ikmokbl. a. 8. lobert cuss
boreau of R44ordr
aad ILltul4Pt~orr
fuea hi848 578ta8
liuats*1ll4, Toxu
Dew 8lrl
egrte .wat*aae
Eoaoable J, 0. Xtobwts, page 2
“On OP about Jum 25, 1942, Baird l844p4d
da&i rt 84age Vast, Llrr Oak Couatq, taxu; let-
lP belq imolted in saim Ied8ral offensrr, lp-
pahendad br their offioerr, oonrlatrd end aoa-
mlted to &~renvopth ?ePiteMifw7. said o~wlo-
tiM ( ?@ dOPVU
d )With in
w lt&tO Of 44248,
lJut ior to hi8 il44pr irop 4i1, or on
June llth, r942, Ratid V48 tried La L ‘14 Oak Cow+
t7 for the off 0 4f oattlr thdt ln tvo Qnu8
and glvoo tvo r2) 2to10 70~ sentoaoe8 lwng
aoa4uPPontl~ 4M be JUM 11, 1942, -
Live oak CO.‘8 oa
9 8houlalike to knowvhrthw OP notug
tUe -hi8 oPi~lOclit8ieUt rho&k wP-
ritted to huh aocwurraat vith th4 tire h4 i8 DOV
8VpViog ia the U. 8. l'enit;uLttiJat Lemeavopth,
tLv~:~~ &lf!yg: ~/!;2g: 4n ** dato Of
“u80, iti v%OV Of th0 SWdpt t4kOR iPUU
the ah&Xi, together vith tha wuel j\rds*nrt
o? tb8 Qourt in tba tvo Iur 488ar ~e8elted in
Live Oak County, 18 the %%a8 FPi8Oa S-to8 ob-
li(ledto return Baird to it8 $xPllildiotioia rt the
Upir&tiOn Of hi8 t8l’B ilh h&P41 fi1800, OP
rhotidthe Uh4Plff,of LiV4 ask OOuDtJ b4 P4QuiP-
ed to delirep hl.8 to either the Penitentiu7 0~
it8 mt.*
‘2hi8 18 lrOt 4 qUO8tiOQ Of 8OlttWL408t4P dii?OPOnt
OffOn by diifeF@lrt 8oUPt8 Of tb 8UL 8OVOPOigRtJ.
*hi8 8 gW8tiOlh oi
18 84!4tOM4S by differeat
@SAti fO? biti.Wnt OffOM48.
-7 l eonvl4ted crldlarl rho h8 been tried, 8Olp-
t4n44d &Rd Oorpitted UEd4P OW 8ttrt4 2RV8, b UtV h O
end vhlle thus a Su&tlre from justloo 4 t8 4aOth4P OPbO
S@il28t the hV8 Of UAOthOP 8OVeFOi@ktJ 4&d ha8
been ePPe8te6, aOnvi+%Od an6 8eat4naed to the Wlersl pl8on
b7 ?edrral aothOPltie8, Poorire oredlt SOP the tine rorto6
EonOPable J. 0. Robertr, pege 3
in the ?oderal p18OthOtlhiS 4 o mnft84 ntuna
th e
Stats 8eatenaeT
uo th ink
no t.
If U. h4ld Oth4ml84, then iri8Uoh
a uue the &ate
vould bo pov4Pl488 to punish an atfender
wia8t it8 hV8.
?wtbexmoPe it veula 4ll4v (100rrend.r
60 d808t 4hOO84 hi8 8O.Or.f&& Of l8l3?.‘18OBmlt Uld ro-
08iV4 andit 00 M lUliW 8oIlteU44b7 4aoth4r 4nd dliior-
on6 rarereignty f4r S dlffereat 4rl84, tb lmprl84nveat of
el84 4 p ea .
To hold ot&orviso would nulllQ the &hat of our
State OOUP88’ jtld&Wnt8 ti 8Ollt8M~8.
I8 People u relr lbOPP6lUJ** Th44lp84a,'l922.x.
693, 358 I& 81, da OOuTt’8dd 48 e 8-&P 84t oi frot8#
‘In ths 4480 beiou 01 the oorPt8 vere of
too lotltmly dl.Siwet roveroigntler aab th4 tvo
&a08 oi oonflaemeat vow 418o entin dirtor-
et&; Th. PUb rolfed Q9 (4On4uPPent 8OtitOtt448)
OUlMt k 88b 60 l 15 60 th8 MI@ Of l v18Ol%-
lr 8ont4n44d b7 a 8 r864 oourt to th4 It&to ma-
1t4ntiu7 for 4s ofi*lue dgalnst state hV8 ma
the 8UU pl8orur! (uO@P) 84NmUMd 60 l f&P8i
$i;“! fOP W Off0484 +ASt th8 1W8 Of th.
. .
In Ihcctr Uhfto, 2% ?F 756, 50 Ok& Or. 163,
tb0 OoUPt hdd t t VhOPO 8WltOM.8 4P4 wS4d b dfttOP-
the7 Un 8OIbtM4.8 w diif.Pent jW18-
not mn 4onourr4nt1y.a
Arrdin m put0 Tanuer, (sup. 00. mu. ), 175 P.
81, t&o eoubt uld "that petltlorrervu not vhlle la the
Ohl~pl~b~&, Of tha kUf0Pn.h jutlg-
7g.p that he oaamot beg ar4Ulbd vlth m7 rtlea of 8UOh
T& P O, th r l808 a pPlS4naP had been irOIl& fU
Ohio 8~01,~ U~itily PO r WU 60 (klffO* t0 flnf8h hi8
ROP aP8 vo unmlnarul of Bx ptLPt*Lw800, 98 TU.
Cr. ~pp. 555, 266 2.N. 1151, vhero at tb8 tiu oi rentenee
Hormrable J. 0. Roberts, gage 4
b7 our State aotwt, the 4oorlot vu rrrrl tlu
prison, and the fallur4 to a00m0 ln the tat0 oourt 8en- 7
in the U.S.
tense that it 8hOtid be a~r0PPeamil POl888&fP018ha-
oral penlteatl.u~, left tha raMnor oonaurreat with that
of ?eda~al, in tiev of 44d4 provi8ion a042ricy thnt ter8
Shll 4~B44 ?PU tf#O O? 8WtULO.e
l8ent P04oa, it 18 apparent
that at the t L tlw rentenao ~a8 antem UI&OP
vhloh th4 N-tog 18 am held, ha, vlth the
Im0ui* 0s th0 i08~6 jtdg0 a4 tPf4a th0
OQIO, W&8 4 LpfSOtAOP Of tb Onit06 dktO8 ~OV-
OFM.86 fB 4U864dy
Of it8 Off184P8, urd Oopi-
fO0; tOO8;z f8
it8 &34aib4QtbPf fW a VP-
It WI ObViOWly spoilt
that, gi?iDg .&t t0 thf8 840641104, th4 PO-
htOP’8 t4P8 Of irpri8OllWat ti th4 864t4 pi8Oll
00da nab be@n until relu806
he VU m8 the
frbaal pmltentluy~ ?08808806 Of kMltl-
lage it vould se48 orld4nt th6t 16 lta8 vlth%a
tha ~l8or*tloa of the hirtriot 4ouPt 0r tha
8t.860 ti Whf4h f&O POmd VU 4-06 60 de-
Okn in the j&&WLtthat th4 beginning0i hi8
re~rloe ia tha ponitentlur7 oi the 8tato of
temu should bo dormrod until rtilrared by the
rclderalaUthoTltle8. The failure to lauosporate
thi8 in th4 juwnt, under the 0lFOUMtUWb8,
seems to us to Up17 an lntont to loa+r the wn-
t8anela th4 rtate oowt 0404umrnt vlth that
inthe ?ederal oowt~ wept ia 04848 Oi .I)-
4ap4 of the 5W184WF astep oon~l4tlon,we 4re
avap4 of no ln4Wn408 in vhloh 10 hs8 bun ju-
"*ho obvious 4Oll8tPWti~ af uti4h 825
(nolt utl4le 862) is 8irp1l, ahi --b h st r h e a l
Honorable J. C. Roberts, page S
party is oondesnnedto the penitentiary for 8n;l
tern of month8 or year8 he au& be imprisoned
ln the penitentiary, but, rfter h4 has reaahal
end bean rotiml.lyaonfined in said peniteutlaxy,
the term OS hi8 lmprlnonmrnt raay be lstlm4ted
to be(ylnfrom the date of rentenoe.'
Tie h4+4 neither found nor been referred
to any preoodent to the contrary. The otbr do-
olrlon8 to whloh OUT attention ha8 been dxmnn,
in so fa r lo they throw Ilght upon the rubjaet,
8O(IP$0 f8VOP r8ther thati099080 th4 X-418%&8
Q48itiOll. See hr part0 D8tlr Tl Tsx. Or. B.
538, 180 8.1. 469, 8U9lr. WA18 the quertlon
18 not free fmfi dff?iOtitl, , . .*
It will be ob84ned thet in the taatr you preeent
the 8itUatiOll 18 reirraed 88 regard8 the 8OAtOnOO8 ln point
OS tin. by the 8OVOrd'JhtiOO.
firther, the oourt18 14ngu4g4 ln E'rpart4 Leneon,
8~91-8,show8 that the oourt rballzsd lt war ah uriusu81ritu-
atlon, tlmt tno different rorerelgntlas worn lnrolred, thr
w eoullar taat8" of the ease, and tb wd180ratlon of the
d Prtrlot oou** in determining .the plaoe or senloo (Federal
or Stat0 prlron) OS the 8entenoe.
Wheroln, would the State hare that dlsomtlon it we
shotid hold he reoelres ondlt? Wherein, l? wo should hold he
reoelre8 oredlt, do48 the State wish for 8 tlolatlon 0s it8
1aW8? IS Ye 8hould hold ho x'eo4 P~44 oredit, de we not nullify
our State 0Ourt~8 judgment end aent.enoe?
In rler of the raregoing end in enawer to your first
que8tloa, we ieel &ird'8 time under hle orlgbal ooaaltment
8hOUfd be 8tO994d On the d8t4 Of tit8480890 ?mS jail.
With regard to your reoond question, wo feel it 1s
oontrokled by our Opinion Ho. 04slS, dated June 2, lore, a
OOpy O? whloh We 4M108..
Bonarable J, C. llobdte, &m&e 6
I . where, a1 in tht8 0880, a party ha8 been
lega& ~hergab under the 18~s oi :he 8tate with an
otienee, and this cee)ahas been proeeoutcrd6Ad OOA-
tlotion eAd judgmnt found sgain6t him affiruLA8 the
truth of the racltterscontained in the Lnformition
and adjuaslllgull the ooaaeq~enoee or ooA~lotloA,
it would aeem that IA rea8on tnat artar 8uoh oa~rlo-
tlon he ootid be extradited. .I a;x parts aerg-
man, 60 Tex. Crfaz.8, 130 3. 'illi7b.
b the %TeKtt Baird WaiVO8 lxtr4dltlon, W ?iAd A0
rtatutory duty on llther the rherirr or tha &%%8OA 8$8t4a
to go to the lo&m11 pnltsntiary 8t Learrnworth and
lg a nt
return the prboner. A Texar 3aager nag be a%At with lnrtruo-
tfon8 to return hLa to ~uAt8rllle.
Xi he r4Su8e8 to walre sxtradltlon, the Oorornor
say, U9OA proper 899lloatlon, oonml8slo~ any suitable parson
to take 8uoh roqui8ition.
Za oamot say there ia an abllgatioa ax nna miw
than the Oth%rto %rr%otthe rclturnor IMlrd after hle oerv-
100 of Federal 8e~ten40.
therefore oaanot anmer your aecoA4 question
Trusting thfr aati8faotorily an8w%r8 your inQufry,
V%Py tw YOU8