Aon. 0. c. Olaoa
County Attorney
nink1.r cowlty
Perml t, Tama
19!45, reque6tlQ ths
opinion of this d uostion stated therein,
la aa followat
10 in 12 equal monthly ln-
a of the above oplnlon, 18
ers’ Court oi Wnklor County, %xas,
ay nuoh County Treasurer of Ylnklsr
the 11% eddltionsl under Caotlon 15
20 V.A.C.S.0 At your rarlleat oon-
all appreoiatr hesrlng fraa you re-
Tat refer to our opinion No. O-6358, sddrrssed to you,
haldiM in efieot tbrt the ikmm~saioMrs~ htrt o? Yinkler County
oan legelly fix the ealarles of oountp offloers for the year 1945,
at an ll$ lnoresas over snd above the msxlmum allowed suoh oiil-
oera by law on August 24, 1935.
EI>n. 0. c. Olaoll, Page 2
faoticn 15 of Artlola 3912e, Vernon*8 Annotated
civil ftetutas, provldea, in parts
*The ooaOLiaaloasra~ court in oountlea hering
a population of leas than Twenty Thousand (20,000)
lnhabltanta, aooordlng to the lrat prsoedlag Federal
Census, at the first regular meetin@ in January of
osoh oalendar year, mey pass an order providing fca
oaPlpenaatlon of 011 county and preolnot offloara on
a aaluy baala. The oommlaalonor8’ oourt ln aaoh of
such oouatlea la hereby authorized, and lb ahall be
his duty to fix the aalarloa oi orimlnal district
attorneya. In the event auoh oourt paaaea auoh order,
they shall per to eaoh of said Ufatriot end oounty
ofrioars In money an annual salary in twelve (12)
equsl lnatallmenta of not lea8 than the total sum
earned es compenaatlon ror aald otfioera in said
0rri0iai oepeclty for the flsoel year 1935 nnd not
more than the maximum allowed such officer under
laws cxiatlng Augaat 24, 1935, provided, that the
oountlea having a populatl3n of leaa then l%enty
Thousand (20,000) lnhabltanta, aooordlng ti the last
preosding Federal ConBus, and havln an aasaased
valuation in exoaaa cr Tan :Irllllon 74~10,000,000)
.Dollera, tooording to the last preoedlng approved
tax roll of auoh oounty, the maximum allowed such
ofiioers as aalarlea msy be lnoreased One (1’5) per
oent for eaoh One Mllllon ($l,OOO,OOO) Dollars
valuatloa, or a frmtional part thereof, in e~~eaa
of aafd Ten Yll?lon ($lO,OOO,OOO) Dollnra valuation
over and above the maximum amount mllowed auoh offl-
oers under ths law8 existing on Au&uBt 24, 19351 pro-
vided, however, no 6alarlea oovwed by &la aootlon
shall exceed the sum of Four Thousand ylve Hundred
($4,500) Dollars regardless ot tlie ptiroentaga of in-
oraaaa ln population snd valuation and provide4 tur-
ther that in all counties havln(g a population of not
leaa than Twenty Thousand and One (20,001) rnd not
more than Twenty-five Thousand (25,OOO), lo o o r dlng
to the lest preoedlng Fader81 Canaua, and whloh her
an aoaeaaed valuatlon in 0x0088 0r Twenty-five Mllllon
(~25,000,000) Dollars, aooording to the last peoedlng
approved tax rolls of auoh oounty, the oounty judge,
aherifi, county attorney, a6sentor and oolleotor o?
taxea, county olerk and dlatrlot olerk, the maximum
aalarlea hereby fixed at Three Thousand Seven Hundred
and Fifty (63,750.00) Dollara. . . . . .v
Hon. G. C. Olson, page 3
wlnkler county haa a population ot 8,141 lnhabl-
tants according to the 1940 Peboral Censur, and a tax ralua-
tion of $20,819,098.00 aooordlng to the 1944 approved tax
rolls, and the oommlss1 onera* oourt of said oounty has passed
an order providing for the oompnsation of dl county otfloers
on a salary baris. Therefore, 3eotion 15 of Artiolo 3912a
is applloable to aald oounty.
The county troasurrr 0r winklar County, a8 well a6
other oounty 02floialr 0r said oounty, le ooapensated on an
annual salary basir rather than on II faa or 0omds8fon basir.
when the oounty trmamrer is oouqmnaated on an annual salary
basis, Article8 3941, 3942 and 3943 are not agplloable to the
extent of llmltln& the additional oompeneatlon of the oounty
treasurer as authorized by Seotlon 15, Article 3912s.
In view of the foregoing, your qudatlon 1s answered
in the affirmative,
Yours very truly