Romrahle Jim Weatherby, page 3
a State h08Mal for the mnta y Ill for not sxos8&ing
ni~f~ day& for 0beervetIon an or treatment, and etwrb
so'.uW jWP shall believe suoh lniormtlon to be true,
he shall forthwIth, in term tk or vaoatlon, fix a day
and plao0 iOF the hearing and dstermintng Of the matter,
whlah plaoe shall ba *Ither in tbr co~hows of the
aounty, or at the resldenoe 0s the pem00 md, or at any
oth0r place in the oowy (IS tSro county juago my eeua
bs8t for swh person and shall give notice to such @rson
or the time anh ?lace of suoh herrin&. mm xmnnox and
rn;~xW~~~~'*uQh hewing 18 rpeolticmlly set trut in she
. The .statut* imposer 116 duty upon the aolulty
attormey $0 reyreesnt the State In slmh im6ringrr or~plto-
OPinion No, OwIi112104
sf this department hold8
that it's@ not the dutp' of the oaunty rttorney to mpre-
sent the 3tate fin a proeeedlng authorized by ArtA0.l~
31930-l. v. A. T. 0. 3.. an4 that UId 8t8tute 40e8 not
provide ior a.LL fee8 for orri~n ~ortd~tbg hear&~
under aaId art I ale. WO en010ss hareriCh a copy Of Said
0ginm for 90~ InrOmaion.
M PointedQut in oplalonHo. wisaB4,Prcpoaaa-
Imp under Article 51030-1, V. A. T. c. 3.. am sot 1-0~
groOa*6~IUP, and Uut Artiols S&l, V. A. T. E. 8.1 Plre-
vldlng fe- for o~ioer8 and Juror8 in iuway *asal, ha
no 8pplloet ion.
Seation 3 or ArOiole 919804, pro~ldc8,amon1~
OtAOS thlngqtbat the oounty ohall provia* t,nmtiwartatlon
to and Pr003 tha State !rorgltal for 8uoh per8On tempom?d~Y
mmmlttod to suoh ho8pltal by the countp oourt, but that+
the aounty Sk11 bo raimburaed for sutih etpexms8.ii the
patient or relatives are finanoiay ls&o to pay 8u0h
Btatut~~8 preooribing fee8 for p&blIo 0lfIee~ er8
strictly construedi end hame a ri&t fO fees my.not YS8t
in iaplioation. MoCalla v. city o? HWcdaSs, M-6 8. W*
Thho con8titutiof; rhOa the 003pnsation of oer-
t&n ofricers and authorlzee the,tsgIalature to provide by
I.QW for th. CO:~peneetlon of all othar ofilOSi'~, 8emt*,
q'cantu, and ;ubllo ~Ontrr:~otora. Pur#uant te the tkuthfJfitar
tl:ua cOnf%rrad, numrous atatutem hare beea passe4 fidW
the aO=~On8abfw iOr YWioU d88hS Of OffiOW8. AS herein-
abOv8 8,trted the eompeMatioa of
publlo otfiosra fti flied
by the Coaatftuticm or btatutes~ hn off$oer MY not clal?
or rrsoh nay somy vtthout e kr authorizing hka to 40 80,
and clearly fixing the amount to whiah he is entltlod.
Sinford ?. IiobiiMGn, !3443. W. 80'11 fdQl,Mnaa County v. Bog..
~888, 3111 8. PI. 346; Duo108 *. lkrrlr County, 891 9. w. 6U,
aSCirnnd 898 6. R. &I; CrOSby County Cattle Co. v.,881 8. w* 8W.
*rtlal* 3l#Zb-1 4088 not provideany fess for any
aCfi8erenor UO*Q it provide for aay~8oat.sto be taxe4
the oounty Or tha eatsto of the tmspOFarilf oostdttd
paxson. Se have alm bwn usrblr to find any SbptUtO nhieh
pwddu that the ooak of such preo*cwngs ehsuld be pai4
a8 the 00868 in 1UJWOy plWJW4fLt&S, OiYil SUit#, O?i?hiti
sasos or any other prmomll~sr
&bwwYrr if th8 fdM'%ff tI'U~O2tS 8 WFSDn tU-
paxwily to a IHate hcmpltal umker roper.stidsr
of the aoan, wa thlak under Sehofi.on 3 cpf Art f a18 2519%-l
the 00m;l 0h 0a pdepth ea 024 tr fo rh i0 lotw r~p8ti888
iemarr~ In tho trcrtiportatitali Ol SUOh RbLYOa to t&O 8t8t0