Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

. ;OFFlCE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF.TEXAS AUSTIN Floaor3B3e V..L. Pi?zmn csmtp tittorn4?y aa!m3on Cc~wlmtg pzt1e3tIm,%!C?as i Dear Sf.3'2 -. 265 Hon.v. L. Pitmn, Pa@32 (Article4, Section12, State Co~atiCutionilLrticl0 ~~t;~~: c. S.). Seotion13 of Artiole III of the State Constitution pwidesx '%hea vm8~oles ocaw in eitherHouse, the Govemop, or the person exercislnzt&a paver OS the Governor,Sh311 issuewrits of skotion to Pill ouch vacanoibs; arJlshould the Cknre~no~fail to 133~8 a wit of elsctPon to Sill my such vntxmobi vithfn tventg Bays aftptcr It ocows, the rctwnir~ offtccrof the Dtstrfctin vhbh such vsooncy wig haw3 h9pxmxl, ahall be outho~bxx%to otier on eleo- tiollfar that pwpose*" Purouant to the fme.goIngpx~ovlslane of the State Con- stitution an slootionhas beea oa1Ud to elect a Senatorto sucosed the lste Eemtor Cloy Cottcn in the Sixth SenatorialMat&A OS Tests. &Mole 2?7&, Qernon~sAnuot#+d Civil Statutes, provides,in part: "3eo. 1. ITopemxon shall be pem%tted to have hts ru?w app83rupon said oSf&oLaltill&ia8 a casxii- dfxtofor a~ office in thlo 3tote unless and u&i1 he, shall fib vitb i&o Socm&w?y of Stnto hi0 oSS2davit, in 8 fc3-mto bo prasori?md* the AttorneyGeneral, that if elcatedto the oSSicevhbh he se&s, he vlll au~~oa?tati deScti tb8 Cor?atltutlCm ard lav3 OS the Unit0dStatesarid0S Taxas. E&Id aSSida7itabll fkrtherrecite timt such candtdatebelicvsein, ap- provesof, and if elcotcdwill supgort aa4 dofend Our presentr%prcsent3tivo som of ~ov~r~nt, EiRdvsll ;.. reolrrta~ effort or nomxnt frwn any sourcew'tich see?cato subvotior de3truythe s&m or any psrt thereof. Uoa of the ~.3soulinetern hsreln shall be construedto inaludethe fW3Lnlne.. . o ----_ -I_------ ---- - .,^. ..I __....I _--_- _-._.-... ---..~-~ ._._._ - . . ..- -.-“-.. -