Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS. b AUSTIN Honorobl e L. Yaokeohnq, tmperint endent : Uiahit8 Palle Mate Hospital Box mo . Habit8 Palle, Pexar the disoharge of tary patient, the above subject matter in the cted by the Board all our'roluntary here longer than, em readmItted by this patient's relatireo do not nor live in Tarroat Couaty,, and the patient ia not here, I doubt:if S bare )uriodiotiOn to try the 6a8e in this a0untf.f *Our next letter =a8 mriiten te Yr.'@.s. Cloyd of iiereford, Texas, who is then father of our patient, orrd amk him to ha90 hla daugh- ter re-committed by jury trial. Judge Ored Ponorable h. Yaokeohney - page 2 X.Baird of Do& BmithCOunty informs us that rinse hias ,Cloyd did.AOt locom- pany her S&her te Deaf smith County rhen he established resideAOe there, that he rtiuld hare no jurisdiction in tgi4 oaae. We are at a loss PI to what aounty should try this patient. lot only hare me had this trouble with Miae Cloyd'u ease, but with several of our othsr rol- untary patienta.@ Xour inquiry in onsrered by the prori,aions of mtiole gddla, kkeviwhi Civil tstatutee, Vernon*4 Codlfioation, as follorr: *If information in writing under oath be given to any county Judge that any person in his oounty, not aharged with a ariminal oitenae, is a person o? unsound mind, and that the welfare OP either auoh person or any other person er pwaons requires that he be placed under restraitlt, and euch county Judge shall believe such iA?ormatioA to be true, he shall forthwith issue a war- rant f'or the apprOheAsiOA oi eubh per- BOA, or, if such like information be given to any justPoe of the peaoe IA such oouAtf, mid justiae may issue a rarrant for the appreheaaioA of said person, making said ooA@aint and mr- raAt returnable to,tho oouaty court of said aouaty, and~said county judge in either event shall fix a time and plaoe for the hearing and determination of the matter, either in tore tiaie or in vacation, rbioh plaoe shall be either at the court house of the county, or at the resideme of the person named, or at any other place in the county, Abe the oounty judge may deem best for such hearing. Potioe at the time, place aAd : (I: 78 ., . Honorable L. ka&eahUe$ - p&i 3 : purpose oi ruoh heariag shall be served upon tha person charged, such Aotloe to be Under the haad 4nd seal of the oouAt9 olerk or.eaid oounty, and served and re- turned by th0 Sheriff or a COAtStable Of such coUnty, and the return to stat.4 the time and place of aemioe~ 8uoh notite 4hall be 8erred not 1404.than three da94 prior to the day of hearing.' This Seation, when eonaidered as it should be in the.light of the rsaaining-portion of the Artiole, indicrate4 that the proseeding should be iA4tituted and maintained in the oounty wherein the person: 4ought to be adjudged IS theA to be found. The juriediotion is thus given to the OOUAtp wherein 4uob per4on may be round, in the interest of expediting the matter not only for the sake oi the in- ditidual primarily ooncerned, but likexi4e of other4 as well. IA Opinion go, -O-4988 this Department held that #the per4oA mought to b4 charged with lunae9 must be phy4ioally preeent within the county (of'the PrOCeediAg) at the time of the making or the 1Aformation.s It 14 not, therefore, a question of the dondcile, legal or aotual residanoe rhatsoeter of the person thus charged; on the contrary, it is a question of' the preSeAae of auoh person within the juri8diCtiOA -- county -- of,the court whose duty it is to determine such queotion. 001s gpeer Assistant