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Dear sir:
Hon. John T. Butofis#~,
psge 2
oiiloer LB 8 pub110 l.mceBBlt~ in the &isptoh
of aountg bus1nss8, It absll, by a sisjcirlty of
ths full uwubershlpthereof, crests and estsbllsh
a veterans' oounty eervlae offloe. The ocuuty
ccmlsslomrs~ aourt shall appoint such reta4in8
to swh service ofPise vltb Bush asslstant.
vetmans to suah servioe af'ilosas $mll be dissmd
necessary by the aounty owmis~l~~rb~ oourt$ Sush
veteran oounty servloe offloar, and/or assistant
veteran oounty servioe offLoe3, shall reoelve a
salary not to oxwed $100.00 per month fop the
priwlpal oificsr and not more than $!iO.OO, ppr
month, fixed by the oounty comnls~lansr~~aouzt,
to bs paid tn equally aonthly installmentsobt
of the geneml fund oi the sOu.nty,and all srl-
arles, travel and other expenses of suah o??&ae
shall be paid on order Of the oO~~I~BB~ORO~‘~
veteranB'county 8BJrvi0~
dlapstsh c&'oount~buslns~s a
cffleerunderthe p.rwl~laas of
the county Cad.BBlcmma’ cart
:. ~~a-vstamxs*oaunty wrvlco
oounty 88rYlce arfxcer under t
asxiaum fmipensetlonof the vo
eanud legally exmed $100.00
peiisatlon6f my asslstsnt
,aannotlegally erpesd &5@.OO per aQlsth*
ihe above mentickud 8th spealf$.aally~ovldqs that
the 'owpansatlcn af swh ofSisers shall Im paid, Out oi t@
gensralfum~thesountyandLT thaommtlssianrrr~ aourthes
appointed rush effloer or ohiloers,t&m bhb yasnt acthe
,aompswatlon of'suoh ~Wicsrs~~not to axsaad rhe a&ore 6e~tl#d
~amcunts, out of the aald genereX fund at th4~oat~ would be
ma g e t l
Hon. Joh. T. ~UtdliBOU, page b
IftheCcmmd~~loner~~ Cowt afLams~C@unty EBB
not appointed a vetspans* sounty narvlos ofTlsor, and/or
aSSiStBUt VeteZ'W2B
' OOUUt~ BtWVi.ObattiCOr, UlldW ~OU8S
Bl11368,~iugra,thQnthe~aradr~l~m~ aourt oi aald
sounty veuld heQS no legal authority to oontributo @.QO.OO
per a&h as pert tmapensetlon of a service &fitter~310ie
vorklng under the BBOZlBOlWhip
or the Amsrlean Legion, vhsn
Such cdfloersvez'enot appointed in ooplpliemevlth the
romgolng set.
It 18 Well eBtBbliBhadir0this St&b &At &IO
Csa~~i~Bfmem~ court has only suohpowrandeuthmlty ubioh
884 given by ths BtlltU$@ and tbs COlWtitutiOnOf
thisTS ta ar Bush power and autharity nmassarily
Bm LsgMad
BY (8) WIB, cm