Bonomsble Si; A.~Jamlson, CornmIssIoner
Department of Benking
Auatln - 14 - Texas
, cappita% et00k;~~at any ragular meotlniz of 8t00kh0iae
‘\ertib\or any eptWa1 meet- oalled for wlpt pur-
$os6~,vote.,~o.&knd the oharter the board of dt
reet+or~.@%aU’prepare, exeaute in thl9 mmnmr pm-
vide4Sor tie exeaution of rrtlolen of aesoeiaticm,
and fila,W~th the Comiseioner i4n amndmnt to the
srtioles of aasoolation. If the CcamLmrionerfInda.
that the iIEmnlmeJltis not violative o? *w alIf3 does
not prf~judt~e the inte=8ts 0f a9p0dt0m and dab
tars or the publla, he shall approve auoh amendment
end atamr to the bank a oertified uopy the-of,
and said araendmentshall thereupon boame effective;
provided, hovever, that Ii a etate~bttnk doe8 not
have the power to.reaelve demand dep~rslts;zm amend-
ments of Its articles of asimaiat on ad t
povsr~pmvlded under rubssctloam te)~ .(a %)yd)
oti (f] o? Artiole l,of thla ahapter Lad & a&nC
: ”
iimorable H. A. Jamleon,Pa&e 2
alty or or tom shall be effeotive until approved
by theStateBankingBardLathethe~rprovided
for the approval f? 8n orl@nal.applloatlon for
h a r ter . l l * *
‘Ibo amoval of 8 bank * a l~.rftfl purpose for
vhI.Ohpurpose its ohmtezl may be amexled, hut no amend-,
mnt obanging Ita Wile to aMth8p oitp oc’tovn lUhl1
be sffeotive until approved by WIO State BBnkhg Board
In thenwmerprovlded for the approvalo?anor&lnal
ap:Jlioatlou for alamter.
the Queetloao?mlnovalorsuoh?x4ukupoal the sameboMsier-
ationa .Wtat vould &da the Board in permittins the inoorpora-
tioh of a xtev State bank ior the designated .oity, or tom. In
~therworaa, the~BoardethoulAreqube the8ppllcrantbmkto
meet tti’ tem.o?~~&tiola 3 Se&ion &and all other pert;-
nent raquiremint~ 0S a new b5nk for that oity ar’tcnm, iwlu-
d&q, o?oourse, thea&UtZoaslaneas to whothor the reatoval~
would pra&diaa tba ineerasta~o? aapottl~ora and emditom or
the pubU0.
It appaaxy to’ibivi beem &o &aotios 6? the Btiak&
Do;artmont to permlt+name~to?.the aharter of a State
bank f0r.W purpose a?~ abanging its domloile~ the
adoptlou 0r the Bankins.Code. See aguns oplnlou to Mr.
Bmnd, Coma&aaLoner, Opluion No. 83, o? dato~Janurrg~22, 1934.
l'ho trieV’~s there expressed by QOm#el that NOh aPlendwwt
wuuZdnotermtrave%m the oormtltutl~lreq llirmentthatthe
onaand onlyplaae ofbuainess ofa State bmk&ouldbq that
deeQiatc4 In Lta.ahmter.
The Legislature ll’fihq alaotaetit b? the code haa
reaognicad thin VlW, but vlth the quali?lO#laua oontslned
In Artiole l.2, SeotSon III, above quoted.
WAY31, .lg44 ATTORRSY- OFTmLris
AlTORREXOSSRAL .pY 1s) Ooie Speer
opinloll cometee
~By B.U.B. ‘chairam