A-m.““.Y’ OsYm”AL
Hon. Slerveland Devla - pups 2
"1 have boon roquestinl to advise under the
provisions of thie firtlols if tb4 Sheriff of
Brazorle County i4 entltlad to gay his fir4t
4ti8iGt4Xt ia OhGrge Or OiVil k84tttW8 the 8Wa Of
$2OGG.O@ per annum and his oblei daputy ln
ohaqe Of oriminal mettors the 81~4 of Q2GOC.00
per onnuxi umtar this sootion Ibof Article 3902.
“It wOU,lE Q~peSYr frm rORdh@ %OtlOn
2 or Artiol4 3902 thnt th4 aberirf 18 8OBiiXOd
to one rlrat easiatnnt or rtr8t ds uty to whom
ha saripay a aelary~ not to exooad x 2000.00 per
annua. Or.%tbo Other hand, 8U8b a ,OOn8trUOtiOn
mif,,t be placed ox tnir seotion thnt would
eBtit&O thQ shariir to a rir8t 688$8tant in
ohsr@ rzi oiril matter8 4t.@OO0.00 p8r 8naum
and a ohief deputy in oharg8 of arlnlnal aatter8
~rho oan receive not to exacosod#OOO.OO p8r annum.
x 8bil tk5Xik fOU t0 4dVi8eWhiOh Of thO80 OOI%-
OiU8iOn5 Of i8W 18 OOIT4Mt.”
After oarsfully aanriid8rU@Article 5902, Varnon~8.
AXBOtekd Girt1 8tatats8, tt 18 8pp8lWlt
th8t lb Pa8 OOB-
tenplated by the Is@?islstuxv that 4117 8trPot, l QT oauxty
p~eOinOf orriaw roquirlng th8 8ervfoes dagUtht8, or an8iet-
ant8 or olork8 in th4 perraraaxo8
hi8 duties, 8uoh ofriaer
i8 OOBihed t0 O@ first M48iSt8At Or i%8t deptlty t0 whoa
he aan laally pay the aaxlmu8 8alary mithorieed
by the
prOVi8iOX8 Of 8eid 8t8tllte 8pp11Odde to hi8 oO&Ulty. 8WtiOR
e of artlole ?I?OL18 8pplloobl,8 to BraIIOrl5~OoMty sad th8
nexirrun 8alary sutharixedby 88id prOri8ion thet oiB ls&ally
h'mid th8 first 885i4tMl'Or ahid deputy i8 #Z,OOOQOX'
snnua, other Pe8btant8, do uti88 or olork8 omMOt ba psid
an 8~~8~ esl.srygxpeading 81900 per 8lUhU 8aoh. %%4nfOrO,
it l8 our opinion that tho Sherirf 0r Brsaarla4annot
legally pay th4 narlmum salar;l of $2000 per 4nUm to ht8
8hiaI deputy nnd'e&30 pay @ClOG per 4nWm t4 4 p4r8on dO8&
nat4d 48 his first 444ist4Bt.
3takd oaeth4r wry, the Sharlff 18 OOnfiBsd to one
first 44sletsnt~or rirat U4puty to whom he oan leg8lly pay 4
salary not 4xoseding $2000 psr anna
suppartlng the foregoing statement, %mdlr~ot your
nt:eatiou to mr Gplnion Ho. o-91 p44sing upon a queetlon
similar to the one preeanted in your ioquiry. X4 4BO1054 4
00~3 Or 84fd OptBiOR fQr YOU!005V4!11OnO4~
Yours very truly
BY /a/ Aird*I.lrll114m8
/8/,arar*r S4114rs