OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN HonorableOeosgo &'8&.ppud Cmtrollor of Pub116 Aooountr Auriin, Tour Dear Sir: t Ilr. frmk P. Bartin, matriot Attorn rtrlot; Ooliad, Texas, 18 l Lieut8Mnt u&M, au& ha8 boon in- duotod into ir 8tationed at Crup roveral trlpr baok from or hi8 0ivil or- utier OS hlr oi*ll oiiice at during vhloh time he inourrad icharge oT rush duties. It 8p- 8 clalring no ralary for the time in 7 sngaged in performing the duties or question vhlch is asked lr vhether the . Hartin may be paid, and particularly xpense lncldeot to returning to his dis- an& the. eqenae c incident to the return trip to brovntQB8, may be paid. Under the dsciaionr of our Supreme Court ln the case of Carpenter ?. Sheppard, 145 8.Y. (26) 562, a olvil ofiiosr of ll8o in the Xatlonkl Guard, doe8 thir Iltate,u h o la a no filo er not taeato or Sorfeit his olril off108 vhen he la induoted to the satire military rervloe of the Unitecl Stat8ri Eonorabla a.OrgS H. 8hSPgUd, *a8 2 ft fOl3OTS that the fa& that the offiO8r uy bo in- dUOt8d intO th8 rOtire rilitq 88~riOO Of th8 mit8d 8tAtSS doer not prorent the p&)mant of such l4mn888 as h8 uy aotuallr M& neOOSSul1~ inOllr in di8obrrgiry th0 dUtiO8 Of hi8 Oirii Or- floe. Ia our opinioa, hoTov8r, th el4j8n888 inourrad by llr. mtin in Ow t0 hi8 di8triOt fP= ~OmVOOd, ThSrS hi8 8illtbr~ oft;00 r*qulr** him to be rtetiono6,in order to per- fOm the dUtiO8 Of hi8 01~11 OffiS@, Md th8 SXpW¶S@S inOld8nt to th8 l'8tUt'ntrip t0 Brovnwod, UT not be tid. ‘2hS 8~8n888 of the80 trip8 are not ruoh as are n80888~1 Py lnourred in dl8- oharglng the dUti88 0r the civil offiae of Dlrtrlot Attorney. On the OOntrlJ7, th8 IX'O888lt~ for th880 8~8llditUZ'e8 W1888 Out Of the holain( of the military offlro. m0 SitUdiO& t0 Opp ha, 18 mwh the fiU8 U if th0 DtStriSt AttoraoyWSPO O-u&, for ~rSOlU1 FO~SOltS, t0 D&k0 l trip OUtSide Of hi8 diStri@t, in vhloh lVSat YS thbk it 018dW that, though it VOtid be IiOO8888P~ for hh t0 rOttU'Il t0 bi8 d.tStri& hi Order t0 diSah=gS the dUti88 Of bi8 OiVil Off108, he oould ItOthsT8 hi8 8*QOli888laourrod in ary the roturn trip paid by the 8tatS any more than ha t0ula be on- titled to h&re the expense1 of the going trip pal6 by the atate. ti Other VOrdS, in neither iPSt6nO0, ha8 the preaenoe Of the dir- trlat attOrn8y at the point OUtSidS Of hi8 dietriot bean occa8lonod by the n808881t~ Of di8OhUging l dUt7 inOldNit t0 hi8 8l*il Of- ii00 a8 DietriOt Attorney, Md it 18 Ody SuOh trW.ling lXpOn8.8 LB ~0 JIOOOSBUii~ iIIOUITOa iXidi88hUgiZLg the bUti Or th0 Oivil 0rri08 or DirtriOt Attorney vhloh Bay be paia to the offlarr a8 Dlrtrlot Attorney.