4taxpayer,arter paying’8aid one-half (4, on or before lioowaber or his ~ta%wz. thirtieth, 88’herela- befare provldenld,~8hallrall or reruact to pay, on or befem flrne tUrtleth next ewoe&iag ‘aaidRovenber, the Other ORdl@kf (A) Or hi8 Said taXO8, tiJWQ6lty Of Oi@t (8$) gsr .aent.of ths amouut of eald unpaid .taxeashall ao&rue thoreon. OQ or l&ore the thirty- the rOmWbg pWlty to-wit: During the month of during tha aobathof Marah during the month 3r A rll threa ($1 6~1th bf May goup Pti)‘par cent; during.theBlonBhaf June, rive ($1 pep oent; and on a@ a$ter the Z'lrst day or July, eight (8$) per.sent.. b) AU poti:taxes and all ad valorem taxes, unless “of me-half (4) thereof have bs&apald an or before IYoveaber tieth 8, herelnabavepxotld.ed,ahall beoom delinquent nat paid pribr to February first of the year next SU~OsatUng the ~Jaar far whioh the Fatul?a~of the M8e8SIMUlt TQ~Q;~. the aauat,yare made to the ComptroUar or Pub110 Ii cm-half (&I or said ad valor&m tax68 have bean pa.6 on or bePore the thlrtleth day of Mooamber as havain pr&vlded,the-remainin&one-halt (4) at suoh taxes ahall be delinquent if abt paid before the first day of’ July of the year next suooeeding the yakr far wbioh,$bs return oi--theasaeesment rolllrr or Ohs oounty am mad* to the C~anptroller or Publia Aaoounts. 402 &a. Oeo. B. Skieppardj page 8 “(0) If one-hali (4) of suah ad valorem taxes bate been,palU tan OP before B;oreaberthirtiethd tha year :n which the aem are aasetmed, the diecountsherein pro~ldsd for @J+ll be sfieotlve aad ahell apply to .the : lsst ~halfai t&e ad.Vtlorem taxes if paid ninety (SO), shty :(&I),and.thirty (301 daya, rsspeetively, prior ta the rirst da? af July, whnhenthe e-6 beiooamdelinquent as herein pravtded; but ‘suahdisooant shall not,apply to the .first+lf of suoh taxes:li We sem have been’p.aid 0~.or before Hovember thirtieth or the year in whloh suoh art3~rasslltis mabe. a(d) All delinquent taxes ohall bear interest at the mte of s’lr (6%) per .a.&$. $er amen rroa the data of, their dellnquemy, All penalties an6 iattrest~ prwided r3v ~113 thle Aat shall, whm af&leotad,be yaid’to the State, ooui~ita, and ~dfatrlots,if any, in propertikm to the taxes upaa whiah th? penaMy and interest are aolleeted, AU. discounts movidd for in ttira&at shall, when allowed, eilto the State. aauntfee. and dietriots.ii any rtion tag&Q- taxeu upon whlbh suab dieaaunte are’ a %a *at f&tit to the aaption al the bill. attssition It says: It is to ba’obeerwd that the term *ao*mt$es,*Waonmum ~ahoO1,”or "road dlet~ot" ie net used:ln the caption, and body of the bill~deee the term %ommon sohoal nawhere lp .tkie disk-iotaOP “road distriat* oaouri Only one time in the body Of the bS.lldam the ward *.~tbea” oaour, and that ia in sub- reation (a) of Seation3, whioh will be adverted ta later. 403 Hont Geoi H. Sheppard, page 9 Seotion 1 or the bill in fixing the saope of the appliaatlon of tha:disaouhtsprovided in the &at, says: -All ty"v shall be allowed dlsaouutsfOr,the payaeht of: area 00 to the State and allgovemmehtsl and pOlitloa1 subditisionsti~xinn distriota of the State9" Thsrafors, in Order tar tha Aot t0 apply to oountles, aOamah sohOO1, and road d&&riot taxes, we must plaae aountlas, aammon sahool and road dlatrfafo under one OP the other of the fOregOing,namely, gOTerhmental8Ubdivislon,palitioal sub- divleion, ox tazing $istriat. AspOihttd~OUt in our 0plIiion Hoi 0-6124'atid the authorities therein alted, a a0unt.yla a politiaal subdivision Of the State, heaoe we'hsre hi ditf$aulty' in finding a.plaoe for a0uhties in the general ssope or t&s. Wll. We &al.& refer to oarm~cmschool and rpaQ 'Uatriats more 5.n gets11 later. But the-quastionarisea, is ~06:a aouatyalsb a ~goternmentalaubdi~lsion~? After flxlng the ebope~of.the bill, ~poXlt~oa&subdivisfon?1s mt qUm+artez wed; but the ter~.~govsrhme4htal aub~lvlaion" 1s repeatedlyuse&, afxd.the iense lu'@U,nh'khietisr'm is wed by the Leglslatdre~ is by the express terms oi the Act when aonsiatentlyOonstrued,not appllaabld to ao~untief+ Bear in mind thst without the ~provlsos, ,whl&hh're~e &d&d by way oP-atuendamnts~to the birl as arf&xrilly lntrodwiqd, as Zlrdlaa&oaed bs em examinationof t&i o~Aiglnal bill and the a+mdments on.tile~in the offloe of~the~Sk?retary 0r State, whioh.examinatlodtiehave msds,'Cha disoounts are allaad all tamayera ior'tihe.psyment of taxed due to the State and aii $titermntal and dlstrlotsof the.Stata.+. aaope or.the appliaationor the aisa0unts reads as rOUswi3r T?xmlded, holever, that tha provislonaof this ssation~shall not apply to'water improvementdiatriats, irrieatfon&i&riots. levee'dietriots.water oontrol dlst$iate, and otiyr'gorernmentalaubllivislons, oitiea, tmma and in&eD%ii&ntriohooldle~triataunless and until the governing body or eqoh water improvementdistricts, irrigation dlstriats, levse distriats,water oontrol distriata, and other &WernaMntsl subdivislon.s, oities, tOwns, or indepandent sohoal distriots by OXdmQ8, resolution or order; ahsll adopt the:pro~lslons hereof; and in tbe~ment any suoh water improvement dlstrht, irrigetiondiatr%at;~leveedistriat,water aontrO1 dis- triat, and other governmental subdivisions.aity, town , ; Hon. Bee. H. Sheppard, page 10 or indepenbenteohool dietrlot eleota to allow euoh diaoounta,then the gavarnbag bidy of eaoh water lm@rffes5ent dl.otrloQ, irrigation Qistrfot, levee We pause hers to say that if it was the intention s&Xt pay&en+ of,tuws In sa?h gcmrnmmtal subdlrlslo~ a8 referred to in the pmvisa. If oountles'areto bs~plaaed under the olaraifimtion of ?&her governinental subdlrlaiona w used in the provim, then this Would be in dfreot aonflietwlth Subseotlon (a) of Seation 3,whLoh provides: 405 ah. oeo. H. Sheppard, page 11 *If one-half (h).of auoh ad valOrem taxes have been paid on or before Horcltaber thirtieth oi the year in whloh the aame are asu111es8ed, the dieaouuta hereiq prmfded for &a&l bce~ieotlre and shall apply to thaleet half of~ths.ad llorem taxw if paid &abaety (901, @My .16Q), aad thirty (30) days keepeetiv.ely, prior .to the~flkst day or JLl$, wheu t&e &uqbqmm -cjullnqaent~ad~ here$n prorided'~ buf aaoti;dieoocrat shall not 8 p4 ti'tkck'1Cfzbt haalPof'euOh taias3.f the oeme have.ii een pald~gn’or before Forember thirtie~th of the . yeax?fn whioh ~~&eeeeti&kent ia madLW k!@wr uw that tlie.bi3.Lprovldea for a diaobunt ior aav&oPpa*ent or'thaisewna hati or the split pay-t wbloh wc&ld~bq fn,mMliot of oounty t;rules, with its prior proviaio$a ~ifMe .my :,&at,- oowitiem arw ~orsrnme8talisub&- ~ialoaq.boIult~din the pea?iso..Tha+.the 8plltpiymtnsk$~, providion is 6 pX1oabJ.s$0 $he State, #%ty,, oommon.sahool and ro&~etx~ Pso t~%waaaeese~'upon %he State and ootlaty, rolls,. mr-aawe-ars: awarei ha13nerfm been.querrtioned. It Siq~olearj~we t&hk,...t&at *hea t&e ~aglAlatureeasedthe fi@YJa ..~@Lhei .gov8nmental,~ubliY~rionq*whioh rol.lowe’ the. ,. enWrutien.of~ ttur:~UbW,,tw i&W lm@rq&nen$~ di;etricite td; 'lkwq dlboriafm *atie doixtrol;.uib&te~ C ~ovarnmctntalaalrd~tiriions &Ipliar,.k~ thee** is oleak ir;oma,retidingof t&a oaptiqn. of edj&dem.geAeric aDplia6, a&We think ~f'thh rta3.e it doea, and the ua~~of'the teFm *OthSr &cmmk&ntai eubdb. +i&ldns*meaari8-h as are alallar to those anrrmerated presed~ the $qrn, than ye thLnk oaunties would not be inoluded;and~were not'int,endoCW be .inoludedby the Legisla$um in the use ore the term *other g~erzunentaleubdl*iaioaaW;~Saroduntiea have little, ii any, of the ohumoteriatios of a water Sa,premment diatriot,&Wggatlan distrlnt, love* distriot,wat* aontrol aisirlot; ita fuaotionu a?6 prharlly polit,iml.. It wa8.* atat& in.Ckndortf i. State, 106 5; W. (2d).zo6, (WA dsnled) in the foUwing languaget; Wounties hre orsated by the i&ate,fox the p\rrposes of government. Their &motions are politicaland adainia- tmtlre, end the.powere oont?rred upon.thez are m&her dutlss lmpocod t&ga privileges granted.* Eel@1 v. Wiohita County, 84 Ter.~392, 19 3.W. 562, 31 A&X.Rep. 63.‘” 406 Hon. Qeo, R. Sheppard, page 12 If we leave oounties,wherewe this& the Legielature intended to plaoe them, uuder epoliticalsubdi~iaiona~ whioh appear@ in the general eaaoting ellame, but does not appear in the provieo; then we bav? nd rioulty in harmonlzlng all or the pxo~isions~ 0s. the AOt. 3 -tthis is the qoiWmaot:on that ahoald be adopted in oonetr&m aa a&, we d0 uot think require& the oitation or awuarous,authoritied;butthe rollow- $ng~will~be~aWia.ieatt-.Rio&in Rroe. Barnum& Bailey Com- bined.&%wa vr.Bhep~pard,~123. y. 726) 773, G.C.A. Tex. (Uertiorari deaied:bpU. S..Supreaaa Court); Vood v. State ox rel Lee, 126 3. ?f. (Zd) '4,' (s~&sfrAe+chrt. It 1s aignlfloahtto note a part oi the prwleion or Subaeotiqn (6) of Se&ion 3, whioh reads aB iollowsr eA3.ldieoouuts provided tar ih'thisiot shkll, when allowed, be charged to the State, oountlea,add diatriata, if ~9, in~'p~pO~$ionto the tax96 upon which puuh dls- o+nanteare 6illovm~~P Thus, there 16 evidenoed a legislative intent tom dtstricrttame, if anyi(arnd.we:think o&wnon eehool a&road &W%ridi taxes, 1 aix~a+se&md and oolleiktedupon,the tax ai!measor-ocZiwtor) 8s.a unit. ., Moreoimr ,, *A statute will not be oomtrued 80 aa to aeoribe to the Legieleturoah lntelitionto do ah UnJuat or an upreanonablqth&g,: 2.5 auoh statute is reasonably sweeptible of a o~truotioh that will not aooomplisheuoh a result." ThlrrIs the exaot language of the Supreme Courtof Terra in the oaae of Anderson I. Penir, 161 S. V. &!d) 455. Therefore, if we Bay that it was the inter&innof the Legieleture to inqllude oountim, obmnon 'aohooland road dietriots ia the proviso,00 mast iearibe to ths .Le@slature.au int*t to dime(pard the above ealutary rule of statutory aonatruotion. ?or, an Bh?hOd in.oor opinion Ro. oi61~Zb, the mlrult would be the+ the targayer would be required,when he paya his State taxes, to get the benefit of the disaount for early Payment, to pay at the same time hi'saounty, summon sohool and road diatriot taxer,before they would othemiae beaome delinquent Under the lm, it the oomnlsaionereoourt had not aoted thereon. 407 Eon. &I?.,%. Sheppard, peg& 13 If thi Aot :a oom3lib~ed in iti,entirety, inoluding the oapt;ion,a8 w must sunderthe rules laid doprnin the 0ese of Anderson v*,Pei.~lx, eupra, to asugrtaln the le falatlvs intent, ~4 think there'ie little rtsaesaitytit oonstruot on. But swum- ing that In mwm ~ospeot8 it wy be oonaldered aa mbiguoua, t&m all the ralee of statutory oon4truatiw tami1ia.rto as b4ar aut.the 04nOL~iOne rhloi&W0 bav4 Ma0h4di Tt~u0'10ave "00ullfiW"Widirr'thhs t4FISOf “&M$ithkl SUbdiv&S%0ns~ whioh *a.&hi& Se wkw the L0@#latollbwant that they be plaoed, end not.t2-y to plaos them andgr %owmmwtal su?hUvieio~~ in the ~oviao, uhloh ia oar vf0w Ohs Lsgiela$urr’ has adloptec¶ for e di.ffe.rent,parpose, a8 pointed out above,',then there is no 0&l&ot.rith the provision b ths pr~vise that the iU& tri~ta thqrsin enum~tbd~and other "&mmumntal sclbdlriisio~* in naydcal&aats the.mnth inwhieh suohdlmounts atillbe al- lwsd, 0nd Skia UOdliot fn t&B provie~on ia the p*@vlso that, ..- v.. Thwwo oftth;e‘te~a "gove~nmantalaubdi+iWm" 1s --~..lsadokalOar$n the ,oaption,for it.is,,notsd that the oa tiO& hy6..“and pnniUin& that the aaaie shall not agplp.to oftiea, ~.toma,. rohool di~triote,,and~OthsFnOv~rw.mxt rurbdivisions unl~w and wktil the Soveining bodies there , bJrp&F <~,f.-60 6F OFdOr+ adopt the &WafisiOIle-h4F40f~ &ring auoh ; . :. exnmwtal eubdltpls~t#ns authoritf to designate the arms WAoh suoh d$aaoUts. s&all be allewod, and pvldtng that in the oam 8hall not applp to thewt pagment~of tarea in auah gOVirnmWta1 mtbdfvisfoneg* ~&has.nakingit 014~~ that the- ::.:li b&ll&UF8 intenrtedin ths U88 Of, and in dealing with, "Other SowrnmataX subdivlaiona~ to i.ml~~o those that oould deslg- Mte the m0nths suoh dlaoortntstieold apply, aad~ooald oon- rietcratly ~’ 00ulB be.dsoi4d the ‘splitpapPeat prfvilog4, tioneor whloh appl$ ': 6ad oolleotod- kc.eountJr;sOh001 Wtrlot, and mad t4ma ass444ed upon the g4114ralroU. rfth Stat4 tam% We think ib.~.e&nvlotitthat th4,LLeSislaturs bi&~nOt.usoanywhere In th4 Aot.thetom ~&xmton'@ohooldl.striats* or *road distrfota,w althwgh'in the poilao Other ww~nlg rooognieeddl~tFl498 ale E&waifioaLlymentioned. But, aa polatod out above, in Subseotion ;. (d) of ssotlon 3 or the Aot, it is provided “All diewmate pro- vided for in this Aot shall. rhen allaaed. be ohamed to the . 408 Hen. Geo. H. Shepdard, Page 14 Dietriots, Ii BDy, we think would logi6ally apply to oonxaoneohcroland road bistrlot ta,ses aaeeseed and 0017 leoted upon the general State end ooonty rolls at the same l%?WOO~eOtOF up05 the 44me eubdIvIsIo~~'under whloh we an@ oOmm?n roheol and road The Illuleraooring thFou&out tJlie opinion 5.8 our own. Top.a$4," therefore,reepootfuZlJ:~advIeed.that it Is Ouw &It&n t&t all~taxpaye~aShall be~,a$&er& a dleoount ior.the ~+ymttnt.of.[ta;ree due the @ountJT,@maion school ,diatridts, 'iuu~roaddistrfot~aseeesed end 6oSLeet4b:\Wonthe State and OOUlltyrolla W&OF the t&F&4 of 8.- Bi Ho;. &62 ’ +i4lI time4 paid, .theiw,lls. llpotiMtat4 taxee, althout any a&n 05 the part 0r 'ttieoemm%6eIonersootit. ATTORNETGi!BXRALOF- BY