ysaorrble ii. Pot Sduardt
civil IJiotriot Attorney
DOll~O COtUltr
Dallas P rtxos
pear b.r. EZdwardoi
populttlan or only
tits’ tad lopeci~l
portmttt heed. tram
on0 on aomptnwtfon
Article 72)12e.
otter or Ptbrumy ¶I,
0, at its Regular
nd 82!l, ilouot Bill
ot tilt aerlotd
an amendment to Sub-
or the Acts ot the
OD’O ADnotated
on (la). Kouoo
Bptofel Ltwo ot
and klouot Bill
page 744 of the Special Loma of maid
a&id iLouse bill YO. 223 being Art. !wl2e, Ssc-
Uon l@(b) UDOD~ other provisions, provide8 es folluwo~
l*Yhene~tr amy dlotriot or oountr ottiter, or
precinct ofiiotr rhen suoh prtointt offlctr is comptnuted
on a eeltry baoie, with the oxatption OC diotrlat attorneys
and criminal district lttornqo, &ml1 require the services
et deputies, loolotonto and eap~o~tto, in the ptrfO?mo?soe
et No dudea, he eholl apply in writing te the Cotiooien-
era L'ourt or hie county for authority to appoint suah dspu-
fio~oroble u. Pot IUloordo- page 2
LIMOS looiotmto, and slplo~oto, moh wr itten
o aWOrD t0 WId t0 Set fort6 tht IIUmbU’DOOded, the
;&&tiooo to br riiiod, the dutlO8 to be pcfrrmd, sad
as smount of compenutioa to be paid. * andI
o'hob mOh 8pplleOtlOn eholl bt 8000mp~ied by
l sto tta tnt ohmlag the probable reoeipto from rtoa, eoa-
~oolo~o, and oompawtloa to be cOllO0tsd b7 the ottlot
lt the OftiOor oo lpplyiog &bring the firno 7rar ~hieb
till laclml~ oil oolori40 oad txpenoto or ouch oftloe,
& Reid Court oh811 oak8 its ordk outbborioin~ the opi
~eiDtPODt or UOb dOputloo, lo o iItM ts , eqdgeeo
la rlx the Ootpon8atiOn to be paid them within tho rfrrto-
~~ooo herein preecribul and determine the number to be*
po&nted, lo in tbo diourotioa oi ooid Vourt may stem proper.9
*&ml furthor protidto~
hat mnximm compenution which mof be ollored to
the doputlto, asSiStant sod omplo~eeo ot the otticero berebr
~iected for thtlr ltrviceo eholl be as folloro~
'*Pirot Aooiot8at or ChieS Deputy not to exceed
rhroe Fhouoond, 61x Hundred Dolloro (@,dOO.DO) per annum,
one Aoalotont chief Deputy not to excsed Three Tbmocnd Dol-
r-ted hereby oh011 rboeirs not ltio thon~fhree Thoiiond Dil-
lore (@,(000.00) per onou6 provided lurthtr thot hoods ot
deportteats aoy ooob be al i owed by the Comwiooiooero Court,
when ntoeoaary in the judgment ot 8uoh Court, to reatl~e PC-
lpeotire oolorioo Dot to oxxoeedtho rate of ho Theuoond,
Pito Hundred Dolloro ((Z,bOO.OO) per onouoi,ehen ouch heads
or departments Sought to bC rppointfd oboll hove pr~riouol~
served the county or dlotriot by which they ore employed
for not less than tso (2) oolrtinucus yehro, but no herd of
l deportment oh011 bo creoted traept ehorr the person oought
to bo appointed is to be in ltu81 CbugS et the deportment
with deputies or oooiotonte Under his oupenloion, ani ouob
Leads of departIGODt0 shall oalP be rppoiatod la etficeo oop-
able of l bsoo iido oubdiridon lnte deprtmeato~ prorlded
rurthor, that la 811 oountloo affected by this Act, having
acre than one Dietriot Court or Crlm.inal D&strict Court, tho
deputies o r looiotonto of the Diotrlct Clerk, rho or0 regulor-
lp lOdgDtd to servo in euch Courts l o clerks, shall be ‘coa-
SoDorable Al.Pot Edoordo - py;e !)
~@red as heads Of departteats Within the seanlng of thio
WOIAOO bill NO. 822 being 7OrnOD'o H0~18cd Ciril
gtotuteo, Art1810 7262 as to oountieo having a population
LO ~000~ Of Sb8&00 inhabitrats, provides 00 tOllO~0~
owe l l prorldod, that in counties herin& l popu-
1*tion 0e three hundred 8Dd fifty-Give thouband (m8,ooo)
•~ more 8ooorUiDg to the loot preceding Federal Ctnouo, the
~o0eooor 8nd ~olleotor of %x00 may In addltlon contract
with loD8cial deputieom heria~: 8oeclol ttchniool training,
ofill. lDd tXPtPitat8 for tbbe ~pOOt Of 8Odttin~ him in
nd up otrtl es and int*f
91 oil and mineral btarlne 1 ado
e*tO therein, l
induotrlal nd"uDu~actur~nr plonto, and other
promrtieo r h tF 0 lDecia1 tcchnlcal skill and training is m-
In addition thereto ouch lpociol otdotanto, clerl-
%P' , locounting , or rt enoC;rapher, 08 coy be neoeooary to con-
duct the orgonio8tlon herein proridod for aDd to early out
the purpooco of this Act my be applied for 8nd appointed in
lue canner pwldtd they oboll be lp p o lnted only ror the pur-
poooo CODOi8ttXItwith thlo Act. Ia addition thereto, the Au-
eowr and Collector of Taxes oball bo authorized to apply for
tbt appoimtuent of 8 l pec~al head of the automobile dlridon
of No o fficatea lalor~ Dot to exaeed ho Thousand, Shen
nundrtd Dollaro ($2,700) per emus. The tonperrution to be
paid ouch loptoiol depublto* old lopociol outooobile deport-
aeat hoad* oball be oubjtot to tho opproral of the Ccmo,iosion-
ore Court and the County Auditor, and limitatlono upon the
8mouDt Of uch ooeiDeautfon rlowhere Drwided shall not lp-
ply. The oontrrot ot cmplopent oh011 be for l dtC$nitt tom,
Dot oxtending beroW the term Of office of the Aootooor and
COllOCtOr, and obbll be udo upon uorn applic8ticn tc tht
~ommfooionerr Court obowing the nweoeity tbereror, and ohall
be oubject to lpprorol both 08 to oubotonoe and 08 to term by
Court aad by the County Auditor.’
r8eOtion t Of floaoo Bill lo, 222, bdnC; tbe amn&
meat to Artlolo 7262, which 6tctloo 2 is not mhom in the
Ytrmoo*o awised Civil statuttr, road0 00 r0ii080t
“‘The faot no nuns
is now proridar
that by which
the ~oottoor and collector lr Suet mty ebttin finftmtian
upon which to base ourrent looeoomtnt ot properties where
technical lk.llland training is rtqulred, that be ia thertbf
yooorable J. Pat Edmard. - p.g. ,
bo& to take rendition8 of muoh property at the r8lue fixed
n the wrier, that tberebJ &my prOperWe tmoape their just
of the burden OS taxation, lnd the further t8ot that
-k!?!4! 9 srtrtc
e CO~8titutional Hule
&&'i& bill8 te be r-&d on three mbppuate daya la each
your@ be, and it ia hereby mumptndrd, and thlm Act 8b.11 take
offeat .nd be in full Pore. fro& .nd after its passage, mnd
1% 1. SO emoted.
*Inquiry ham been made to t&i8 offloe for oonmtruct-
i.n of t&s a b o ve
ltatutem .m to the limit8tiam placed tbsreby
upon the malaria8 rbioh omn be legally paid to the Ueputies ot'
tbc A8me88or and Golleator of rues ot Dell.8 County, (nail..
count having a population In excemm of tbree hundred and fifty-
f&a thousand .~dS!jS,OoO) inhsbitaatm), and X 83all thtrefert
appreoiate your emmistance on the point8 in issue.
.lt im our opinion the prmidoos ot tloume Bill No.
222 likecialLa~m al the 46th begi8lature 1939, amending Arti-
elb 7262, namely 8 *The oomptnmation to be paid much S eci81
68 and Sp~lal Autqg$&&le UtaQ mball be arbject -fniz o
opprural or &he Comudmmiooer8 Court and County Autlitor, and
~iuitationm won the amount oi much oomvenmation elrewbcre
r0lid.d shall Dot applx,’ lam. tht eaaept 8. to those
+&Ipe.Lal C.puti.8 having mp@eial teohnieA1 t?a.lning, sldll
and uperiennoe, and UIoept am to uid 8Special Automobile Ct-
partment Uead' the llmitationa am to ululem lf .I1 other
deputitm, apt&al a8m.i8tant8, eleri881, acefnmting or steno-
grapher. de *pply.
gIlti cinimtruatfonocaure to u8 im bormaut by the
emergency olaume ot noume Bill lo. 222 abate (ueted in that
the reamon fo rth e lpeuial ammndneat et Bourna bill Ro. 822
in lo far am ularier are aoaotratd ia 8et Cortb mm 'the
further taot that salary iirdtatioam upon deputies ssrployed
tor the purpose of pertortin~ the ordiau~ olerio81 &diem
In him ottice make it impo8sible to abtdn ttalmia~lly train-
ed and skilled permonn 8ompettnt to ebtaln the aeetsma~ date
Ujm which to determine proper raluatina8 at pcoprty in rbitb
8~tci.l teohnloal kno~lsdne utd tralnlng is required.*
yootrtblt 11.Pat lzdwardm- page I5
*in othw words,
~8 belle?e that tbe lim.itatlonm
lm-to the maximum ularle8 plaoed upon the deputies, am-
d8t8nt8 and employees of the Tax Ammemmor and Collector
by ~tiolm 3912e, Seation 19(h), applies to all of hle
depUtie8, Sp ec ia l88iD
l ta heler
t8, io a ol, eo u nting
stW“6J'. era, and all him eoiploTee8uoept those 'special
&putieS oh hating lpeoial technleal trtiniw, skill and ex-
perLtnoe rith whom he ~7, with the permimrion ot the Coo-
J88ionerm Court, mteC into a l p4clal aontraet, and the
8peeial bead of the automobile dirldon, ~bO8e malaq is
8peoifioall~ tixed at Twenty seven Suadred Dollars (f~toO.00)
per annum~
*Our eonmtruotion baa been questioned by the Tax
~sge88or and collector, who contends that the legal tfftaf
of Article 7262 in so far am maae la applicable to coun-
ties hating a population of more than three hundmd and
fifty-five thousand (2SS,OOO) inhabltantm, is to remove
entirely the lfmltatlonm plaoed upon the nlarlem payable
by him by Article 3012t, paragraph h. Pe eontends that by
designating him deputies or epeplojeteam (mptoial ammimtant,
clerioal, accountant or stenograpbtr* he my pay much etn-
ploytt any 8um he cay determint, wbfect, of course, to the
approval of the Camui8sloners Court.
Will you, therefore, kindly advise whether or not
rou oan conour in our opinion that the prorimion of Article
72&i? that *li~Itation8 upon the amount of much oor.ptneatlon
elmevhtre provided &all not Apple* removes from the limita-
tiOD8 fixed br Article 2Ql2e, Section h, s those 'Spsclal
Deputlts~ having lptoial teobniaal training, skill and ex-
perience 81th whom the Tax Ammemmor and Colltator may enter
Into a special contraot with the approval of the Coadmsion-
ermiiourt and the gSpooial Automobile Depertment Btad:m
We have oareSull7 considered the bill and statutes
mentioned above, parts of same being met out In 8ubmtance by
you. CO conour in your well-Cea8ontd Opinion, end adopt
maait am the opinion of this DepaCtEmt.
verr truly yours
Robert 1;. Lattimort, Jr.‘/