Ronor8bloDave Ho&ill, Jr.
Cmaty Attorney
Shelby County
D6ar Sir: Opi~ioaNo. O-6213
Re: Sale of beer to prisomra of
war i8 a dzy area, l%d related
Your mqusst for am opinionreads a8 Pollorr:
"ShelbyCounty is a 'dry oounty'bavin~gvoted dry rnder the local optioi
law of 1906. Durirgthe earlierprt of tbir year, the U. S. Govenmnt,
looatada prisonerof war camp within the coruty. Reomtly, there has
booa muoh displtoin the coumtyas to whether or mot bear oould legallybe
broughtirto this oamp md there oonmmed by the soldier8of the U. 8.
Andy ud the prisomro of kr. Baoauseof this diapnteb&woe8 the U. 6.
offf~ersamd the offiaialeof ths mu&y, I hereby oertifythe following
question of law to your offimr
9. Is it lawfulfor hoer to be broughtixbo a prisonerof war oamp,
auoh amp beiag looatedin a dry ooulty,ad tbero oo~smwd w
ooldiersand prisonen of war?
“2. IB the emmt you answer queaticm080 'yqr*,thr in it lawfulfor
suoh beer to be *ought into tbia oamp b,ooxmuonearrisr?
9. IS it lawfulfor liquor,aa dofinedin 'ourper1 coda, Art. 66642,
$0 be broughtimto suoh prisonerof rr oamp either B their own
vehiolesor by man08 oarrisr*?
“4.’ Rhat effect,if any, will the faot that such beor is 3.2 boor barn
up011questiomr1 ud 21"
The Vaitod Stat.8havirg lo@rod laad i8 Shelly Countyfor the
US6 bf the gemoml govemt a8 a osnp for houalmg,bari% for and yard-
lag prlsaera of u‘haa the uaquastiomd power to makb auoh uma oftho
proper$?a8 may be authoriswdby tie Aot8 of Co~grom or by offioersoftln
govexaumt acting in purruaaoeof suoh Aots. If itk datennimdbypropor
offloorsthat the cale of beer iu a ~~oessaryor doeirablomaeuro for the
otmfort,norentio8 or morals of mob prlsoaek8ati the penopel thoreon,
the Stats is withoutporer to iaferf'orswith iC, ffea Wwugb looatedti a
dry area. We e~oloreour opinionNo. O-4458 wbioh dirourso8the authoriti-
m amd reachesthe same oaclusiox ia am ualagoun situation. JoimsoaV.
Yellow Cab TrantitCO., 88 k~w Ed. 663.
Hon. Dave Molkill,Jr., page 2 (O-6213)
Followingthe reasoaiagof our forum opihor sad that of tha
6up~1110c0UX-k Of the WtOd 8tate8,WO Nib, (1) that boor my lawfully
b broughtixtothe campy (2)+hat sinooitis lawful,a oonnuon arribr
may tramporb suah boor to distinatior;(3) Chpb vehiolesof the govern-
mat my traatport mob beers md (4) the fact that it is 3.2 beor makes
no differonoe. Umlass prohibitedBy Aot of Comgress,tha Nle would bs
applioableto all liquors,regardlessofalooholiooontsnt.
Very t Nly yours
By /a/ Xlbert Hooper
Ellmrt Rooper
EHcdbregr &mistsnt
/6/ CarlOPAshley APPROVND
FIBST LSSISTAW OpiaiorCcmdttso