fionorable D. C. trcer .- pa+'..2 : '.. .
. .
'CGZplyiiY.< with 6. U. 200 thC ]Ji&vay
'De~~titmnt subtitteil a rcouis2tian to the
Uonorablo B. C4 kirecr'- page 4
c 1’
-i. YOU CS3.W that the l;CiJRS’f~~r?trS rents1 Con-
t&&t Par tha sqa~c uocupie~ ln the %rucgg&afP build-
~il?Guns sor the i'isca1 year, i;~l.cliended A~u.~E t 33 ,
1$-%3, so that no guastim %s prcscnted cs to the ri@i:
.. of piymnt to the wiw, u~ore t3e iontrmt entered
fnt0 bOfOL% tic effcctivc catc .cf SCrlRzt0Uill 2RR CGV-
ered the period CP tin33 in cqntrcveriq --. a0 applied
: to tfiie oas0 the xkonth or" Sej%x&Cr, 1943. That r&&t,
or oqlrse., would c?xS%t. *
me oocupsncy of tde spccc bg. the. Sepmt-
wmt wss a holding over attcr the tcmzination nf th0
lcasi3 under \Fuch it originally entered into passeor;-
ion. :.
In Opkon No. O-&27, addressed 'to 'li&&bla
ueo. 11. Sheppard, Coqxtrol~er 0P ZubgLc'bcCou&s, we
. advisedr-
#Any ncu leas0 ur rental contract ew
t@lW&iSlto;8ftXJr pP6Sage .of SqZlRte &ill SO .I',
206 oust be e3zccuted in~"tl?o ornlier.pre- '., l:..:.,
. 1 stzibwl: 'by Soct&On& 1 ati 2 Gf the Act. :
The L~is~atWl’a,,kzvhg gwvl&ii a.mch3 fir
tly scmring uf rental,spiLco, the agencies'
and .dep%rtxients affectsa, are rsstriotca .to. ..
! th& node md rust owPoFw. tu, these ro&re-
3 m?ntfsi .Peiyg.won v. li3lsel1, 4V Tex. 423.
-Ti$5 bei% the c~l~.nfAhod uhcr&q Sfx2.o
depsrtmcnts .tid ngenoios my secure rental.
spwe, the State twuld not be bmmd by my "
contract not ecteroa into. in strict ocnforur:
an00 with the provisiens. 0P Sections 1 nnlt
2 OS the Act. State v .~.Ferlst,eio (Civ . hpp.
Austin, leas) T9 8; 3’. (CL?) 143, +rrcr dial ,
ndss0d; Sic??0la $. State, 11 Civ! bpp. nzr;
32 6. w. 462." . .
: . _,
Your Uywttient net bein: nuthor3,zed to r.%C;ca .
under so~fe prO-errLsti,ng iaw. (See Port Worth CayaIry
c;luh~'_o..ticmard, 126 Tex. 333, en Se X. (21 m33).
1, 12.j3, thsre t:aS 110 prc-erigtinb
1x8, other thsn Se~ate~LtilL Go. 2fw, by ahtcb auoh
liability for rer?tal'spcce for St&c a~c?,?oio~
partmnts could be incurred.
: . .
In Oplu.lon 240. Q-!jQfifj,
~addrcssmd:' tc th&r-
able John D. Reed; C:oz&3aion*, Luceau cf Lebor %a- .,
tistics, 'Ihedecided @cr grccise qoention presented by
you. That t;e,nartmnt hz+d a contract on a r~ontbly
.l+d.s~at a rat0 nf 3$l%.GO per .annth, shicb arrsng& .,
~8. ..
.kent ~3s by holding poasessicn coutimed u&iiL Septum- . ,..
bcr jo, 1043..
on ticjdiccher ,z2, 1843, the Dcpartn&t r&
qiested the Gourd 0P Control' to sscurs space acoord- ; :' '~
2% to t&o provivlsiims of.Senato Sill 2BR, ~cFbfob:tb'e .'.' '~,"
-board Qid,' (the same q.iaoe) but tplc bid and coW,raot.
theFe+t:did nut inoludo,tbe mmth of SeptWber, du+
ing srflich the departmental divisfon continuqi¶ to oc-
otipy the Quarters. ife~adxLsed .the~Col;~ssioner that.
no bill for rental Per Se;rteniber, I&3, shoul&b&ap-, .' :
prayed 0P ,2aid.
. : _.i _.
._ Uo:beli&ve that our-o~ini.ons'rofcrmd to me "
correct; -bei&; baaed Ui>On e~u~d~princi~les of Ia%, and.
a6 adbore to tht.35.
.The stntutopy period -- May '7,ta,Ee$t& "'-'.~
3 -- was Wple in the opinZou,Of the i&i.slature, nnd
09 have nu po;rer to rev393 its dotisi'on. TO do so
U0Uld be to lcgislatc'-- not inte.rpret or ccn*txxo.
The bill gassod sPth an emr~;c~cy cL~uso,.obviously
.to give~time for sucli~contracts-.I.0 bc udc before tbo
Sarthco~inp. bi.emiuu .