Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

i.:. , 1 ‘A 783 : -.a... OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS i AUSTIN . C.C.P., defineo8 "theardor. ktio2P ;J;~~o$=t, o in the presenoo~of I pronouno~ the judgment,. and eaterod the defendeat, 8nd ordorlqjthe mu80 to ,,' ' ,,,I. + . . :' .,' .' ,: , :a ',, : '. ,' ', , ': ,;' * Honorablb f. 0.'Hobortr, pa80 2 ,bo orrrlsd into oxoeution.” In the oaao of A felony, tho tlnal aentenoe IS the sot of the 00~t or3arin& that the oonviotsd pereOn be sent to tha ponitentlAry. A6 an order of Court made In pur- guano6 of lrr lt mu6t be ob4yod by a11 pereoar to whom it i8 dlreoted. The Jailer, of oourae, ir, 4 deputy to the eherlii, and'ao 6Uoh LS an OSilO4r OS the COWi PrOnOUnOln& the eentenoe. I1eIs bound by law to obey the lnwful order6 of Qourt. Uis re- fiASn1.to do SO, auoh 46 a rOiuS41 t0 ddiVar a QrlaOnor 664t4466d’ to the pOnitentirry, i6 OOnt6I6ptUOU6, an3 A8 6UOh oould and ehould be brought to the attention of the eentenoin& Oourt for appro- priate pUnlshmeatr See Contempt, 800. 12, 13 C. J. p. 9, end au- thorltie8 olted. / Artiole 6166r mkss olear the right rnd duty of the d Tbxar Priooo System tbrougb lte authorized a!gentsto demand and reoelve oonviotad snd sontenosd porsonn from the eberlffs-of T0X6S l &y rerueal on the part OS the sheriff of a oouuty, or his deputy, to surrender A oonvioted and 6eateao44 prlsonsr . rhould b4 brought imodiatelp to tho attention Or the Court. We turthor 6we46t that, in the event a sberirf or 006 $11bin deputies should re'fuse to d4llYOr'Suoh a prisoner, the penitentiary ngsnt Should prsaent hi6 oqmaltment papers to the Court and give laiormatlon to the Court of suoh refuSa1. The Court,‘under suoh oirOUmBtano46, would or should, o$ oour6b, ttks lmmediete aotlon to 844 that its ordsre ars carried lnto .lmedlato effeot. In thr mmt Approprlats aotion should not be taken l.n my 6UOh ifU3t6llO0, ~4 6Ucg66t that all oi the~iaOtS, lnolublag the oifiolal rooords,. be iOrnrArd4dto thl6 oftloo irr w;;inthAt w; May, on boh~lf,or~.t~ Stattr, tak4 apprOprlat4 . , .,!' , .'~, . I : .". .',I '.t .: ,.~. ..,, \, I Very :. .. (, ,.',I,:, ,.. truly yourb, Elbort Hoopor : .: Assi8toat