Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

;- -. 609 OFFICE OF THE All-ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVERSELLERS ~TTQRNEI GENERAL Board or Begents State Teachers Colleges of Texas Box 756 Austin, Texas Dear Slrt bit, and on which I am al infcirnatlon;. I return h with the following 090 1s Jaakeonvllle, Texas, lnted a mabar of the Board of Regents State Teachers Colleges, and duly~ . e annual meeting of the Board of Regents was held in Austin Kay 15, 16, 194.4, and Mr. Kerr .-~-P~?~WWU (ru um mnt- ir at all possible, it being the ocoasion of the annual meeting at whioh matters of great Importance oovering the a&ng year and biennium are disposed of. fIe oame and lnaurred the expenses as ahown in the attached aooount . - mrd or Regents, page 2 The question our bae.rd wishes answered 16 whether said account can be paid 5n full, and If not, what portion of en.“- may be paid NT-Y. *We will appraaiata your findings in the 6atter.e Mr. Kerr’s expense acoount contains an Item ror tranrrportatlon expenses from ?:asnlngton to Austin an4 return, together with addltkonal iteine ror meals, hotel aad par diem. Under the deaislons of our Supreme Court l.n the cases of Carpenter vs. .She pard, 145 S. iy. (28) 562, end Cramer vs. Sheppard, 167 S. 2. P26) 147, a civil officer or this Stste does notvacate or rorralt hi6 civil orrice by joining any branch of our armed rorces other than the regular army, navy or marine oorps; We understand that Mr. Kerr is In the naval reserve rather t&min~ the re@ar navy; ,.oonsequegtly,, the fact that he 16 in aervlce does not prevent the payment of suoh exp~enses --- a6 he may actually and neceasarilp lnour in discharging the duties of his civil 0rri06. 571th respeat to such expenses, Sect&tin 6 of ArtloLe 2647, i. A. C. S., provides: *The board shall meet each year at Austin, on the first sonday in By, or as soon thereafter as praotlcable, for the transeation of business per- teinlng to the affairs of the State norm1 schoola, and at 6uch other tlaes and places as a majority of the menbers of the board deem necessary .for the relraro or said colleges. “%ch and every nesber of said board sbal~l receive five dollers per day for the the spent attending the meetings provided for ln this law, and in addition. thereto the aloount of their traveling expenses, said compensation to be paid to the several ne.mbcrsof the board out of the appropriation for the support end nointenance of the said State Teaoners’ College6 as the bosrd nay direct.” .. ,’ ..-._ 639_ Board of Regente, page 3 :: 3iotIon l!, o?‘Artiole 16 OS the.Texas ,ConstItutIon -sea& ,+ $ollowa t . .” . ,?All 01~11 orfioers~ shaii’ reside withio the ,. ‘,,. S&hta; and all district or oounty offlcora within ~’their .dI:.trIots or counties, and shall keep their ~.‘,ofPIoes at such places as, ssy be required by law! and ~faIlure to’coqnlg-.wIth this ooniition shall vsoate the office ao held.* .,.. Opinion H6. o-3456 by this department reads; in part, as~followsr. *In Our opinion, however, the expenses Incurred by Hr. Eartin in coming to his dIst$Iot from Brown- wood, where hla military oWica requires him to be stationed, In orders to parform the duties oi? hla civil oifioe, and the expenses Incident to the return trip to Brownwood may not be paid. The expsnaea of these t$I.ps are not suoh a8 are neoesaarlly Incurred In dIsohar&ng the duties of the civil offioe of Dlatrlot Attorney. On the oontrary, the necessity ior these expenditures. arises out of the holding of the military Off$C8. The altuatlon, to o,ur mind, Is muoh the aeme as If’ the Dlstrlot Attorney were compelled, for personni rsaaons, to make a trip outside of his dlatrlot, In which event wa think It olear that, though It would be neoesaary for hI.m to return to hIa diatriot In order to diecharge the duties of hIa o1~11 office, he oou1.d not have his expenses inourred in making the return trip paid by the State any more than he would be entitled to have the expensea of the going trip paid by the State. In other words, In neither Instanoe, ha8 the presenoe of the distriot attorney at the point outside. of his district been oooasioned by the neoesaity of dIsoharf$ng a duty inoident to his civil otl’ioa 83 DIatrIot Attorney, and it la only such traveling ex- penses as ore necesaarI.ly Inrurrcd in diaoharglng the dutfea of the civil oittda of Diatriot Attorney whlah map be paid to the oifioer as District Attornay.* In view of the foregoing authoritIes,It Is the opinl~a of this department that Hr. .5srr Is only entftled to receive Board or Kegants~, page. I; floe dollars per day for the time spent attsndlnp, iiha mestinga of the Board of Fegsnts of the State l’eaohera Collqas, and In addition thereto, the amount of his travollng axpcnses f’rom ~nokaonville, Texas, hfs legal residence, to Austin, Texas,and ?he return trip from Austin to Jaoksonville.