- \. ( OFFICE OF THE ,AnORNEY GENERAL OF -fEXAS ; i :. AUSTIN ;. - < GROVERSELLERS $~ q’ :. ;, .~ ClfKmNEY GENBRAL * . ., .;. Y 1 .’ ., 'Hon.John Lcohy, Director Cotton Researc!iComaittee g _I. College .S’tation, Texas . i. It’ ibar Sir: i. 2 * . 1 : - ‘. :y ., ; *_.- f i.. ..~ i r recent camflunica~tion to r this dtgartmenl; reads as P ts of the Regular ive authority to c-allocate or lc aivi3.ons of its Senate Bill No. 403,vrhere sfers is made necessary till0 sums ~Ofqlley ~appro- pplemcnt to your original request, " eta11 the reaoons,therefor,is a later you, containing thenf6lloxing pert~inent of the total ag&oprikion, 53.B. No. 403, re, in the amount oP.~$250,000the Cotton Co~M.ttec has,spcnt or cogmittxd $21&;90&.2l+ lepoing$5,095.76 to thu State Tretisurer.. At this instant viehave @,,597.15 in COmud.t- “2. me~nts.agafnstr.~echinery~ purcl~asesto liquidate which _ '1. are now more than sixty d.ayspast due. ‘. . 725 *-..__. .~. I ! : Eon. fohn Leahy, page 2 '5~. '. ;.. ','.. .. I I. ."3. Tho r.opresentation,with vrhioh~ the Cotton Resesrch CoLzitteo imnninouvly dlsnCJaas, the-tthe cppropriationsmade by Zenate Bill 130.403 are spccif‘loand.lipitedin their application in keeping with paragraph three of section Gwo of the Act, opor- .;. atos to onrorcc thi-lapsinf~of $4,597.15 in ad&l.tlon $ .i to tho &5,095.76 already Ispscd. The total of lapsed i .,....,, .;. approprletionwuld then funds frownthe $%;lsO,OOO '$9,692.91.. e~noun(;.to 5 ‘.. '.T. wl+..Unckr suoh operation the Cotton Rosearch >. -,_ Con&ttee would, in its practical affect, be over- & : .spending its specific appropriationsby $4,597,'5 * . rrhilc.sS.l;lultaneously an&erspcndingits total appro- * ., priation by.$9,692.91. 1 .I.-- i :.: “5. 1% are presently.com&eting ourbudgetreaort for .. the State Dosrd of Control and ore required to detail our outstandingcotitnonts or undelivered orders; .* .. “6 * Thenoompletion and'.filingor our budget report and StatemCntS1.9 h3poadCJltUPC+FOUr@QiGe’s in respect to the foregolng'and.themore formal state- ~ment of.our situation ,BSoutlined in our,ori&al .' ~co~~~~utiioation of August 15~." .. Se,ctj.on2 of S. 13. 403,, Chop. 474, 47th Legl.ssLa%ure,.L reads, in part, as follows: “Sec. 2. The sui of ~TwofiUIId?GdFifty Thousand '. ($250,000.00)Dollars is hereby appropriated . . . ., .forthe periods of time shown below, and for the purposes of establishj.ng cotton research facilitiok . in.Texas, . . ; . The susx3oftmoney apprcipriatca herein shall be allocated snd spent under the direc- tion of a Cotton Roseoroh Co~znLttee,. . ; ,, and in sp~oPfic,furtharancsof the lDeclurationof Policy1 sot forth in this Act, subjnct only to such llnltatjona --~L-~... as JLlGV u-s.* otherwise -- ba R by row3.acci lm. .-a-~ : T , . cofitemplatcdthat the Cotton Research Committee shall &n~so-a careful survey to be mode of the mOJ>terfcotivc vinyto spend the sums of money i approprietedherein, in order that the p%i@oscs OZ this act may be fully accomplished. . . Tho appro- priations ilerein authorized shall be wcndcd --. as r011.0rr3-: I 4 .. .. . . .For the Peer Por the I?3ar : Ending Ending Aug. 31,1942 Aug. 31, 1943 Purchase of laboratory' equipment, and the housing and maintenance I ... or SmJlQ..................~~ioo;ooo.oo &50,000.00 ._ ._ Saiaries, none to exc*d ,' -. ._ ,. $6,500. per pnnu~, and.": ~-.. ,.'. , '~. not more than .tr~o to . .. exaeod $5;000. per annum,; 40,OOO.OO .4o,ooo.Od1 .' Misc*llaneo~usSupplies; ' 'z Expanses and.Equipment, as the Cotton Research $JogA;tee may,‘drlrect..~..i,, lO;OOO.OO~ nkny~unexpendedbalance ~. of the above funds not used during the year ending August 31, 1942, k herebE a vro riated fox oorresnonding~usein the,following year." 7.iEjdi~Sl - Fran the foregoing, the.follo#ingoonclusions,erein- ,esoapnble: -. . The 47th Legislature appropriated to the Cotton Researoh 'Co,mmitteefor the "Purchase of laboratory equipment, and the hous- ing and maintenono,eof ssm&, for the,yesr ending Auft,uot 31, 1942,' 'the sum of $lOO,QOO.OO. For the sane purposes,'ssidLogisloture oppropristed $50,000.00,for the year ondi.ngAugust 31, J.943. Any uaorpend.edbalance of the $100,0X~.OO ite:~not used during .the year ending August 31,194.2,was .&so approyrioted for $-orrespon& fnt:-gx (the purchase of J.cboretor:y and ,the e0u%unont, -- housin?---- rind ---i-T--+. me;intcnanG?of ----._ Zis!llc~tlle,rolloivlngy>Z-(&e ycer -enol.ng~ August 31, 1943xcjt any-uuoxpendod balance e?:>,sted in said item of /' c,...e- .. . ‘. 'ilo& John Lcahy, puce 4 : '~~O,OOO.OO,Illusony ihoroase theroih, if cay from the ~lOCJ,COC.GO iifxtof S~,gXopXi~tion..lor tha ~)~x?edJ.ngyear, Erici nOid btllZnef3 ICSS IlUi i1SfjddLSi11,~ thC year CJl~iIl~ i.UgUSt Sl,; 1%.53 , se.monutomatioelly'lapsud end mverkod to the Qencral Fund of ttiaCtsto Treasuryo' x: ' SelA Le&slsturn also a.;qmqrlatcd to said Cotton Cow:ittee for eech -.fthe y~r.crs :;3s;arcJz ot~dinfi kw;ust 31, rzodI'utust31, lC43, the.uus OF $dO,CcJO.COfor Yki\~tir:na; noZ’l.0 orce&l 1-6,SGQ.OG twr f~~nnw~clZ;d nCt tltO%Q t.h::JltV0 t0 oxcscd ~S;GCO.CO p2r eonti,~ LJ.JcoGi.ecl,, it:n?p-oprl3tod $lO,CO@,OO for each of sold psers for ?~lscullenoousGu~~~pli-~s, Zxpmsco aad F:quJ.Jmsnt, as the Cottan ~~as~:erch.Connitteo 70ay direct.n It also a~~:.:rcpriatodany un3xpeaa k&mxe of said fun55 mot uaed during tho yrer cadin Ru~ust.31, lD42,~lor corrasrondin6nC6& 'i%%nce existed in either of s?id items of aJ?prop;:istion for 8sJ.dscrcond .yakr,, plus any inCri:asetheroln, if.i\ny,from the precedio~ yonr's .appropriationfor ccrruspondinguse, which . ba1anco~v.wnot used &ring seid eecond year, such b:l.D~nce autoasticuilylapced and raverted to CJieC;?ueralFund of our " St&t6 ~XtXGWy. Gnc provioion of Scxtic;n2 of.’ S. E. 403,:4~7thLogis- loture, reguireo thi;su:~8of money t;huroinn:,proprIntOd~ to bo al?.ocu t4d &z-id undar tno.directionuf tho Cotton Iioeeerch Come~tde. Tim wrc'i%lloc::tcP is defined in %ebsterVs ;:ev: 1nternet:caalMct~onwy, tiocondkdlticn, es follov:s: "To distribute or oseic-n;cllot; o;Jportion;"- olco "To determine the 1ocal:ty of." It is riotsp~ncny~ous viithfVtranefor.nThlu lost v+-rbis defined by the same auttloritythusly: "To ccnvey ~frm one piece, p~raon, or thlnC, to czther,; to LtsneJ~ort,~ ~ramove,or cnuse~to.~~ae;to another pleco, per-eon,or tiiJ.n~.*~ ..c ‘, _ _ .- .I- : . .. . . .. ,: , .. 1 . .: -. .. .:. .~.& . . .~ iion.. sohn ~liatly, ~0~0 5 ~. , .."I% is maintain& thclt tho pacsaf,o of the ri&or. .,.-to our currant cppropriatlon (csntsinccl in 9. C.. 333, ., , . Chep. 399j Acts of the &3tb'Is@3lnturw) oxprefd&3 AogitQativa~ intent and w.m wdo a ?crt of the appro- * T printion Dill to mintain the dlocrixinating author- '. .. .' i.ity cf the Coalnitteo (Cot.tcn l?~cis~xrch Cors.nittee) whic1 it cnjcyod un:?er Senate BiPl 170. 407~ iti.JW- spect to the manmr of ntilizing the a>pro?riatsd funds .'( Tim rfder raferra&tc 0-M CoatkS.nad tr;the ciirrent iapp+o&cikion to tlto~Cottbd lio~sozrchCox:ittee~ 6ppcarlnG~~od pp.,876-B77,~Acta OS ,thc 48th Lag., re~do co~Eol.l~ws: . : ..' Tt ie providoh~tbst the Cottnri Rcssarob Com- 2 alttoe may make liC!CUSZEry tr~.flsEesSalaon~ tho appro- : printions for the Co,ton l;eoearcliCow31tt&o a0 is .. acco~sury CO properly cnrry on th.1,reseircti work .. . :. ‘. . . .’ _ . I’ .